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1、 保康县中等职业技术学校 Unit7第四、五课时教学设计 授课人:黄鹤课题Unit7 Can I speak to Wang Yang?第四、五课时课型新授课课课时4-5课时学习目标知识与技能:1. 知识目标现在进行时的肯定句和疑问句的构成及回答 2. 能力目标学生能够运用现在进行时谈论及描述具体动作教学内容:本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第七单元的第四、五课时,包括Grammar focus, vocabulary consolidation and unit task三部分内容。这部分内容为整个单元的语法和词汇作了一个小结。其作用是使学生在通过对话和课文内容的学习之后能更加明确而清

2、晰地掌握现在进行时的用法,同时对本课中出现的单词和词组进一步进行复习和巩固,最终实现单元任务-呈现你最喜爱的体育明星。基于本部分内容为复习课故教师可以安排数个活动或游戏来进行教学活动情感态度与价值观:学生能够通过小组合作学习体会到学英语的快乐感和成功感重点现在进行时的学习难点如何利用课文中的练习让学生积极而主动地学习现在进行时问题导入Game-making friendsT: Lets look at the screen. You can see there are two columns on the screen. What are the words in the column A?

3、What are the words in the column B?S:T: Yes, Column A is the verbs and Column B is the nouns. Try to use the verbs in the column A to find friends in the column B. They can be used more than once. Think it over for one minute, then Ill ask you to answer it as soon as possible.Column Acolumn Blook fo

4、rward toput upprovidehand out take watchplaysellgosome medicineTVbookletsa messagea postera football gamemedical serviceclothesshoppingswimming问题导入 设计意图:通过游戏复习本单元中出现的单词和词组以及词汇间的搭配使学生正确运用所学词汇5分钟自主探究1. 1. Look and talk (pair work) T: Just now you did a good job. Now lets look at the picture of activit

5、y 18. How many items can you find in this picture? S: .T: What are they? S: .T: Can you complete the following sentences? (Show the following on the screen).Liu Yan is _. Zhang Qing is _.Wang Yang is _. Li Xiao Nian is _.Some girls are _. Some boys are _.Two boys are _T: Please do it with your partn

6、er. Pay attention to the use of verbs.About five minutes later, teacher asks students to do it one by one. Then check the answers together.设计意图:利用图片进行讲解,引出现在进行时的动词形式-动词+ing2. Look and write (group work)T: Now, lets play a game. Ill ask some of you to do actions. You can do the actions on the screen

7、or you can do it by your own idea. When one of you are doing the action, each group please look and write down what he or she is doing on the paper which I hand out by group work. After ten of you finished the actions, well check the answers. The group who writes down the most and the correct senten

8、ces is the best.设计意图:通过小组合作学习,让学生观察周围同学正在做的动作,并把它写下来,练习现在进行时的句型结构。小组合作可以提高基础差的学生的自信心和成功感。4. Grammar focusAccording to the sentences that students wrote. Analyze the structure of the grammar. Teacher writes the following down on the blackboard.Basic structure : be + doing be( am, is ,are)Am I I am.Ar

9、e you Yes, he/ she is.Is he/she doing something? they are.Are they Im not.Is * No, he/ she isnt.Are the students they arent.设计意图:通过口头描述和书面描写,自然概括出现在进行时的基本结构,一般疑问句型及其回答。10分钟互动质疑(1) 学生完成了任务后,小组内进行交流,选出班级交流的代表人.(2) 班级交流.为后面的学习奠定基础.15分钟检测反馈在学生交流展示的语言点的基础上,呈现新的语言知识点.单元任务:Give a presentation of your favor

10、ite sport star?Activity 1: Who is my favorite sport star?T: Do you like sports? S: .T: Do you know some sports stars?S:.T: Is Liu Xiang your favorite sport star?S:T: Ok, some say yes some say no. Next, lets work in groups, decide what your favorite sport is and who your favorite sport star(s) is/are

11、.Activity 2: Think about the information you know about the star(s) and work in groups to put all the materials together. Activity 3: Work in groups and make a poster to introduce your favorite star(s) to the classmates. You can introduce him/her like this:Hello, Im in Group _. We all like _and this

12、 is our poster. _is our favorite star. In this poster, he/she is _.设计意图:通过编写海报来介绍自己最喜爱的体育明星。小组合作学习法在此运用恰如其分。小组成员各司其职,人人感到有事可做且个个都有成功感。10分钟总结提升1. Summary Make a short summary of what weve learned today. Ask students to review what we have learned in this class.适时的复习巩固本节课所学知识。2.Homework (2 mins) 1). C

13、ontinue to complete the poster with the pictures and more information about the sport star. We will have a competition in a week.2). Do the self-check after class to check yourself.设计意图:有限的课堂资源,学生不可能找到太多的资料,利用课外时间结合本班学生的专业,制作精美的海报并评奖,学生对英语学习会产生更大的兴趣。5分钟板书设计Basic structure : be + doing be( am, is ,are)Am I I am.Are you Yes, he/ she is.Is he/she doing something? they are.Are they Im not.Is * No, he/ she isnt.Are the students


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