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1、五年级英语上学期句型转换复习练习外研版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 对句子主题部分提问。1. He livesin Beijing._he_?2. She often has lunchat twelve oclock._she often_lunch?3. The skirt isTinas._is it?2. 按要求改写下列句子。1. Will you play football with me this weekend? (另写一句,意思不变)_you_play football with me this weekend?2. I have some plans for the holiday

2、. (改为否定句)I dont have_for the holiday.3. The music books areon the first floor. (对句子主题部分提问)_the music books?4. Theyre going toplant flowersthis Friday. (对句子主题部分提问)_are they going to_this Friday?5. Yes, Peter often goes fishing with his father. (写出问句)_Peter often_fishing with his father?6. These areLi

3、ndasstorybooks. (对句子主题部分提问)_are these?7. Jenny, is, row, weekend, going, to, a, boat, with, me, this (.) (连词成句)3. 句型转换。1. Are these Kates paper chains? (肯定句)These_paper chains.2. These aremyletters. (主题意思提问)_letters are these?3. I want to playfootball.(主题意思提问)_do you want to play?4. His father is a

4、farmer. (一般疑问句)_his father a farmer?4. 按要求改写句子。1. Beijing isin the north of China.(对句子主题部分提问)2. It is a very naughty bird.(变为一般疑问句)3. Are you fat?(作出否定回答)4. She is a clever pupil.(改为否定句)5. This is my little sister.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)5. 按要求完成下列各题。1. I_(吃晚饭) at 6 oclock.2. I_(散步) at 7 oclock.3. of, sound

5、s, that, lot, fun, like, a (.)(连词成句)4. I do morning exercisesat 7 oclock(对句子主题意思提问)5. Iclean my roomon Saturdays.(对句子主题意思提问)6. 按要求完成下列各题。1. Mary usuallystudies mathsin the morning.(对句子主题部分提问)2. I usually make my bed in the morning.(变一般疑问句)3. Do you want to go to the zoo?(作否定回答)4. I like evening.(变否定

6、句)5. your, is, time, day, of, the, what, favourite ?(连词成句)7. 按要求写句子。1. Im late for schoolbecause I get up late.(对句子主题部分提问)2. Tim wants to eat fish.(改为否定句)3. I likereading fairy tales.(对句子主题部分提问)4. What a pity!(翻译)5. We go to school every morning. (改为否定句)8. 句子大变身。1.keyboard a computer a has .(连词成句)2.

7、Dad iscleaning his bike.(对句子主题部分提问)3.Mary can read and write.(改为否定句)4.She is singing.(改为一般疑问句)5.二减一等于一。(翻译)9. 按要求改写下列句子。1. These areLindasbooks. (对句子主题部分提问)_are these?2. Peggyis tidying up the classroom. (对句子主题部分提问)_is Peggy_?3. The room isclean and nice. (对句子主题部分提问)_is the room?4. These pencils are

8、 hers. (改为一般疑问句)_pencils hers?5. You cant throw the paper on the floor. (另写一句,意思不变)_the paper on the floor.6. Are Danny and you watching TV? (否定回答)No,_.7. puts, on, the, and, stone, Jimmy, the, nails, table, (.) (连词成句)10. 按要求改写下列句子。1. I can make a paper cup. (改成一般疑问句)2. Does Peter want a pair of blu

9、e socks? (改成肯定句) 3. These buttons are black. (改成否定句,但意思不变) 4. My purple bag istwenty yuan. (对句子主题部分提问) 5. I want to buythe bluedress. (对句子主题部分提问)11. 句型转换。1. ItsSundaytoday. (对句子主题部分提问)2. I can play chess. (改成疑问句)3. often, I, the, play, on, violin, Saturday (.) (连词成句)4. I cango to the zooon Sunday. (

10、对句子主题部分提问)5. Can we go boating? (作出肯定回答)12. 按要求改写句子。1Sam comes to school on foot every day.(同义句转换)Sam_every day.2He goes to schoolby busevery day.(对画线部分提示)_he_to school every day?3My uncle livesin Beijing.(对句子主题意思提问)_your uncle_?4Mike likes his new bike.(改为否定句)Mike_his new bike.5My home is far from

11、my school.(改为一般疑问句)_home far from_school?13. 按要求改写句子。1I am so sadbecause I cant go to the party.(对句子主题意思提问)_you so sad?2Leo likesdrawing pictures.(对句子主题意思提问)_Leo like_?3Cinderella has some nice clothes and shoes.(改为否定句)Cinderella_nice clothes_shoes.4Mike has to come backat six oclock.(对句子主题意思提问)_Mik

12、e_to come back?5My brother can put the ball on his finger.(改为一般疑问句)_brother_the ball on his finger?14. 按要求写句子。1. I can draw a picture.(改为否定句)2. He likes that.(改为否定句)3.例:Touch your ears.Dont touch your ears, please.Eat in the library.(仿句)4. Dont throw waste paper on the floor.(改为肯定句)15. 按要求改变句子,每格一词。1. Its cherry juice. Its grape juice.(改为选择疑问句)_it cherry juice_grape juice?2. I havethreeArt lessons a week. (主题意思提问)_Art lessons do you have a week?3. My brother does his homework every evening.(改为否定句)My brother_his homework every eveni


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