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1、sing的用法总结大全sing的用法总结大全sing的意思vt. vi. 唱,歌唱,吟诵vi. (鸟)鸣,嗡嗡叫,呜呜作响,发嗖嗖声v. 耳鸣,诗作诗,歌颂,赞美,称赞,唱着使n. 呜呜声,嗖嗖声,美口歌唱会变形:过去式: sang; 如今分词:singing; 过去分词:sung;sing用法sing可以用作动词sing的根本意思是“唱”“歌唱”,指以上下不同的音符发出一连串的悦耳的声响,其后一般接song或歌曲的名称。引申可表示“(鸟等)鸣叫”“(水壶、风等)嗡嗡作响”“发出嗖嗖声”“(耳)鸣”“歌颂”,还可作“吟咏”解,其主语可以是人、鸟、小溪等。sing既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物

2、动词。用作及物动词时,可接简单宾语、同宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for或to的宾语。sing还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。sing偶然可用作系动词,接形容词作表语。sing用作动词的用法例句She was singing a lullaby to her child.她正在给孩子唱摇篮曲。Lets sing a song during the break.我们趁这空当儿唱支歌。She sang the baby to sleep.她给孩子唱歌唱到孩子睡着。sing用法例句1、She didnt know anything about music but she li

3、ked to sing.虽然她对音乐一无所知,但却爱唱歌。2、You can sing along to your favourite Elvis hits.你可以跟着一起唱你最喜欢的“猫王”的热门歌曲。3、Some people tried to sing, but their voices soon died raggedly away.一些人试图唱歌,但他们的声音很快就陆续消失了。副词比拟级的根本用法原级比拟的用法1. 原级比拟由“as+形容词或副词(或再加名词或短语)+as ”构成“原级一样”比拟句,表示两者比拟;其否认式,即“程度不及”比拟句型为“not so(as) +形容词或副词

4、+as”,而且asas构造前可用just, almost, nearly, quite等表示程度的词修饰1) Walking briskly for thirty minutes will burn as many calories as _.A to run for fifteen minutesB running for fifteen minutesC you run for fifteen minutesD fifteen?minute walking2) The gorilla(大猩猩), while A not quite as curious than B the chimpan

5、zee(黑猩猩), shows more persistence C and memory retention(记忆力) in solving D a problem.3) Alaska is twice A as larger B as C the next largest D state, Texas.2. “as (so)+名词+as+名词”进展名词比拟,这时一般情况下有一个表示原级的比拟词,但假如第一名词前出现了形容词修饰该词或出现副词修饰谓语,应当用so而不用as4) Thomas Jeffersons achievements as an architect rival his c

6、ontributions a politician.A suchB moreC asD than5) I should say Henry is not much a writer as a reporter. (88年考题)A thatB soC thisD as3. 表示“是几倍”时用“twice; three times等 + as 形容副词as.” eg. 1)This book costs twice as much as that one. 这本书的价钱是那本书的两倍。2)He has four times as many books as I have 他拥有的书是我拥有的四倍比

7、拟级1. 比拟级由“形容词(副词)比拟级+than+,”构成表示在两者中间一方比另一方“更加”。连词than后可接句子,也可接名词、代词、名词短语、介词短语、动词、动词不定式、?ING构造和?ED构造,有时也可省去than。6) Natural mica(云母) of A a superior B quality is cheapest C to obtain than synthetic D mica.7) She is older than .A any other girl in the groupB any girl in the groupC all girls in the gro

8、upD you and me as well as the group8) Josephine McCrackin joined A the “Santa Cruz Sentinel” in 1905 and, until her death fifteen years late B , remained C active in journalistic D work.2. 注意than前后两项相比拟的人或事物要一致9) The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than .A oursB with us

9、C for ours it hadD it did for us10) Sound travels air.A faster through water than through B faster than through water andC through water faster andD where it is faster through water than through11) Gerbrand von den Feckhout, one of Rembrands pupils, followed A the style of his teacher so implicitly

10、that B his paintings C are sometimes confused with his master D .最高级1. 最高级用于三者以上比拟,形容词的构造形式是“定冠词+形容词最高级+名词+表示范围的短语(地点)或从句”(如all, of all, of the tree, in the world, that has ever taken place等)或“定冠词+形容词最高级+of+人群”12) The more A fearsome of all the B animals in C the Western D Hemisphere is the grizzly

11、bear.13) Of all economic A problems, inflation continues to be B a C most significant in its daily impact on D people and business.14) _, the most familiar to general public is the criminal jurisdiction.A All the activitiesB The activitiesC Of all the activitiesD It is the activities2. 副词的最高级与形容词最高级的区别在于最高级可以不用定冠词the第 页 共 页



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