Unit 3 Animals[1].docx

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1、Unit 3 Animals1、 Lead-in Guessing game: Where is it ? What animals are they ?2、 Presentation and practice Task 1 : Listen and guess: what animal is it ? Listen,Read and Circle the answers . 1.Is the cow a big animal or(或者) a small animal ?2.What colour is it ?3.What has it got ?4.Where does it live

2、?5.What does it eat ?6.What can the cow give us ? Read the text.Task 2 : Lets talk about other animals . Answer the questions . 1. Is the zebra a big animal or a small ?2. What colour is it ?3. What has it got ?4.Where does it live ?5. What does it eat ?6. What does it like ?7. What can it do ? Fill in the blanks . It is _ and _ .It has got _ _ eyes and four _ .It lives in _ .It _ bamboo(竹子) . Task 3 : Listen, read and write . (part 3b)3、 Check Complete part 4Complete the text . It is a _ .It is _ .It has got _ .It lives _ .It eats _ .



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