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1、错综复杂的 intricate 陶瓷的 ceramics 冶金 metallurgical 热量的 thermal 早熟的 premature 粘度 viscosity 湍流 turbulence 杂质 contaminants 模拟 simulate 水力的,水压的 hydraulic 难熔的 refractory 潮湿 moist 固定 anchored 成型系统 formability 刚度 rigidity 对称的 symmetry 凸的 convex 单轴的 uniaxial 气动的 pneumatic 基体 matrix 颗粒 granule 冻结 congealdie模具nose

2、前端key键key bed键槽bearing轴承casting铸造sawing锯削characteristics特性finishing精加工forging锻造composition成分metal-injection molding注射成型cavity型腔in terms of根据solidification固化cooling冷却uniformity均匀性significant显著的gating system浇注系统vertical立式的、垂直的horizontal卧式的sprue直浇道incompressible不可压缩的triple三倍crankshaft曲轴mechanization机械化

3、automation自动化dimensional tolerance尺寸公差defect缺陷flask沙箱cope上沙箱drag下沙箱chill冷铁pour浇注millennia千年moist潮湿parting line 分型面riser冒口runner横浇道draft拔模斜度taper锥度press压力机anchor固定pins销shakeout落砂dross浮渣slag熔渣film薄膜alloys合金grain晶粒shrink收缩punching冲孔blanking落料discarded丢掉Clearances间隙rigidity刚度alignment对中性symmetry对称的strip

4、per卸料器washer垫圈nut螺母bolt螺栓elongation延伸率necking颈缩pattern模样parting agent脱模剂bend allowance弯曲中性层弧长stretch拉弯spring stripper ring弹性卸料圈cure硬化core型芯hopper漏斗barrel料筒thermoplastic热塑性(塑料)thermoset热固性(塑料)cost花费,代价benediction祝福antibiotic抗生素inch英寸blank毛坯investment casting熔模铸造blade刀刃stamping冲压shearing剪切punch and di

5、e凸模和凹模rollover圆角区burnish光滑区fracture断裂区burr毛刺deburring去毛刺strip条料scrap废料stripper卸料器spring弹簧spring-back回弹flange翻边specimen试样compound die复合模isotropy各向同性an-isotropy各向异性flash飞边piercing冲孔,穿轧fluidity流动性express快车、表示negative and positive正与负matrix基体mechanical机械的polyamide聚酰胺PC聚碳酸酯PE聚乙烯PVC聚氯乙烯PTFE聚四氟乙烯PP聚丙烯PS聚苯乙烯

6、ABS丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯PMMA聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯翻译句子1、 Castings may subsequently be subjected to further processing, such as heat treatment and various machining operations, to produce final desired shapes and surface characteristics. 铸件也许要经过后续处理工艺,如热处理和各种机加工,才得到最终期望的形状和表面特性。2、 Labor costs continue to become a smaller co

7、mponent of the total cost of casting due to increased use of automation. Computeraided design and manufacturing and rapid prototyping of molds and dies are important areas being studied and implemented.由于自动化的快速应用,劳动力成本逐渐成为铸件总成本的较小部分。铸型的计算机辅助设计和制造,以及铸型的快速原型成形是正在研究和得到应用的重要方面。1、 what is a riser(冒口)?Ris

8、er serves as reservoirs(仓库) to supply the molten metal necessary to prevent shrinkage during solidification.2、 Explain punching (冲孔)and blanking(落料)?In punching,the shearing slug is discarded. In blanking,the slug is the part and the rest is scrap.3、 What is the function of a core(型芯)?They are place

9、d in the mold to form hollow(中空的) regions(区域) or otherwise define the interior surface of the casting. Cores are also used on the outside of the casing to form features such as lettering on the surface of a casting or deep external pockets.4、 Describe the features of a gating system(浇注系统).The gating

10、 system contains the sprue,runners,the gate and risers.The sprue is a vertical channel through which the molten mental flows downward in the mold.Runners are the channels that carry the molten metal from the sprue to the mold cavity or connect the sprue to the gate.The gate is that portion of the ru

11、nner through which the molten metal enters the mold cavity.Risers serve as reservoirs to supply the molten mental necessary to prevent shrinkage during solidification.5、 Why is casting an important manufacturing process?Casting is an important process for the following reasons:(1) Casting can produc

12、t complex shapes with internal cavities or hollow sections.(2) It can produce very large parts.(3) It can utilize work-piece materials that are difficult or uneconomical to process by other means.(4) Casting is competitive with other process.6、 Describe earing(凸耳,请注意拼写不是earring) and why it occurs.In

13、 drawing,the edges of cups may become wavy,this phenomenon is called earing.This condition is caused by the planar anisotropy of the sheet. it is defined in terms of directional R values from the equation.7、 What caused burrs?How can they be reduced or eliminated?Dull tool edges contribute greatly t

14、o burr formation. Edge quality has been found to improve with increasing punch speed.8、 Describe the different between compound,progressive,and transfer dies.Compound dies: several operations on the same strip may be performed in one stroke at one station with a compound die. Such combined operation

15、s are usually limited to simple shapes because they are somewhat slow and because the dies rapidly become much more expensive than those for individual shearing operationsProgressive dies: It can be made at high production rates in progressive dies. The sheet metal is fed through as coil strip and a different operation is performed at the same station with each stroke of a series of punchesTransfer dies: In transfer die setup, the sheet metal undergoe



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