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1、高三英语二轮专题复习要点回顾与精练专题03 介词及介词短语一【语境检测】用适当的介词或介词短语填空使得短文语意通顺完整。City Scenes(城市景观)In many countries 1_ the world, including Mexico, Japan and Australia, more and more people live in cities. Cities share many characteristics, but they are also different 2_ country to country.Mexicos cities are modern but

2、have a lot of traditional Indian and Spanish influences. The most important buildings are around a central square, which also serves 3_ a place to meet with friends. There are outdoor and marketplaces, where people can find almost everything they need. 4_ Sundays, parks are a popular place for famil

3、y outgoings. Many people move to Mexico City from rural areas. It has a lot of excitement, but also a lot of traffic and air pollution.Japans cities also have a mix 5_ traditional and modern characteristics. There are tall office and apartment buildings as well as traditional wooden houses. Many peo

4、ple prefer to live far from the center of cities, because houses 6_ the center of cities are expensive. They often commute (坐公交) from suburbs. Traffic, pollution, and crowds are problems. However, there is little crime, and even every crowded cities have many parks and gardens.Although 80%of Austral

5、ians live near cities, the cities are not as large as those in some other countries. Most people live in houses 7_ suburbsnot in apartments. The suburbs usually have their own churches, schools, and shopping centers. They also have recreational facilities. In large cities, 8_ Sydney, the suburbs are

6、 9_the city and are often far from the center of town. 10_the heavy traffic, cars and buses are very slow, and there are many traffic jams.二【考纲解读】介词主要考查近义词的用法区别、介词的特定含义、介词和连词易混淆的项目、介词的固定用法等,在2011年和2012年全国各地高考试题中,都涉及到介词的考查,不仅在单项填空中进行考查。由于介词的用法非常普遍,它关系到句子的上下衔接,所以以后的高考题介词仍然是一个考查热点。中学阶段所学的介词有40多个。它与名词、形

7、容词、副词和动词等构成搭配时用法灵活,意义丰富。搭配比较活跃的介词主要有in,out,up,down,on,off,to,from,for,over,with等。预测今后高考介词的考查将以介词的固定短语和介词辨析为主。在学习介词时,应重点掌握介词的基本用法,同时注意总结其与名词、形容词、副词、动词等搭配构成的短语的意思和用法。三【考点回想】考点1 常见介词的活用:by,with,against,over,on,in,at,besides,for等是常考的介词。掌握这些介词的用法和意义、准确把握句子语境是解题的关键。考点2 介词的固定搭配:高考主要考查学生对固定短语的掌握程度、对短语意义的了解以

8、及介词在这些固定搭配中的应用。1名词词组:on the contrary相反;in turn依次;in ones opinion根据某人的看法;off time准时;out of reach够不着2动词词组:remind sb of sth提醒某人某事;rob sb of sth抢劫某人的;restdt from由引起;call at访问(某地)3形容词词组:be curious about对好奇;be proud of因而自豪;be popular with受到的欢迎4介词短语:apart from除Pb;in addition to除之外(还);because of因为;instead o

9、f代替;in fear of为提心吊胆;for fear of以免;in case of防备;thanks to由于;in the middle of在中间;according to根据;in front of在前面;in return for作为对的回报;in charge of负责;as a result of作为的结果;in exchange for与交换等考点3核心介词用法归纳与辨析1. 表示时间的介词in的用法。in和during表一段时间内两词可互用。如:in the night, during the night,in the war,during the war。但略有区别:当

10、接表示“活动”的抽象名词时多用during,接“活动”的动名词及短语时用in。如:during the discussion/in discussing the problem during her stay in Hubei/in playing basketball/during the course of/in digging the tunnel 2.在具体的某一天或某天上午、晚上、前夕,常用on。3.表示某一时刻或某一点时间用at,如小时、分钟等。有些时间名词前有one,each,any,every,some,all,next,last,that修饰时,不接介词。4.till、unt

11、il、to的用法。(1)till(until)与持续动词连用一般用于肯定句中,与短暂动词连用一般用在否定句中。(2)to表“终结”时常和from连用,但要注意不与from连用时的意义。5.表示方式、手段、工具的介词(1)by the year/hour/day按年/小时/天,但to the pound按磅算,to the ton按吨计。(2)表泛指的方式、手段:by post, by telephone(radio),但on the phone/on the radio/on TV(电讯器材),by electricity,by hard work, learn sth. by heart,

12、through the satellite, through practice, through his own efforts, through experience, through the telescope (3)交通工具类。另外:by means of 用方法,by way of 经由,取道于,用方法;with the help(permission)of sb./with sb.s help(permission)“在帮助下”。(4)表方式、手段的其他用法。He beat the dog with a whip.(with+工具、机器)He stood up with pride.

13、(with+情绪、情感、态度的名词)注意:使用语言、材料、文字等用in。如in English(ink, pencil)。另外如:in high(good, low)spirits, in anger, in joy, in comfort, in sorrow, in safety, in danger, in need, in debt, in love, in fun, in pain, in tears, in surprise, in good(poor)health, in good order, in flower, in a way, in a low voice, in si

14、lence, in(with)satisfaction, in a hurry, in(with)words, live/feed on food, kneel on ones knee, take(catch)sb. by surprise(出其不意)6.表示“除之外”的几组常用介词比较。(1)besides “除以外,(还有)”。作副词时意思是“而且,更何况”。如:It was too late to see a film, and besides, I was tired.(2)except“除去,除之外(不再有)”。如:We all went except John.在否定句中,两词可

15、以换用,如:He has no other hats except/besides this one.(3)except for“除了(对句子主题进行细节校正或附加说明)”后接名词、代词或what从句,此时与except that+句子意思相同。如:He was very clever except for carelessness.(4)except that.“除了一点以外”。如:He has not changed except that he is wearing dark glasses.(5)but和except在表示“除了以外”时可以通用,但应注意以下三点:前面有不定人词、疑问代词在意义上对称时,多用but。All but one are here. Nobody but I likes making model ships.后接不定式短语为排除对象时,多用but。He has nothing to do but wait.(前有do,后省to);but与一些固定结构连用。have no choice but to do sth.只得做某事,can not but do sth.不得不,can not help but do sth.不得不,but for.如不是7.介词的省略:8.某些名词与介词构成的固定搭配。


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