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1、 学科网( w w w .z x x k .c o m ) 全国最大的教学资源网站! 雁江区2013-2014年度联考七年级上半期测试卷英 语(总分:100分 考试时间:90分钟)听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(每小题1分,共5分)( )1、A. brother B. mother C. father( )2、A. aunt B. man C. uncle( )3、A. baseball B. ring C. backpack ( )4、A. school B. spell C. pencil( )5、A. it B. pen C. what 二、情景反应(每小题1分,共

2、5分)( )6、A. Good morning B. Good evening C. Nice to meet you.( )7、A. Yes,she is B. No,she is C. No,he isnt( )8、A. Its a ruler B. Im fine C. B-O-O-K ( )9、A. Nice to meet you ,too . B. Thank you C . Fine, thanks( )10、A. Shes my sister B. No, he isnt C. Yes, she is三、 短文理解(每小题2分,共10分)( )11、A Bill is _ .A

3、. 7 B. 8 C. 9( )12、Is Bill a student(学生)?A. Yes , he is . B. No, it isnt . C. Yes,he does.( )13、Bill has(有) a _jacket.A. Black B. Blue C. Yellow( )14、Tom is _.A. 8 B. 9 C. 10( )15、Bill has _ friends.A. two B. three C. four 笔试部分(80分)一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共15分) ( )1、_ His name is MikeA. How are you B .Whats h

4、is name? C. Whats your name? D. Whats this? ( )2、Whats your telephone number? _553786.A. Is B. Its C. Its D. Its ( )3、My name is Jenny Brown .Jenny is my _ name .A. family B. first C. last D. full ( )4、That is _ eraser .A. an B .the C. a D. ( )5、What color is the book? Its _.A. a red B. an red C. re

5、d D. the red( )6、Please call me _66099919A. in B. on C .at D. to ( )7、_.Is that your pencil case? No,it isnt.A. Hello B. Good morning C .Nice to meet you. D. Excuse me ( )8、This is a photo _her family.A. at B. in C .to D .of( )9、_are my friends.A. This B. That C. They D. She ( ) 10、Are those your _?

6、A. mother B. parents C. father D. grandparent( )11、Thank you _your help.A. in B. to C .for D .of( )12、Is this your ruler? Yes,_.A. this is B. it is C .it isnt D. that is ( )13、Mike,is this Toms pencil? Oh,yes,it is _!A. mine B. hers C. yours D. his( )14、Are those Lucys English book ? _A.Yes,theyre B

7、. No,they are C. Yes,they are D .No ,these arent ( )15、This _my sister. Those _my brothers.A .is is B. are is C. is are D. are are 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D、四个选项中选出一个能正确填入相应空格内的最佳答案 Hello!I 16 Wang Hao. And 17 is my last name. I go(去)to school in the 18 and go home (回家)in the afternoon . I

8、have 19 English name Dale. This is my jacket. What color is 20 ? Oh, its 21 .Look, this is my 22 .Its white. 23 do you spell it? I know C-L-O-C-K .I have a brother. 24 is a teacher. My 25 is 354-0504.( )16、A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )17、A. Wang Hao B. Hao C. Wang D. Dale( )18、A. evening B. afternoon

9、 C. noon D. morning( )19、A. a B. the C. an D. /( )20、A. it B. this C. that D. you ( )21、A. big(大的) B. small(小的) C. yellow D. good( )22、A. pen B. clock C. map D. key( )23、A. What B. How C. Where D. When( )24、A. He B. His C. She D. Her( )25、A. ID card B. telephone C. phone number D. school三、阅读理解:(每小题2

10、分,共20分)(A)Good morning! Im Mike Brown. I am an English boy. My telephone number is five-four-five-zero-six-seven-eight. This is my room (房间). The quilt is blue. In the room, there are books (书), a computer (电脑) and a pencil box (文具盒).( )26、Mikes last name is_.A. Brown B. White C .Green D. Black( )27

11、、Mike is_.A. a Chinese boy B. an English boy C. an English girl D. a Chinese girl( )28、Whats Mikes telephone number? ( )A. 555-0687. B. 545-0678. C. 545-6870. D. 545-8760.( )29、What color is Mikes quilt? ( )A. White. B. Green. C. Yellow. D. Blue.( )30、There is a(n)_in Mikes room.A. computer B. orang

12、e C. pencil(铅笔) D. telephone(B)FOUNDPencil caseIs this your pencil case?Please call Tony.Phone#351-8407. LOSTMy green ringMy name is Alan Hand.Please call 66285493( )31、If(如果)its your pencil case, call_.A. Tom B. Mike C. Tony C. Alan( )32、Tonys phone number is_.A. 315-8074 B. 6628-5493 C. 351-8407 D. 843-1507( )33、_lost a ring.A. Tony B. Alan C. David D. Mary( )34、What color is the ring?A. Green. B. White.


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