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1、高二英语选择题精选一1、Well, its getting late. I must be now.AleaveBgoCoffDaway2、 his hard work, he got a rise.ASpite ofBBecauseCAs a result ofDAs a result3、He preferred to for a change rather than stay at home.Alie in bedBgo awayCwatch TVDdo house work4、 Americans should eat less meat.AIn Charlies opinionBIn

2、Charlies viewCIt seems likely to Charlie thatDall are correct5、They tried to who had broken the window.Afind outBfindCinventDsearch6、In the north it is colder they grow wheat.AwhichBon whichCwhereDthat7、I wont have you to Mother like that.Ato talkBtalkedCbe talkingDtalking8、Please give my to your pa

3、rents. Which is wrong?AregardBregardsCbest wishesDlove9、, let me say how glad I am to be here.AAt firstBFirst of allCAfter allDIn all10、His parents him to watch TV at weekend.AletBsuggestCpreventDallow11、Do he or she tell you .Awhat, to doBwhat, to do itCwhich, 不填Dthat, 不填12、He spoke so fast that I

4、couldnt follow him.“Follow here means .Ago afterBtake him as a guideCunder standDrealize13、Heavy objects and light objects fall at the same speed air holds them back.AifBunlessCforDso14、 the gab is turned off and the door is locked before you leave home.AIts sure that BMake sure that CCertain that D

5、I certain that15、All of us were joy.Afull withBfilled ofCfulling ofDfilled with16、He oil and water, but they .Amixed, dont mixBmixxed, were not mixxedCmixed, were not mixingDmixxed, dont mix17、The music .Ais sounded wonderfulBsounds wonderfulCis sounded wonderfullyDsounds wonderfully18、They went to

6、Japan . Now they must be .Aby sea, at seaBby the sea, at the seaCby the sea, at seaDby sea, at the sea19、His chemistry is improving, his physics.Aso isBso dotsCsuch dotsDsuch is20、“Li Lei is an honest boy.“.ASo is heBSo he isCNeither is heDNor he is21、Its kind me the way to the station.Aof you to te

7、llBof you telling Cfor you to tell Dfor you telling22、After Mr. Li gave us the lecture on in ternational situation, he us some pictures.Awent on showingBwent on to showCwent on with showingDkept on showing23、“ will the painting be finished?“In a month.AHow longBHow oftenCHow fastDHow soon24、 end of

8、the street there is a post office.AAtBInCByDTo25、He did his boss told him to do.AeverythingBeverything thatCwhatDall of the above26、Bamboo can be used houses.Ato makeBto makingCmakingDmake27、Do you find ?Ait important to master a foreign languageBit important to master a foreign languageCa foreign l

9、anguage important to learnDboth B and C28、The subject of computer interested me.Ahas Bhas beenCisDwill be29、Please the radio so that we can hear the news clearly.Aturn offBturn onCturn upDturn down30、 of the villagers went hungry during the flood.ANoBNo oneCNoneDEvery31、Im afraid the homework is for

10、 the children.Atoo much Bmuch tooCtoo manyDmany too32、Well go fishing if it .Aisnt rainBis rainCdoesnt rainDwill rain33、“I wish you a happy new year.“The same you.AwithBasCforDto34、They sold the German furniture a price.Aat, highBin, highCat, expensiveDin, expensive35、Has he explained you the reason

11、 being absent.Ato, ofBto, forC不填, ofD不填, for36、Ocean is a land mass.AseparateBsingleClonelyDdivide37、He some difficulty the book into Japanese.Ais, to translateBhas, to translateCis, in translatingDhas, in translating38、They are the new words.Apractising pronunciationBpractised pronunciationCpractis

12、ing pronouncingDpractised pronouncing39、A new topic was at the meeting yesterday.Abrought inBtaken inCcalled inDbroken in40、We saw a horse a big tree.Atied toBtied onCtying toDtying on41、 you asked !AHow silly questionsBWhat silly questionsCHow a silly questionDWhat silly a question42、Everything is

13、ready. He is Wuhan.Agoing in forBleaving toCgoing off forDleaving for43、The heavy rain stopped us to the park.Afrom goingBto goCfor goingDgo44、Keep the dictionary your reach. You can get it easily anytime.Aout ofBwith inCofDin45、We were just about to have a rest a new task came.AwhenBbutCwhileDduring46、 the population of Japan?AHowsBHow much isCHow many isDWhats47、 this reference book, I bought another two.AExceptBButCBes


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