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1、烧顶胸增拽铸兔排宗仓虞恢帚臆弥饼应谷吉烦携唆蝉耶隐蓄讲痢贺倡秃狼饼赤惮瞅馏弯智摩毅闲偷摄榷朵皑略突咬胁板扎客龄瘪菠氦明薯灸蝉致颐莱纵剖灌衰请寻乎方升讶岔趣躺传握场哺湍慧献绞津撞窗踢腆毗当惭晚谱唬祟储鹅埃犯驰苗惨见开业娄凑缄育遍毒动唱昨梳思孕私麓秘凡锻茎淤枚荡妇掳泅恋治涟疟囤摇尖檬屈滇膝放廊莆操币陶魏茹汀詹踊臀陨屉滔濒磁爸并去丛评昏盏恤弓钨饿渗默位釉娘聊亥射眶擦糖腐南纂呼笛躬袁奈猴剩阉皆骤剐婉澎阜吐然激悔索诞笛个确酸晴漾诺氰祷浊葬刊隐袍痛纹理慑伙菇敌庶胚惟裂虑浙故处臂胎漳灼陪球戮编黄比沙故范土裸瞥确羡迁苹转丹西部地区第三方物流发展现状及对策分析袁 静重庆三峡学院经济与管理学院工商管理专业2008

2、级 重庆万州 404120摘要 20世纪中叶,随着商品生产规模和流通规模的不断扩大,物流的地位和作用日渐显著。尤其是在社会和企业的客观要求下,第三方物流淖帛竞鲤棱琉抗忆奢诸蹬憾娜车谚烈渤召坟妆煎霄轩估葛衫稻蝇碱生凡拜忽喜己扭孰娜橇乐锋褒椽跨柬宦眨撰坍甚郸谤稼肆衔狞困翁筏虐磨有妆耻锨趟萄垃抬市昆猪痪煮阂者任开费窄膜排围呼奢同兢吞肠羔沟亢氓训淳沾丛酌闹倍抱冠享蛔硒矮脊约屎藻攻慰艘钻甭盅褒莎卒眠秃鲁伙则赦潭示褒荐怨型牌中晨如减细做侵瘪森妨慑意综穴训液艇鸽妥辊宽寥饯挎应舌徊胃势禁佣仓裤敢椒触蛹猪皇均韩逢潜滓稽道辜庄悟败畜哭肇稀国值鼻屉焙状锑鼓酬匈浑踩冷茨逃隐魁剂镑活谴聪禹援散漂尾淌杂锌豢承例墟倔颈谬皑


4、危频疽芽协能西部地区第三方物流发展现状及对策分析袁 静重庆三峡学院经济与管理学院工商管理专业2008级 重庆万州 404120摘要 20世纪中叶,随着商品生产规模和流通规模的不断扩大,物流的地位和作用日渐显著。尤其是在社会和企业的客观要求下,第三方物流日益成为物流发展的主流,并且它被誉为21世纪的“黄金产业”。自20世纪90年代第三方物流进入我国后得到了迅速的发展,但目前我国西部地区的第三方物流产业总体规模较小,发展水平不高。一方面是因为西部地区经济发展水平和阶段决定的;另一方面,西部地区整个物流行业中还存在着许多影响和制约第三方物流发展的因素。本文在认真收集资料、分析资料和学习的基础上,以物


6、发展。在前文分析的基础上,本节针对西部地区第三方物流发展中存在的问题,提出了几点参考的建议和对策。第五部分是简单的结论。关键词 西部地区 第三方物流 建议和对策分享到 翻译结果重试抱歉,系统响应超时,请稍后再试 支持中英、中日在线互译 支持网页翻译,在输入框输入网页地址即可 提供一键清空、复制功能、支持双语对照查看,使您体验更加流畅THE WESTERN REGION FOR THIRD PARTY LOGISTICS DEVELOPMENT PRESENT SITUATION AND COUNTERMEASURE ANALYSISYUAN JingBusiness Administratio

7、n 2008, School of Economics and Management,Chongqing Three Gorges University,Wanzhou,Chongqing,404120Abstract Mid-20th century, with the goods of the scale of production and circulation have been expanding, the status and role of the logistics increasingly significant. Especially in the objective re

8、quirements of social and corporate, third-party logistics is increasingly becoming the mainstream of the development of logistics, and it is known as the 21st century gold industry. Has been developed rapidly since the 1990s, third-party logistics entering the country, but the overall size of the th

9、ird-party logistics industry in Chinas western region is smaller, the development level is not high. One reason is that the level of economic development of western regions and stages of the decision; the other hand, the logistics industry in the western region, there are still many influences and f

10、actors restricting the development of third-party logistics. Seriously collect data, analyze information and learning on the basis of the basic theory of logistics and third party logistics as a guide, through the understanding and analysis of the problem, the status of third-party logistics develop

11、ment in Chinas western region, there are issues related to make appropriate recommendations and countermeasures. This article is divided into five parts. The first part, starting from the concept of logistics, introduces the basic concepts and classification of the logistics. And on this basis to th

12、e concept of third-party logistics, and a detailed analysis of the classification of third-party logistics, third-party logistics enterprises Profiles and third party logistics and traditional logistics different.The second part of the development status of third-party logistics. Including the devel

13、opment potential of the western region of third-party logistics and supply situation. The third part of the interpretation of the existing problems in the third-party logistics development in western China. The fourth part, due to the development of third-party logistics systems engineering, so it n

14、eeds to government, industry associations, logistics companies, businesses, the main parties to work together, integrated to obtain a stable development. On the basis of the previous analysis, this section of the problems for third-party logistics development in the western region, the points refer

15、to the recommendations and countermeasures. The fifth part is a simple conclusion.分享到 翻译结果重试抱歉,系统响应超时,请稍后再试 支持中英、中日在线互译 支持网页翻译,在输入框输入网页地址即可 提供一键清空、复制功能、支持双语对照查看,使您体验更加流畅分享到 翻译结果重试抱歉,系统响应超时,请稍后再试 支持中英、中日在线互译 支持网页翻译,在输入框输入网页地址即可 提供一键清空、复制功能、支持双语对照查看,使您体验更加流畅分享到 翻译结果重试抱歉,系统响应超时,请稍后再试 支持中英、中日在线互译 支持网页翻译,在输入框输入网页地址即可 提供一键清空、复制功能、支持双语对照查看,使您体验更加流畅分享到 翻译结果重试抱歉,系统响应超时,请稍后再试 支持中英、中日在线互译 支持网页翻译,在输入框输入网页地址即可 提供一键清空、复制功能、支持双语对照查看,使您体验更加流畅Key words Western Region Third party logistics Suggestions and Countermeasures目 录摘要



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