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1、服装QC验货评语collar領Unbalannce coollar 領不平衡Asymmettric ccollarr領位不不對稱Uneven collaar widdth 左右領闊不不一致Uneven necklline左右領圈不不一致Uneven collaar poiint領領尖不對稱Uneven lapell shappes左右前領領咀形狀不一一樣Too mucch eassing aat C.FF. neccklinee 前領口溶溶位太多(有有太多溶位於於前中領窩) 中国最庞大大的下载资料料库Collar too ttight at CBB 後領中太太緊Collar band is t

2、wwistinng領座座扭曲不平順順Fullnesss at frontt colllar annd lappel領領及前領咀不不平順Necklinne is not ssmoothh領圈不不圓順Neck seettingg not smootth領子子裝得不平順順High & low bback nneck後領圈有高高低Edge off fronnt opeening is crrookedd前門領領邊不直Front oopeninng nott straaight前門領邊邊不直Front ffacingg is eexposeed at bottoom hemm前門領領貼在下擺處處外露Fr

3、ont oopeninng faccing iis shoorter than body前門領貼貼短於大身Neck waas strretcheed領圈圈拉松Too mucch tiee on ffront collaar前領領處有豁口Sleeve & Armmhole袖&夾Puckeriing att leftt/righht armmhole 左右夾圈有有溶位不平伏伏.Too looose att righht armmhole, unevven foor lefft/rigght arrmholee 右夾圈有有拉松, 左左右夾圈不相相稱.Sleeve runniing too backk

4、(衣袖走後後) / SSleevee runnning tto froont(衣袖袖走前) 操操兵袖Too looose att fronnt sleeeve sseam 前前袖骨拉松Too tigght att backk sleeeve seeam 後袖袖骨過緊.Poor cuuff seettingg卡夫裝裝得不好Sleeve plackket iss not set wwell袖叉裝得不不好Underarrm seaam wass streetchedd袖底縫縫被拉松Armholee settting nnot smmooth袖孔不圓圓順Ease onn sleeeve caap is

5、 uneveen袖頂頂縮拱不均勻勻Front/bback前後幅Hiking at frront, CF faacing too sshort 吊襟Hiking at baack, lliningg too shortt 吊裡Curve aat CF zip(ttoo muuch fuullnesss at CF ziip) 前中中拉鏈溶位太太多Curve aat CF zippeer beccause of noo easiing off zippper. 前前中拉鏈無溶溶位(引致紐紐曲)Hiking at baack / Hikinng at frontt 後幅吊起起 / 前幅幅吊起Fron

6、t ppanel is biigger than underr paneel(linning)前幅底幅幅細面幅松Lining too bbig, ttoo shhort, too ssmall, too long 裡布太大, 太短, 太小, 太太長Grain llines are nnot maatch aat froont & back panell 前後幅布布紋不相稱Front llengthh unevven左左右前長不一一致Too looose att shelll, Tooo looose att backk/liniing, tturn iinsideer outt 底松, 面鬆,

7、 向向外反Pocket 袋 High-loow poccket高低袋Both poocket set uunevenn左右口口袋裝得高低低不一Pocket not ssmoothh / sqquaredd袋不平平服/不夠正方Pocket flap not ccenterred ovver poocket袋蓋不正正中Both poocket shapees aree unevven左左右口袋形狀狀不一致Bottom part of poocket is saaggingg口袋下下部下垂Pocket flap is miisplacced袋袋邊位置不對對Pocket is miisplacced口

8、口袋位置不對對Pocket is smmilingg袋口開開得不吻合Pocket openiing iss frayy袋口有有毛口Pocket shapee disttortedd口袋變變形Pocket size and sshape is noot folllow ssamplee exacctly口袋的尺尺寸及形狀未未按照實樣做做Pocket welt is unneven上下袋唇唇不均勻Poor poocket settiing口口袋裝得不好好Bindingg拉捆 Piping is unneven捆邊不均均勻Piping is twwistinng andd not smootth捆邊

9、邊扭曲不平順順Pleats縮褶 Uneven shirrring aat bacck waiist seeam後腰縮碎褶不均均勻。Shirrinng碎褶褶Elasticc shirrring is unneven橡筋縮拱拱不均勻Both siide plleats not bbalancce左右右褶位不一致致Darts pplacemment iis nott folllow saample exacttly褶褶位未按照實實樣做Pleats is miisplacced褶褶位不對Shirrinng / GGatherring 縮縮褶Pleatedd 生褶Darts 死死褶Beadingg &

10、emmbroiddery釘珠&繡花 Beads sstitchhing aare noot seccure珠子未釘牢牢Embroiddery sstitchhing iis tooo tighht 繡花線線太緊Embroiddery sstitchhing ttoo looose繡花線太松松SHADINGG DEFEECTS 色色差問題 1)CColor shadiing色色差2)Coloor shaading withiin onee garmment.同一件衣衣服內有色差差。3)Coloor shaading betweeen trrims aand boody.配件與衫身身之間有色差差。

11、4)Shadde difffers from approoved sstandaard.顏色與批核核色版不同。5)Shadding ccausedd by ppoor ccolor interrlininng mattchingg. 紙朴顏顏色不配合, 引致色差差。ACCESSOORIES輔料問題題 1)Misssing bbuttonn / laabel / badgge 漏漏鈕 / 漏嘜頭頭 / 漏章2)Buttton poositioon nott welll matcch butttonhoole. 鈕鈕與鈕門位置置欠配合3)Buttton innside out鈕的底面倒倒置4)Bu

12、ttton maarkingg not removved.點鈕筆痕沒沒有清除5)Damaaged bbuttonn/butttonholle鈕爛爛/爛鈕門6)Rustted sttud 工字鈕生銹銹7)Painnt peeel offf on sstud工字鈕顏色色脫落8)Buttton annd butttonhoole noot aliigned causee bulgge.鈕鈕及鈕門位置置不配合, 引致谷起9)Butttonholle tooo smalll to alloww buttton too passs throough.鈕門太細細, 鈕不能順順利通過10) UUncut bu

13、ttoonholee / paartiallly cuut butttonhoole鈕鈕門未幵 / 鈕門未開開盡11) RRaggedd edgees at buttoonholee鈕門紗紗線不清12) BBrokenn butttonholle stiitchess鈕門斷斷線13) BButtonn threead eaasily pulleed outt. 釘鈕線線容易拉脫14) SSnap / riveet eassily ppulledd off.吸鈕、撞鈕鈕容易拉脫15) BButtonnhole is noot mattch buutton size鈕洞尺寸寸與鈕扣大小小不相配16) BButtonn mispplacedd鈕扣位位置不對17) BButtonnhole mispllaced鈕洞位置置不對18) BButtonn is nnot seewing securrity鈕扣未釘牢牢19) BButtonn is ssewn ttoo tiight鈕扣釘得太太緊20) BButtonnhole is frray鈕鈕洞有毛口21



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