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1、英语语法手册助动词 助动词的形式与作用1)英语常用的助动词(auxiliary verb)有shall,will,should,would,be,have,do等。助动词一般无词义,不能单独作谓语动词。助动词在句中的作用,在于帮助构成各种时态、语态、语气、否定和疑问结构等。如:China has entered a great new era. 中国已进入了一个伟大的新时期。(帮助构成完成时态)Some boys are playing on the grass. 一些男孩正在草地上玩。 (帮助构成进行时态)Mother is written by Gorky. 母亲是高尔基写的。 (帮助构成

2、被动语态)We Shall have the football match if it does not rain.如果不下雨,我们就赛足球。(帮助构成将来时态和否定结构)Do you see my point? 你明白我的意思吗?(帮助构成疑问结构)注在否定结构中,not须放在助动词后面。2)助动词加not一般都有简略式,用于口语中。如:is not-isnt would not-wouldntare not-arent B:nt have not-haventwas not - wasnt has not-hasntwere not- werent wE:nt had not-hadnts

3、hall not-shant FB:nt do not-dont dEuntwill not-wont wEunt does not-doesntshould not-shouldnt did not-didntbe助动词be的形式变化和动词be。be作为助动词的用法有下列几种:1)be后跟动词的现在分词 可以构成各种进行时态。如:The driver is cleaning the car.司机在擦车。Yesterday afternoon we were discussing a new plan.昨天下午我们在讨论一个新的计划。Women in our country are playi

4、ng an important part in socialist construction.我国妇女在社会主义建设中正起着重要的作用。2) be后跟动词的过去分词 可以构成被动语态。如:A lot of consumer goods are made of nylon.许多消费品都是尼龙作的。The Flower Show is usually held here in October. 花展通常于10月在此举行。The cinema will be closed for repair from March 3rd.影院自三月三日起修理内部停止营业。3)be加动词不定式 有下列各种用法:a)

5、表示未来的安排或计划。如:The delegation is to leave for Shanghai tomorrow.代表团定于明天去上海。Im to be home before midnight.我午夜前一定回来。b)表示必要或命令或问对方的意志。如:Youre to hand in your exercises tomorrow.你们明天要交练习。Where am I to put these tools? 这些工具应该放在什么地方?What is to be done?怎么办?c)表示可能,与can或may相仿。如:I am not sure whether he is to t

6、urn up tonight.我不能断定他今晚是否能来。My key is nowhere to be found.我哪儿也找不着我的钥匙。d) be + about + 动词不定式则表计划即将,如:The meeting is about to begin.会议即将开始。have 的过去式是had。Have (had)作为助动词和过去分词一起,构成各种完成时态。如:I have known Mr. Smith for four years.我认识史密斯先生已经四年了。He has not made up his mind yet.他还没有决定呢。A woman came in with a

7、baby,who had just swallowed a safety pin.一个妇女带进来一个刚吞进一个别针的婴儿。注 have的简略式是ve,has的简略式是s,had的简略式是d,如Ive,youve,hes,Id,wed,hed,theyd等。do的过去式是did。do (did)作为助动词,有下列一些用法:1)构成现在一般时和过去一般时的疑问句和否定句。如:Do you know each other? 你们两人认识吗?How do you find the climate here? 你觉得这里的气候怎么样?She did not go to hospital after br

8、eakfast She went to work as usual.早饭后她没有去医院,她照常上班去了。2)构成否定的祈使句。如:Dont be so careless.不要那么粗枝大叶。Do not hesitate to come when you need help.有困难只管来。3)加强陈述句和祈使句的语气。如:I do think he is right.我确实认为他是对的。Do come often.一定常来呀。Do ask,if you have any questions.如果有问题,务必提出。4)用于倒装句中。如:Only then did I understand the

9、importance of science.只是到了那时,我才了解到科学的重要性。Never did I expect to see him there.我从未想到会在那里看到他。5)还可用来代替主要动词,以避免重复。较常用在简略答语中。如:Does he also study geography?他也学地理吗? Yes,he does.是的,他也学地理。Did it snow a lot last week? Yes,it did。上星期雪下得多吗? -是的,下得很多。He works even harder than you do. 他比你还要用功。注 上面最后一句中的do应唤作替代词,只

10、是为了初学者的方便而放在助动词项下。shall和Will助动词shall本身没有词义,只用在第一人称的将来时态中(现多为will所代替)。在将来一般时中,shall后接动词原形。如:I shall think it over.我要好好考虑一下。Dont worry. We shall tell you all about it.你别担心。我们都会告诉你的。助动词will本身没有词义,只用在第二、三人称的将来时态中。will在将来一般时中后接动词原形。如:He will be twenty-five years old next month.他下个月将是二十五岁。You will have an

11、 examination in English tomorrow.你们明天有英语考试。The weather forecast says that therell be heavy rain tomorrow.天气预报明天有大雨。should和would助动词should是shall的过去式,它本身没有词义,用于第一人称的过去将来时态中(现多用would)。should在过去将来一般时中后接动词原形。如:We were told that we should sight the Treasure lsland that night. 我们被告知那天夜里我们就要看见宝岛了。助动词would是wi

12、ll的过去式,它本身没有词义,用于第二、三人称的过去将来时态中。would在过去将来一般时中后接动词原形。如:He said that he would always remember that day.他说他将永远记住那一天。 英语语法手册情态动词概述 特征1)情态动词(modal verb)本身有词义,表示说话人的语气或情态,但词义不完全,不能单独用作谓语动词,一般只能和动词原形一起构成谓语动词。2)情态动词所表示的情态有:命令、允诺、请求、拒绝、愿望、愿意、义务、必要、可能、能力、敢于、需要等。3)情态动词(ought除外)和助动词shall,will,should,would一样,后面

13、的动词不定式一般皆不带。形式变化1)没有人称和数的变化,第三人称单数的现在时也无变化。如:I can We canYou can You canHeThey canShe canIt 2)有些情态动词有过去式,有少数过去式和它的原形相同。a)有过去式的情态动词有:may - wouldcan couldmay nightshall - shouldhave to - had tob)过去式不变的情态动词有:must - must (或had to)ought to - ought toneed-needdare - dare(亦可用dared)3)大多数情态动词后面可用动词的进行式、完成式和被

14、动形式,如:can(may,must)be doing,can(may,must) have done,can(may,must)be done等。否定式情态动词和助动词一样,后面可直接跟否定词not。现将情态动词的否定式及其否定式的简略式(简略式用于口语中)列举如下:shall not-shant FB:ntwill not-wont wEuntcan not-cant kB:ntmust not-mustnt 5mQsntshould not- shouldntwould not- wouldntcould not- couldntdare not- darent dZEntneed no

15、t- neednt在疑问句中的用法情态动词在疑问句中的用法和助动词相同。如:May I ask you a question? 我可以问你一个问题吗?Can you let me use your dictionary for a minute? 你能把字典借我用一会儿吗?Would you like to visit the heavy machinery plant? 你想参观重型机器厂吗?注意have to在疑问句中的位置。如:Do you have to go out today? 你今天一定得出去吗?Does he have to finish the work tomorrow? 他明天非做完这项工作不可吗?英语语法手册情态动词can, could can和couldcan的词义表示体力或脑力方面的能力或客观上的可能。如:Can you ride a bike? Yes,I can.你能骑自行车吗?是的



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