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1、电气污染解决方案 People exposed to excessive dirty power may develop radio wave sickness.暴露于过度的“脏”权力的人可能发展无线电波的疾病。 Clean power enters the home at 60 Hz.清洁电源进入60赫兹的家。 Electrical pollution is 60 Hz electricity polluted with high frequency signals or dirty power flowing on the wires and through the earth.电器污染是

2、60赫兹的高频信号的电或电线和穿过地球流动“肮脏的”权力污染。 News 新闻 Full Signal Movie: A great educational tool 全部信号电影:一个巨大的教育工具 Full Signal is a great educational tool. 全部信号是一个巨大的教育工具。 Buy a copy for yourself and your local and national lawmakers ( ). 买一(副本为你和你的地方和国家立法者 )。 There is a substantial discount for activist copies (

3、copies being shipped directly to lawmakers or the news media). 有一个很大的折扣的活动家副本(复印件被直接运到国会议员或新闻媒体)。 Wireless technology is proliferating rapidly. 无线技术的迅速扩散。 This movie makes a good tool to expose lawmakers to the public health threat posed by the microwave radiation that is the basis for wireless tech

4、nology. 这部电影使一个很好的工具,揭露国会议员对公众健康构成的威胁的技术是无线微波辐射的基础。 If you or your organization want to hold a public viewing, it is easy to arrange at . 如果你或你的组织要举行公众浏览,很容易安排在 。 Versions of the DVD are now available for global audiences. DVD版本的观众现在可用于全球性的。 If you buy the DVD and use the promo code Safety1 , a port

5、ion of the proceeds of the sale will be donated to The EMR Policy Institute (www.emrpolicy.org) to support their work toward public health based safety standards for radiation from microwave communications.如果你买的DVD,并使用促销代码Safety1,出售部分所得款项将捐赠给环境管理代表政策研究所(www.emrpolicy.org),以支持通信安全标准微波辐射对公众健康工作。 If yo

6、u would like to receive periodic emails with new information and action opportunities, please email me at with Join email list in the subject heading.如果您想定期收到采取行动的机会与新的信息和电子邮件,请发送电子邮件至我与“加入邮件列表”的邮件标题。 To read a synopsis of the movie please go to .要阅读的电影故事大纲请到 。 Transmitting Smart Meters Pose A Serio

7、us Threat To Public Health 发射智能仪表构成严重威胁公众健康 Transmitting smart meters are being installed nationwide, driven in part by funding for the Smart Grid Program approved as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 发射正在安装智能电表全国,部分由资金驱动的智能电网计划2009年批准的一部分,美国复苏和再投资法案。 This is of great conce

8、rn because the exposure to microwave and radiowave radiation from these meters is involuntary and continuous.这是因为微波和无线电波辐射从这些米是自愿的,持续的高度关注。 The transmitting meters do comply with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) safety standards.该发射米做符合美国联邦通讯委员会(FCC)的“安全”标准。 However, those standards were init

9、ially designed to protect an average male from tissue heating (cooking) during a brief exposure.然而,这些标准最初旨在保护在一个简短的接触从组织加热(烹饪)男性平均。 These standards were not designed to protect a diverse population from the non-thermal effects of continuous exposure to microwave and radiowave radiation.这些标准的目的不是为了保护

10、连续暴露于微波和无线电波辐射的非热效应多样化的人口。 Therefore, these safety standards were not designed to protect the public from health problems under the circumstances which the meters are being used.因此,这些“安全”标准不是为了保护该米下正在使用的公共健康问题的情况。 The transmitting meters most often being used transmit continuously, every 4 to 28 sec

11、onds or so.该发射米最常被用来传输连续,每4至28秒左右。 This is picked up by a receiver and logged by the utility.这是拾起一个接收器和记录的工具。 Thus, the exposure is continuous and the safety standards the meters comply with are irrelevant to the situation.因此,曝光是连续的,而“安全”标准的米遵守无关的情况。 Please read this letter from the Radiation Protec

12、tion Division of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the limitations of the FCC standards.请仔细阅读此信从辐射保护局,环境保护部(EPA)的有关FCC标准的局限。 The un-safeness of the safety standards for the continuously transmitting smart meters is apparent from the reports of health problems ranging from headaches

13、 to poor sleep to heart palpitations that begin after their installation.在联合国的“安全”标准safeness连续发射的智能电表是显而易见的,从健康,从头痛到睡眠不佳心悸的安装开始后问题的报告。 To read the rest of the article please click here: Transmitting Smart Meters在阅读文章的其余的请点击这里: 发射智能仪表 Modern Wind Turbines Generate Dangerously Dirty Electricity 现代风力涡轮

14、机产生危险的“脏”电力 Wind turbines are causing serious health problems. 风力涡轮机是造成严重的健康问题。 These health problems are often associated, by the people having them, with the flicker and the noise from the wind turbines. 这些健康问题往往是相关的,他们的人所拥有,与闪烁和噪音的涡轮机的风。 This often leads to reports being discounted. 这往往导致被贴现的报告。

15、Residents of the area around the Ripley Wind Farm in Ontario where Enercon E82 wind turbines are installed feel that the turbines are making them ill.周围的风电场里普利在安大略省地方Enercon公司E82安装风力涡轮机的涡轮机的居民认为他们正在生病。 Residents suffer from ringing in the ears, headaches, sleeplessness, dangerously elevated blood pr

16、essure (requiring medication), heart palpitations, itching in the ears, eye watering, earaches, and pressure on the chest causing them to fight to breathe.本地居民从遭受耳鸣,头痛,失眠,血压升高的危险(需要用药),心悸,瘙痒在耳,眼浇水,耳痛,并在胸部的压力,使他们争取到呼吸。 The symptoms disappear when the residents leave the area.症状消失当居民离开该地区。 Four residents were forced to move out of their homes, the symptoms were so bad.四个居民被迫离开自己的家园,症状是如此糟糕。 Residents also complain of poor radio, TV



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