外研版高中英语选修八课时作业:Module 1 Deep SouthSection Ⅲ Integrating SkillsCultural Corner 含答案精修版

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1、外研版英语精品资料(精修版)课时作业33.用所给词的适当形式填空1Leaders from different countries attended the opening _ of the Olympics, which was a _ occasion.(ceremony)2It is quite _ for a man to feel nervous before events but it is _ to be too calm in face of danger.(normal)3His _ in confidence accounted for the fact that he w

2、as _ from the contest.(absent)4Annoyed by the _ from the headlight of the car in the opposite direction, the young man _ at it.(glare)5The speech was so _ that the listeners were _ of it.(tire)6Many people associate dark clouds with _, and people feel _ on such _ circumstances.(depress)7Many deaf pe

3、ople have feelings of _ and loneliness as if they lived on an _ island.(isolate)8Bikes are an _ means of transportation, which is friendly to the _ system.(ecology)9Change is a _ figure in ancient Chinese _.(legend)10The machine has high _ and is thus _ to customers.(rely)11The tiny island is _ by p

4、eople who were once _ in Africa.(inhabit)12_ by the film, the poet moved to the country to seek _.(inspiration)答案:1.ceremony; ceremonial2.normal; abnormal3.absence; absent4.glare; glared5.tiring; tired6.depression; depressed; depressing7.isolation; isolated8.ecofriendly; ecological9.legendary; legen

5、d10.reliability; reliable11.inhabited; inhabitants12.Inspired; inspirations.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空1_ English law, Tom is innocent.2He told us the accident _.3Surely I will take it, _ its of good quality.4Mary bought a flat _ her office.5She _ on a trip across Europe.6I can do nothing _ swimming in such hot

6、 days.7He wants to know who has _ his dictionary.8Doing exercise _ is good for your health.答案:1.According to2.in detail3.as long as4.close to5.set off6.except for7.taken away8.in the open air.用适当的介词、副词等填空1At last he came up _ an idea to save all his fellow men.2Shackleton and his men watched the End

7、urance sank _ the icy sea.3He was forced _ do this job.4It was Elephant Island a large rock _ nothing growing on it, but much better than a floating piece of ice.5Unfortunately he landed _ the wrong side of the island.6We cant make the decision in the absence _ the manager.7We must discourage him _

8、doing such silly things.8Go out with friends who can help you in case _ trouble.9Be careful to leave nothing _ footprints.10He doesnt look _ the same person after his illness.答案:1.with2.into3.to4.with5.on6.of7.from8.of9.but10.like.句型转换1If it rains tomorrow, well have to delay our departure._ _ it ra

9、ins tomorrow, well have to delay our departure.2He leads a life without any worry.He leads a life _ _ any worry.3He was the first man that has come to the meeting.He was the first man _ _ to the meeting.4After sailing for about two days, they finally saw an island.After they sailed for about two day

10、s, an island finally _ _ _.5Only a few natives live in that isolated village.That isolated village is _ _ only a few natives.答案:1.In case2.free from3.to come4.came into sight5.inhabited by.阅读理解AThe Arctic is a polar region. It surrounds the North Pole.Like Antarctica, the Arctic is a land of ice and

11、 snow. Antarctica holds the record of a low temperature reading 125 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. Readings of 85 degrees below zero are common in both the Arctic and Antarctica. Winter temperatures average 30 degrees below zero in the Arctic. At the South Pole winter temperature is about 73 degrees

12、 below zero.One thing alone makes it almost impossible for men to live in Antarctica and in parts of the Arctic. This one thing is the low temperaturethe killing chill of the far North and the polar South.To survive,people must wear the warmest possible clothing. They must build windproof shelters.

13、They must keep heaters going at all times. Not even for a moment can they be unprotected against the belowzero temperature.People have a way of providing for themselves. Polar explorers wrap themselves in warm coats and furs. The cold makes life difficult,but the explorers can stay alive.What about

14、animals? Can they survive? Do we find plants? Do we find life in the Arctic and in Antarctica? Yes,we do. There is life in the oceans. There is life on land.Antarctica, as we have seen, is a cold place indeed. But this has not always been the case. Expedition scientists have discovered that Antarctica has not always been a frozen continent. At one time the weather in Antarctica may have been much like our own.Explorers have discovered coal in Antarctica. This leads them to believe that Antarctica at one time was a


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