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1、Unit4 SectionA(1a-2d)导学案广水市长岭镇中心中学 毛春梅 电话:13886854617学习目标:1掌握有关物品的名称table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, schoolbag, hat,head,desk, ,etc;2学会谈论物品的位置。本课教学重点:1. 要求掌握以下句式:Wheres my schoolbag? Its under your bed.2要求掌握以下词汇: where, table, bed, chair, under, they, on教学难点:熟练运用表示方位的介词in, on, under自主学习一、英汉互译(我能行)

2、1. 在你的床下面 _ 2. 我的铅笔盒_3. 在你的书包里 _ 4.我的电脑游戏_5. on the sofa_ 6. on your head _ 二,根据1a的图片及对话,寻找图中的物品所在的位置(我会说 ) A: Where is/are the.? B: Its / Theyre in/on/under the.三,听录音,找到下面物品及其位置(我会听) Tom: T Helen: H T: Hey, Helen. H: Yes? T: Is my computergame the table? H: No, it isnt. Its the bookcase. T: Oh,OK.

3、How about my ? Are they in the bookcase, too? H: No, they arent. Theyre the chair. T: Oh. So, where s my pencil box?H: Hmm.its the sofa.T: And wheres my schoolbag?H: Its the table. And your ruler is the chair.T: Oh, I see. And where are keys? H: The keys? Theyre the table.合作探究一、用介词on,in,under填空。1.Lo

4、ok! Your book is the desk.2.Is it the bed?Yes, it s under the bed.3.Wheres Tom?Hes school.4. Look! There is a cat the picture.5.Wherere the books?Theyre the bookcase. Oh,yes. Theyre it.6.Look! Your book is the desk.7.Is it the bed?Yes, it s under the bed.8.Wheres Tom?Hes school.9. Look! There is a c

5、at the picture.10.Wherere the books?Theyre the bookcase. Oh,yes. Theyre it.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Where are the _ (table)?2. _ (be) these your bags?3. _ (come) on. Im here.4. Where _ (be) the black cat?5. _ (that) are my rulers.三、单项选择1. Where is my book? Its under _ my table.A. a B. an C. the D. /2. Where

6、_ his keys?A. is B. are C. am D. be3. _ my English book? _ on the bed.A. Where; Theyre B. Wheres; ItsC. Where are; Theyre D. Where; Its4. _ her hat on the chair?A. Is B. Are C. Can D. Do5. Where are my pens? They are _ the sofa.A. on B. in C. with D. For课堂检测一、选词填空1 -_(A Where B What )is my backpack?

7、 - It _(A is B are ) on the bed .2 The baseball is _( A on B under ) the bed.(在床下)3 -Where _the plants ?(A is B are ) -_(A They are B It is )on the desk.4 _they in the case ? -Yes ,they _ .(A Are ,are B Is is C Is are)二、根据汉语意思完成句子1. 我的书包在哪里? 它在桌子下面。Wheres my _?_ _ the table.2. 我的钥匙在哪里? 它们在沙发上。_ my k

8、eys? _ _ the sofa.3. 这些书在椅子下面吗?_ _ _ _ the chair?4. 我认为它在你父母的房间里。I _ its _ your _ _.5. 快点,杰克!公共汽车来了。_ _, Jack! The bus is coming.三、 根据汉语意思完成单词。1 My baseball is _the _(在椅子下面)2 你的书在哪里?_ _ your books?3 The keys are _the _(在床上)四、句型转换。1. The baseball is under the chair. (改成一般疑问句) _ _ _ under the chair?2. The keys are on the table.(改成一般疑问句) _ _ _ on the table?3. Are the pens in the schoolbag?(否定回答) _, _ _.4. The schoolbag is under the table.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the schoolbag?课堂小结 这节课主要学的是询问五品所在的位置,当物品在、里、下、上时分别用介词_, _,_ ,回答时注意物品的单复数,是单数名词时用Its.是复数名词时用_,并且注意名词要变成复数形式。 5 / 7



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