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1、A1. ability n.c能力 复abilities /have the ability to do sth.= be able to do sth.2. able adj.能够 unable 不能够 adj. disabled残疾的/the disabled3. abroad adv. 在国外,到国外 travel / go abroad (at) home and abroad国内外4. absent adj. 缺席的 be absent from/ be present at(出席) the meeting5. accept vt. (主观)接受 refuse(反义:拒绝) acce

2、pt/follow/take ones suggestion(s) /advice receive(客观收到) a letter6. achieve vt.获得 achieve a balance between A and B achieve the goal(达成目标) achievement n.7. active adj. 积极地 反义inactive take an active part in activities = take part in activities actively(adv.)8. add v 补充,增加 add sth. to sth. in addition(

3、此外)= besides = whats more9. address nc地址复数write down the bosses addresses10. advantagec 优点,优势 an advantage /advantages 反义disadvantage11. advise v.建议 advise sb. sth / advise sb. to do sth./advise doing sth. advice n.u a piece of advice What useful advice you offer!12. affect vt. 影响A affects B = A has

4、 (an) effect/influence on B13. afford vt&vi.买得起,能做 sb. can afford (money/time) /to do sth. I cant afford a car. = I can hardly afford to buy a car.14. afterwards adv. 后来,以后(单独使用) = later15. against prep. be against ones opinion反对 do sth. against the law put a ladder against the wall.靠着fight(struggle

5、) against the enemy/against the wind (顶着风)16. agree v. 同意 agree with sb. (sbs ideas /opinions)/agree to do sth agree to let sb. to do sth. n. agreement reach / come to an agreement 反义disagree / disagreement17. aid n.帮助 the first-aid box18. alive adj.&adv. the people alive = the living people活着的 brin

6、g sth. on screen alive 栩栩如生地搬上荧屏 live/be covered live现场直播 lively生动活泼/make ones class lively19. allow vt.允许 allow sb. to do sth. /sb. is not allowed to do sth. allow doing sth. / sth is not allowed +地点状语20. alone adv.&adj be alone/ live alone = live on ones own = live by oneself /live on a lonely isl

7、and lonely孤单的 feel lonely sometimes/ at times / from time to time21. along prep.沿着 walk along the street/road22. ancient adj. 古老的 in/since ancient times23. angry adj. be angry with sb. at/about sth. /be angry to do sth. look angry/ look at sb. angrily adv. anger n.24. appear vi.出现n. appearance 反义 di

8、sappear / disappearance appear on the stageappear happy general appearance 大体外貌25. argue vi. argue with sb. about sth.因为争论/quarrel with sb. about sth. 因为吵架 n. argument26. armchair n.c sit in an armchair/sit on the chair27. arrival n. the arrival of arrive vi./ arrive at小地点/in 大地点 = get to /reach vt.

9、 spl.28. article n.c an article on science / an article written by sb.29. asleep adj. be/fall asleep=go/get to slee入睡feel sleepy昏昏欲睡the sleeping child/the sleeping car(卧铺车厢)30. attack vt./vi./n攻击,进攻attack enemies敌人/attack sb. with a knife(gun) /be attacked by sb.attacker nc 31. attract vt. 吸引 attrac

10、t ones attention n.cattraction tourist attractions32. August n. 八月 in+January/February/March/April/May/June/July/September/October/November/Decmeber33. available adj.可获得的,可找到的 sth. be available/have any available room 34. awake adj.醒着的be awake/ v. wake (wake/woke/woken ) wake sb. up / have been awak

11、e for 10 minutesB1. balloon n.c气球 复数balloons2. bark vi.(狗)吠,叫 bark at sb.3. be made of由制成(看得出)/be made from由制成(看不出) be made in spl. 在某地制 材料 be made into产品 make sth. out of sth.(材料) 由组成be made up of = consist of4. be used to . be used to sth./doing sth. 习惯于 used to do sth.过去常常做某事be used to do sth /fo

12、r sth.被用来做某事5. beauty n. beautiful /more /the most beautiful beautifully反义ugly/uglier 同义handsome(多指男士)6. beef nu 牛肉 Can you tell me how much beef there is in the fridge? prefer noodles with beef7. begin vi/vt开始,起初 begin to do/doing sth. /begin (end) with n. beginning at the beginning of sth.8. in th

13、e beginning = at first9. beyond prep. 超过 go far beyond10. biscuit nc饼干 复数biscuits11. bite vt ./vi bite/bit /bitten 现在分词biting12. blanket nc毯子put out the fire with a blanket13. blind adj. 失明的 the blind = the blind people/ the cases of blindness (n.)He is blind in the right eye. 14. blood n. u血a drop

14、of blood /v. bleed/bled/bled bleed to death blood pressure(血压)/blood type(血型)15. blouse nc女衬衫 / shirt16. blow out the candles吹灭 blow away ones cap吹走 blow/blew/blown17. bone nc 骨头make medicine from tiger bones18. bored adj. (感到)无聊的be bored with sth.= be tired of sth. boring adj.令人无聊的 a boring meeting

15、 Similar: interested/interesting excited/ exciting surprised/surprising frightened / frightening19. boss n.c老板,上司 复数 bosses 所有格 bosss /bosses princess /princesses/princesss/princesses20. brave adj. 勇敢 be braver/the bravest adv. bravely n. bravery21. brush vt./n 刷子 brush ones teeth many toothbrushes22. burn vt.烧伤;烧 burn/burnt/burnt t adj正在烧the burning house 烤焦的the burnt bread 23. busy adj. 忙碌的be busy with sth ./be busy (in) doing sth. busier/the bu



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