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1、2013学年度第二学期八年级英语课堂小测 M5 (五)编写:黄晓云 审核:初二备课组 印鉴_ 班级 _姓名_ 成绩_一、写出下列单词的英文 (每空1分,共 28分)1.漫画_2.漂亮的;英俊的_3.聪明的;机灵的_4. 与战斗;斗争_-_-_5.时髦的;酷的_ 6.英雄;男主角_(复)_7.幽默的;滑稽的_8.笑;发笑_ 9.经验;教训_10.丑陋的,难看的_11.领导,率领_-_-_12. 聪明的,机灵的_13.当时候_14.脏乱,凌乱_15.天国,天堂_16.期盼,等待_17.艺术家,画家_18. 发明,创造_19. 一本,一份_20.自己的_21.私人的,个人的 _22.创造_23.满足

2、,使满意_二、写出下列短语 (每个2分,共32 分)21 )是时候做某事_2 )忍不住做某事_ 3 )一直,坚持做某事_4 )爬上_5 )经常打架_6 )飞过天空 _7)两者都_8)赢得某人的心_9)带领反抗_10)弄乱,弄糟 _11)期待做某事_12)任职于_ 13)受欢迎_14)也,和一样_ 15)自从_16)出版,发行 _三、单项选择(每个1分,共10分 )( ) 1. It is time _ some music. A. to hear B. listen to C. to listen to( )2. This pop song is popular _ young men.A.

3、to B. withC. in( ) 3. Although he is _ugly man, he is one of the greatest _ in most peoples hearts.A. a, heros B. an, heroes C. an, hero( ) 4. You should keep _, and you will be thinner and thinner. A. run B. to run C. running( ) 5. Can you swim _ the river ?A. across B. through C. cross( ) 6. The m

4、an couldnt help _ in class, because he was so _. A. sleeping , sleep B. sleeping, sleepy C. to sleep, sleeping( )7. I am expecting _ for a trip with my parents next year. A. going B. go C. to go( )8. Do you have enough students to clean the library?No, I think we need _. A. many moreB. much more C.

5、more much( )9.Tom _ a book from me three days ago, and it means he_ it for three days . A. borrowed, has borrowed B. kept, has kept C. borrowed, has kept( )10. Mary often _ with her pet dog in the past, but now she often _ with her friends. A. walks , runs B. walked, runs C. walked, ran四、完成下列句子,词数不限

6、。(每个2分,共20分)1.滑稽的动画片已经赢得了大多数人的心。 Humorous cartoons _ most people.2. 多年来,动画片深受欢迎。 Cartoons _ for many years.3.和你一样他也去过北京。 He _ you has _ Beijing.4.孙悟空率领了一群猴子反抗玉帝。The Monkey King _ a group of monkeys _ the Emperor of Heaven.5.自从那时起,我就在伦教居住了。 _, I have lived in Lunjiao.6. 妈妈问是谁把厨房弄脏乱的。 Mother asked who

7、 _ in the kitchen.7. 坚持多做锻炼吧,你的身体会越来越好的。_, and you will be better and better.8. 那老人又忍不住喝了几口酒. The old man _ some wine again.9. 是时候停止讲话了!It is _ talking !10. 爸爸在一家报社工作,而且他已经在那工作15年了。 My father _ for a newspaper, and he _ for it for 15 years.五、完形填空。(每空1分,共10分)Monkey King plays tricks Almost all Chines

8、e, young or old, have heard of the Monkey King. The Monkey King character 1 Journey to the West, a book written by Wu Chengen in the Ming Dynasty. The 2 tells what happens along the way when Monkey King 3 Monk Tang to find lost Buddhist classics(佛经). But it is the superhero, Monkey King, who 4 peopl

9、es attention. People love him because he is 5 , never afraid of anyone 6 powerful than he is. He goes to the Dragon King to get the golden cudgel(金箍棒).He brings 7 to the party held by the Queen of Heaven. He is never scared by monsters even those stronger than himself. People are also amused by his

10、cleverness. He plays tricks(骗术)on monsters by transforming(变形)into them. He even 8 jokes(捉弄) with the Buddha. Monkey King has 9 thought of giving up(放弃). He meets all kinds of difficulties, even misunderstood by his master, 10 he always does his duty(责任) well.( ) 1.A.gets out ofB. are fromC. comes from( ) 2.A.letter B. story C. book( ) 3.A.asksB. helps C. advises( ) 4.A.leadsB. holds C. catches( ) 5.A.terribleB. frien



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