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1、 初二英语试题解析(测试时间:40分钟 总分:100分)姓名: 学校: 联系电话: 一、单项选择(每题2分,共50分)1. - _did you go yesterday? I called you but nobody answered. - I went to the museum with my parents.A. How B. Why C. Where D. When答案:C解析:根据回答“went to the museum”可知问的应该是地点,所以选C。出错原因:没有认真阅读题干中的答语;不会区分常用疑问词的含义。2. - _ you say it in English?- Of

2、 course, I can.A. Must B. May C. Can D. Need答案:C解析:根据回答“I can”可知问的是能力,所以选C。出错原因:情态动词掌握不好。3. Do you mind _ the TV a little bit? Im doing my homework.A. turning down B. turning off C. turning up D. turning on答案:A解析:A选项为“调小”,B选项为“关上”,C选项为“调大”,D选项为“打开”,根据“a little bit”和“正在写作业”可知,是把电视声音“调小一点”,而不是“关上”。出错原

3、因:对常用动词短语+动词ing形式掌握不好;与turn有关的短语掌握不好。4. I like the car very much_ its too expensive for me.A. and B. so C. or D. but答案:D解析:“我很喜欢这辆车”与“它太贵”之间构成了转折关系,所以选D。出错原因:基本连词的用法不清晰。5. Well ask Mr. Wang_the students a report on environment next week.A. give B. gives C. giving D. to give答案:解析:根据“ ask sb. to do st

4、h.”可知,本题 应选D。出错原因:简单动词词组掌握不牢。6. This box is not_ that one.A. as heavier as B. so heavy as C. heavy than D. heaviest than答案:B解析:asas之间应该用形容词副词原级所以排除,有than应该用比较级,所以排除C,最高级不跟than 一起用,所以D选项不对,表达“不如”时,可以把第一个as 改为so ,所以选B。出错原因:形容词副词同级比较句型掌握不好。7. There should be_ cars on the road. Its too crowded.A. too mu

5、ch B. too many C. less D. fewer答案:D解析:根据“should”,和“too crowded”,可知,“路上的车应该少一些”,又因为car是可数名词,所以选C。此题容易错选为B。出错原因:学生没有真正理解题干的含义,导致错选。8. I _ very messy, but now Im very neat.A. used to B. get used to C. used to be D. use to be答案:C解析:根据题意,“我现在很整洁”可推知“我过去很邋遢”,所以选C。这道题考察的是“used to” “过去常常”,“be/get used to do

6、ing” “习惯于做某事”的区别,另外还有“be used to do ”是“被用来做某事”,此题有难度。出错原因:没有正确分析此题的意义;有关used to的短语没有掌握。9. I wish I _ a million dollars.A. have B. has C. can have D. had答案:D解析:wish 希望,指的是不容易实现的的愿望,所以后接从句时谓语动词要用虚拟语气,时态用一般过去时,或过去完成时。出错原因:对wish的用法掌握不全面。10. I have _homework to do, I cant go with you.A. too many B. too m

7、uch C. much too D. many too答案:B解析:too much 太多后跟不可数名词,homework为不可数名词。Too many也是太多后跟可数名词的复数。 Much too 是“太.”后跟形容词。例如much too expensive.太贵了。出错原因:对基本词汇和短语的用法掌握不全面。11. John never stops talking. He is really_.A. outgoing B. quiet C. athletic D. calm答案:A 解析:此题考查词义辨析。outgoing 是外向的,爱社交的;quiet 安静的;athletic 身体健

8、壮的,calm 冷静的,沉着的。出错原因:词汇量不足。12. - What do you usually do _ Saturday afternoon.- I usually go shopping.A. at B. on C. in D. to答案:B 解析:此题考查介词的用法。in用于早上、下午、或晚上,但是有形容词修饰或者某具体一天的上午下午或晚上就要用介词on。出错原因:介词的基本用法不明确。13. In _places of the world, we can hardly find this animal.A. another B. others C. the other D.

9、other答案:D解析:other后跟可数名词复数,指的是其他的,another 指三个或三个以上中的另一个;others后不可以跟名词,本身等于other+名词复数。 the other 指的是两个中的另一个。出错原因:部分单词的有多个词性导致学生无法理解题干所要表达的意思。14. - What are you doing next weekend?- I _time with my friends.A. spends B. am spending C. spend D. spent答案:B解析:此题考查时态。因为时间为next weekend 是一般将来时,所以用现在进行时表示将来时。出错

10、原因:时态的灵活运用掌握不足。15. Tina wants to know_.A. where Tara lives B. where does Tara live C. where Tara lived D. where did Tara live答案:A解析:此题考查宾语从句。宾语从句要考虑引导词、语序和时态。语序为陈述句语序,排除B 、D项,而C项时态与句子时态不符。出错原因:宾语从句掌握的不好;马虎出错。16. - My mother is ill in hospital.- _.A. It doesnt matter B. Im sorry to hear thatC. Im not

11、 feeling well D. Shell be all right soon答案:B解析:此题考查交际用语。听到对方说不好的消息时,应用I am sorry to hear that.出错原因:常用日常交际用语积累不足。17. - What _he _like? - He is handsome.A. is; / B. is; look C. does; look D. does; /答案:C解析:根据回答,他长得很英俊,问的应该是他长得怎么样,故应该选What does he look like?注意区分:What is he like ?问的是他性格方面是什么样的,而What does

12、 he like? 问的是他喜欢什么。出错原因:常用句型掌握不好。18. - Hows the weather today? - There is _.A. snowy B. a snow C. rain D. showery 答案:B解析:当我们表示一场雪时,可以用a (heavy) snow,类似的还有rain,可以说a heavy rain。出错原因:不清楚名词的数的灵活运用;马虎出错。19. What he said makes us_.A. to laugh B. laugh C. laughing D. laughed答案:B解析:固定搭配make sb do sth,故选laug

13、h。出错原因:常用动词固定搭配掌握不好。20. You can walk _ the bridge _ the river.A. crossing, on B. across, through C. cross, above D. across, over答案:D解析: across表示横穿过,穿过桥应为walk across the bridge,而桥在河上方,应用over,表示悬空的正上方。出错原因:方位介词掌握不牢固。21. Mr. James _ to England 10 years ago and _there since then.A. has gone, lived B. went, has gone C. went, has beenD. has gone, lives 答案:C解析:十年前为过去时的标志,故第一空填went,而since then是现在完成时的标志,而且表示一直待在某地用have been in,此处there为副词,省略in。出错原因:时态掌握不好,不会找时态的标志词。22. Listen! Can you hear the boy _ in the next room?A. to sing B. sings C. sang D. singing 答案:D解析:listen暗示动作正在进行,故应选hear sb doi


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