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1、外研八上Module5基础练习(一). 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。difficult; act; tradition; show; main 1. Yaochen is a famous in China. She acts very well. 2.Lantern Festival is one of the Chinese festivals. 3.There is no time. Please only ask the questions at the meeting. 4. I took some beautiful photos of the Great Wall. Great

2、! Can you them to me? 5.I cant understand what she said. It is too for me. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.I dont like English because it is hard for me (learn). 2.Maybe its possible for children (have) classes at home without going to school in the future. 3. Mum, I decided (buy) a new bag. Do you agree with me? 4

3、. Some of the young girls hope (be) famous someday. 5. Mr Green is planning (travel) to Beijing next week. . 根据中文及提示词写出恰当的英语句子。 1.托尼(Tony)今天晚上想去看足球赛。(would like) 2.妈妈昨天答应给我买一台电脑。(agree) 3. 大明今天主动提出帮助我学英语。(offer) 4. 明天不可能完成这项工作。(it; impossible) 5. 你想和我一起去游泳吗?(want). 根据句意及汉语提示完成英语句子,每空一词。 1. 你昨天去茶馆喝茶了

4、吗?Did you go to the have tea yesterday? 2. 最后我们到达了山顶。We arrived at the top of the mountain . 3.杭州是一个美丽的城市。它尤其以西湖而出名。Hangzhou is a beautiful city. Its especially the West Lake. 4. 你知道一位叫冰心的著名作家吗?Do you know a famous Bing Xin? 5. 这是谁的书包? 不知道。 Whose bag is this? .参考答案:. 1. actress2. traditional 3. main

5、4. show 5. difficult .1. to learn 2. to have3. to buy4. to be 5. to travel. 1. Tony would like to watch a football match tonight.2. Mother agreed to buy me a computer yesterday.3. Daming offered to help me with my English today.4. Its impossible to finish the work tomorrow.5. Do you want to go swimm

6、ing with me?.1. teahouse to2. in the end3. famous for4. writer called5. No idea(二). 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1.Its difficult for (普通的) people to fly into space. 2.Can you (描述) to the policeman how this accident happened? 3. Liu Qian is good at doing (魔术). 4. Tonys father works in a (学院) in Beijing. 5. My gran

7、dmother likes seeing movies at the open-air (剧院). 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。if; society; begin; novel; act 1. I didnt see the of the film because I got to the cinema late. 2. Marys mother likes reading Qiong Yaos love . 3. We wont have a picnic in the park it is rainy tomorrow. 4. How many does this play have?

8、 Three. 5.In modern , travel is more and more popular. 根据句意,用适当的介词或副词填空完成句子。 1. How much do you know Beijing Opera? 2. The boy is too young. His mother must look him at home. 3. The film is 6:30 pm 8:10 pm. 4. Mikes parents sent him the best school to study last year. 5. This is a new book Han Han.

9、根据句意及汉语提示完成英语句子,每空一词。 1.Miss Wang was born in (二十世纪). 2.Three years later, the boy (返回) his home town. 3.Lao She (被称为) “the Peoples Artist”. 4.When we arrived there, they gave a (热烈欢迎) us. 5. We dont know what (发生) that night.参考答案:.1. common 2. describe3. magic4. college 5. theatre. 1. beginning2. n

10、ovels 3. if4. acts 5. society. 1. about 2. after 3. from; to4. to 5. by. 1. the twentieth century 2. returned to3. was named 4. warm welcome to5. took place (三). 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。act; end; change; possible; life 1.At the of the play, everyone stood up and clapped. 2.Can you describe the in your villa

11、ge? 3.Im not good at English. Its for me to remember so many words a day. 4.This play shows the peoples in Beijing twenty years ago. 5.Zhao Benshan is one of my favourite . 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Dont worry. Ill try (help) you. 2. Id like you (go) shopping with me this afternoon. 3. My parents want me (be

12、come) a doctor in the future. 4. Remember _ (give) some food to the pet dog every day. 5. My mother always makes me (practise) playing the piano on Sunday. 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。A: Hi, Betty. What are you doing on the Internet?B: (1)A: Beijing Opera? Many old people like it. Do you like it?B: Yes, I like

13、it very much. What about you?A: Sorry, I dont. (2) By the way (顺便问一下), do you like reading books?B: Yes, I like reading novels.A: Me, too. (3)B: Mark Twains. I like his novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (汤姆索亚历险记) best.A: Can you tell me something about him?B: (4) He was also good at telling jokes(笑话).A: When and where was he born? What is he famous for?B: (5) Lets search them on the Internet.A: Good idea. A. Whose novels do you like reading? B. He is a famous American writer. C. Im seeing some Beijing Opera. D. No idea. E. Its hard for me to understand it


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