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1、新版PEP四年级英语下册试题小学四年级下册英语第四单元习题()6. The tomatoes_ big.姓名成绩A. amB. isC. are一、选出所给单词不一样类的选项。(5 分)()7. Are_ goats Yes, they are.()1. A. dogB. potatoC. henA. themB. theyC. it()2. A. catB. fatC. cow()8. I see five_ on the farm.()3. A. thirteenB. tenC. tomatoA. dogB. catC. sheep()4. A. sheepB. twelveC. thre

2、e()9. How many_ can you see()5. A. rabbitB. tomatoC. green beansA. goatB. goatsC. goates()6. A. potatoB. pigC. carrot()10. Look! Are _ carrots二、选择填空。(30 分)A. thisB. theseC. them() many_ can you see()11. Are those green beans_A. sheepB. sheepsC. sheepesA. Yes, they are.B. Yes, those are.C. Yes, those

3、 arent.()2. I have some_.()12. What_ theseA. amB. isC. areA. potatoB. potatosC. potatoes()13. What are those _ goats.()3. Are those horses Yes, _.A. Those areB. They areC. It isA. it isB. they areC. theyre()14. Theare white.A. sheepB. cowC. hen()4. Is it cold in Harbin _()15. Those are red.A. Yes, i

4、t is.B. Yes, I am.C. Yes, he is.A. henB. cowC. horses()5. What s the weather like _ Hong Kong三、依据问句,选出相应的答语,并把其编号写在括号里。(10 分)A. inB. atC. on(一) ()1. How many cows do you haveA. They are onions. / ()2. Are they dogs()3. What do you see in the picture()4. What are those()5. What s the weather like in

5、Beijing(二) ()1. What are these()2. How much are the onions()3. How many hens are there()4. Are these potatoes()5. Is this a horse四、补全对话 ,将序号写在横线上。(10 分)A:Look, this farm is so big. Are they goatsB:_ They are sheep.A:_B:The sheep are white.A. Are they cowsB. _ They are black and white.A: _B:Twelve.A:

6、Your farm is beautifulB: _B. Yes, they are.C. Fifteen.D. I see six apples. E. Its warm.A. Yes, it is.B. No, they aren t. C. There are eleven. D. They are 5 yuan. E. Theyre hens.A.Yes,they are.B.What colour are the sheepC.No,they arent.D.Thank you.四、看图片,选单词(5 分)()()()()()A. carrotB. cowsC. tomatoD .

7、sheep E. onions五、连词成句。注意首字母大写和标点符号。(20 分)1.aretherehowsheep ()_2.tomatoesarethere()_3.togotimeitstoschool (.)4. thein what sHarbinlike weather ()5.aboutwhatthose()6. thirteen, have, I, cows(. )7.nice,tomatoes,are, these (.)8. aretheseWhat(),are ,They (.)aofanimalsyoulot(.)六、阅读短文,而后判断,对的写T,错的写F。( 15

8、分)(一)My aunt has a farm. It is not big. There are eleven geese, twelve hens andtwenty sheep. My aunt likes carrots very much. So she has many carrots in the farm. Look!The carrots are orange. They re yummy. We have carrots for lunch today.I like carrots,too. I m very happy today.()1. My uncle has a

9、small farm.()2. There are eleven sheep on the farm.()3. My aunt doesn t;like carrots.()4. We have carrots for dinner today.()5. l like carrots.(二) It ssunny day in the farm today. My aunt has a farm. The farm is very small. Thereare twelve horses, sixteen cows and fifty hens. My aunt likes tomatoes

10、very much. So shehas many tomatoes in the farm. Look! The tomatoes are red. They are very beautiful.()1. My aunt has a big farm.()2. There are twelve horses.()3. The tomatoes are green.()4. My aunt likes potatoes very much.()5. It ssunny in the farm today.七、阅读理解,选择正确的答案写到题前的括号里。John:Look at the horses,Zoom!Zoom:John,are they smallJohn:No, they aren are s thisJohn:No,it s fat.Zoom:That syou like monkeysJohn:Yes ,Isyour favourite animalZoom: think they re very cute.() 1. The horses are.A bigB. short C. small() 2.The pig is.A. tallB. thinC. fat() 3.Zoomsfavourite animal is.B. dogsC. rabbits() 4.


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