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1、Unit 7 句子应用(无答案)1. People will have robots (将拥有机器人) in their homes. a. People _ (过去几乎没有机器人) in their homes. b. People _ (拥有机器人) to work in the factory now. c. People _ (将能够拥有) robots to help with work. (a. had few robots b. have/own robots c. will be able to have)2. Everything will be free. (将免费) a.

2、 Everything _ (是免费的) from Monday to Friday. b. Nothing _(是免费的) here in the old days. c. All the things _ (将免费) in the restaurant tomorrow. (a. is free b. was free c. will be free)3. People will live to be 200 years old. (活到岁) a. She thinks she _ (将活到120岁). b. The old woman _ (活到了106岁). c. Humans _ (

3、将能够活到70多岁). (a. will live to be 120 years old b. lived to be 106 years oldc. will be able to live to be 70 years old)4. There will be more trees and less pollution. a. There _ (将有更多的机器人) in the future. b. There _ (将有更少的污染) in the future. c. There _ (更少的工人) in the factory in 50 years. (a. will be mor

4、e robots b. will be less pollution c. will be fewer workers)5. In ten years, I will be a reporter. a. She _ (be) a doctor ten years ago. b. She _ (be) a doctor in a hospital now. c. She _ (be) a doctor in the future. d. She _ (use) robots at home in 10 years. (a. was b. is c. will be d. will use ) 6

5、. I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. a. She came to Beijing last year and _ (喜欢上了北京). b. The boy _ (爱上了京剧) and sings every day. c. You _ (将会喜欢上这幅画) because its beautiful. (a. fell in love with it b. falls in love with Beijing Opera c. will fall in love with the picture)7. She doe

6、snt like living alone. She feels lonely at home. a. She doesnt like _ (一个人工作) in the office. b. People _ (感到孤独) after retiring from work. c. She _ (一个人居住) on the island in 10 days. (a. working alone b. feel lonely c. will live alone)8. Ill be able to dress more casually at weekends. a. Peter _ (穿西装)

7、 from Monday to Friday. b. People usually _ (穿着随便) at weekends. c. Please _ (戴上帽子) before you leave home. (a. wears a/his suit b. dress casually c. put on your hat)9. I think Brazil will win last time. a. She _ (win) in the next English Speech Contest. b. She _ (win) a pen in a math contest last ter

8、m. c. She often _ (beat) her father in playing chess. d. She _ (beat) Mary in the next sports meeting. (a. will win/is going to win b. won c. beats d. will beat)10. My friend keeps a pig as a pet in his house. a. She _(将养一个鹦鹉作为宠物) in the future. b. She likes _ (养花) in the room in winter. c. The old

9、woman _ (养了100只鸡) for her life. d. Its not so easy _ (养鱼作为宠物) at home. (a. will keep a parrot as a pet b. keeping flowers c. keeps 100 chickens d. to keep fish as pets )11. Predicting the future can be difficult. a. _ (预测自己的分数) is not easy for you. b. _ (预测自己的未来) is also difficult for every one. c.

10、Its necessary for you _ (预测明天的天气). (a. Predicting your own grades b. Predicting your own futurec. to study for the country)12. There are many famous predictions that never came true.a. She hopes that _ (她的预言将实现).b. She knows that _ (她的梦想将能实现).c. In the end, _ (她的梦想终于实现了).(a. her prediction can come

11、true b. her dream will be able to come true c. her dream came true)13. Computers will be used by most people. (将被使用) a. Paper money _ (将不被使用) future people. b. Such a robot _ (将被用来) looking at home.c. Such a robot _ (将被用作) a cleaner in the street.(a. wont be used by b. will be used for c. will be us

12、ed as )14. Theses robots are just like humans. a. Mary _ (正像她妈妈) her mother. b. Kate _ (看起来像) her twin sister Jane. c. Those robots will be able to _ (更像) humans. d. Your brother _ (不大像) your father. (a. is just like b. looks like c. be more like d. is less like)15. It may take hundreds of years to

13、make such robots. a. To make such robots may take _ (数百年).b. To take away pollution takes us _ (二百年).(a. hundreds of years b. two hundred years)16. Its difficult to wake up early in the morning. a. She usually _ (醒来) at 6 oclock a.m. b. Dont _ (把他吵醒). She needs a good sleep. c. She had to _ (把孩子叫醒) on time. (a. wakes up b. wake him up c. wake up her child)17. There are already robots working in the factories. a. There are 3 people _ (锻炼) in the park together. b. Theres an old robo


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