课上用必修三 重点单词短语填空和单项选择.doc

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1、必修3 Unit 1- 5 词汇练习重点词组填空Unit1 1. mean_ sth. 意味着做某事, mean _ _ sth. 打算做某事2.take_发生come_发生, break_ 爆发3. starve_ _ 饿死starve _ sth 渴望得到4. congratulate sb._ sth.为某事而祝贺某人5. in memory _ 为了纪念 6.dress_ 打扮7. remind sb. _ sth. 提醒,使想起remind sb_ _ sth 提醒某人做某事8. award sth._ sb. =award sb.sth授予某人reward sb. _sth.因奖赏

2、某人 reward sb. _sth.用某物酬劳某人9. look forward _. 期待,期望 10.play a trick _.搞恶作剧 11. have fun _ 玩的开心 12. admire sb. _ sth钦佩,羡慕13. _ ones word履行诺言_ ones word 违背诺言14. . turn _出现,把声音调大 turn_把声音调低,拒绝 turn _ 关掉 turn _打开turn _ to be结果是 turn _ sb. _help向某人求助15. set _动身, 出发; 使(地雷、炸弹)爆炸; set _ _.动身前往set _建立,创立 ;set

3、 out _ _ = set_ _ sth.着手做set _写下,记下16. as _ =as _好像 17. apologize_sb for sth 因某事向某人道歉18. forgive sb _ sth 原谅某人19. plenty _ .大量的 20._a word 简言之_other words 换句话说21.do harm _ sb.=do sb. harm 对有害 22._ones breath 屏息_ _breath 喘不过气来23. get_ _ with 做坏事免于惩罚Unit 2 1. gobe _ a diet 在节食2. protect sb _doing 2. _

4、ones balance 恢复平衡_ones balance 保持平衡_ones balance 失去平衡3. _(ones)weight 减肥_(ones) weight 增重=_ _(ones)weight4. _ face丢脸 5. _ _ the truth 说实话6. stare _凝视glare _怒目而视7. pay _ones debt还清债务 getrun _ debt 陷入债务中be in debt _ sb欠某人的债情 beget _ _debt 摆脱债务8. sb benefit _ sth 受益于9. combine A _ B 使A和B联合 10. cut _ 削减

5、 11. _ long很快 _before 老早 12._ ones living谋生13. win_ 赢回Unit 3 1. bring_抚养 bring_生产,引进bring _取回来,使记起bring _使发生(come about)bring _使降低bring _使显示,出版2. _ the scenes 在幕后3. find fault _sb 吹毛求疵4. _ the spot 当场 5. from_ to riches从赤贫到暴富_ rags 衣衫褴褛6. take a_冒险,投机 take a _ 冒风险7. be patient with 对有耐心8. _ the cont

6、rary 正相反9. a large amount _ a small amount _大量的少量的(修饰不可数名词)10. account _解释;是的原因on account _=owing _=because _=due _ =as a result of因为take account_考虑到11. _ accident 偶然 12. go _ 前进13.seek_ _sth 试图、尝试做某事seek ones _碰运气seek _寻求帮助建议seek _找出seek_寻找14. as _ 至于,关于15.feel _感到沮丧16. _ a bet打赌17._ a matter _fact

7、 事实上18. _ _ honest坦白地说19. show sb. _把某人带出去20. give sb. a _让某人搭车21. fall _跌到22. be_ 被预定了23. _ a rude manner用粗鲁的方式24. _a while一会儿25. permit_sth 允许做某事permit sb_ _ sth 允许某人做某事Unit 4 1. be in time_ sth 及时的赶上 be in time_ _ sth 及时的做某事2. be harmful _ 3. prevent_, stopfrom, keep from 阻止4. break_爆发break_非法侵入,

8、插嘴 break _粉碎,解体break _中断break _崩溃,出故障break _ _脱离break _突破5. watch_ _当心6. put _ into _ 把理论运用于实践 7. _ eggs下蛋 8. _ ones turn 轮到某人9. give birth _sb 产生,生孩子 10. _that 既然11. think_把看作是12.cool_冷却 13. _ the surface在表面 14. get the hang _掌握了的诀窍15.go _过去,推移 16.depend_.依靠,依赖,取决与,17. _the journey在旅程中18. step_向前迈步

9、19. cheer_欢呼Unit 5 1. prefer to do A _ _ do B 宁愿做A而不愿意做Bwould rather do A _ do Bwould do A _ _ do B,I would rather _ 我宁愿不2. chat _ 聊天3. be surrounded _ 被.环绕,被.包围4. take measures _ _ sth 采取措施做5. settle _ _ 开始认真对待, settle _ 习惯于6. manage _ _sth=succeed_ _ sth成功的做某事7. catch _ _看见, _ the sight of 一看见 , 就

10、_ ones sight 失明,_ _ sight , out of mind 眼不见,心不烦8._ the reach of 9. mix A _B 把A和B混合10. border _ sth. 接近某事物,毗邻某物, _the border of 将要,接近于11. _a distance 隔着一段距离, _a distance 从远处, _ the distance 在远处 _ a distance of 在远的地方12. impress sth _sb impress sb _sth 用某物给某人留下印象 _ _a good impression _sb 留下好印象13. leave _动身去 14. _ _ a tour去观光游15. _ ones way_在去的路上 16. _ dawn黎明17._ the airport在机场18. have a gift _ 有天资/天分做 19. _board在火车上船上飞机上


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