2023年Unit Earthquakes语篇演练十九.doc

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1、Unit 4Earthquakes语篇演练(十九)时间安排:第七周周一演练题型:阅读理解完成句子建议用时:25分钟答案栏:14_.阅读理解When they look at the sky, people usually find the sky looks blue not orange, red, green or yellow. Do you know why?Unlike the moon, the earth is surrounded by an atmosphere. The atmosphere is a mixture of gasses, mostly nitrogen a

2、nd oxygen. The way the sunlight travels through the atmosphere makes the sky colored.Why blue? It doesnt look like it , but light is made up of several different colours, like you see in a rainbow. Each of these colours travels in a wave, but the wavelength (distance between the tops of each wave) v

3、aries. Red light has a long wavelength, while blue light has a much shorter wavelength. When light from the sun enters our atmosphere, the waves collide (碰撞) with gas molecules (分子). The longer wavelengths, like red and yellow, pass straight through and appear to us as “regular” sunlight. Shorter wa

4、velengths, like blue, bump into the gas molecules and scatter in different directions. Some of it still makes it through directly, but the rest is reflected back to our eyes from all directions, so the whole sky looks blue.The sky usually looks light blue. But it would be dark blue if you stood on t

5、op of the highest mountain, where there is less air to scatter the sunlight.Sometimes the sky doesnt look blue. At sunrise and sunset, the light from the sun sometimes scattered in some way that you see red, orange, and other colours in the sky.1Why does the sky look blue?AThe sunlight is blue itsel

6、f.BThe sunlight is made up of all the colours the same as a rainbow.CThe blue light is scattered most among all the lights.DThe sunlight contains only the blue light.2According to the passage the sky the astronaut (宇航员) sees would be _.Alight blueBdeep greenCdark blue Dred or orange3When can you see

7、 the sky become red or orange?AIn the morning.BIn the sunshine.CWhen you stand on the top of a mountain.DWhen you are in space.4Which of the following is NOT true?AWhen you stand on the peak of the highest mountain the sky looks light blue.BWe usually just see the blue light when the sunlight passes

8、 through the air.CThe sky looks orange in dusk (黄昏)DThe red light is scattered less than the blue light.完成句子1The classroom _ will soon get repaired.(break)窗户全破了的那间教室会马上得到修缮。2He got up so late _ the last train.(miss)他起得很晚,结果他错过了最后一班火车。3_, we cant rely on him to help us.(judge)根据我的经验判断,我们不能指望他帮助我们。4Th

9、e headmaster would like to have the scientist _ in the school.(speak)校长希望让这名科学家对学校的学生讲话。5_ all the people are here.(seem)好像所有的人都到齐了。6Everyone was quiet_.(burst)大家都很安静,这时候突然约翰大笑起来。7Tom is one of the foreign boys _ in China.(learn)汤姆是正在中国学习汉语的外国男孩之一。8This room is too small _.(live)这间房间太小了,我们住不下。9A num

10、ber of people rushed out to see _.(happen)很多人都冲了出来,想看看正在发生什么事。10When we arrived at the cinema, the film _.(end)当我们到达影院时,电影结束了。答案语篇解读:本文介绍了天空呈现蓝色的原因。1选C细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,太阳光中被散射最多的就是蓝光,因此天空看上去是蓝色的。2选C推理判断题。根据第四段可知,人站得越高,用于散射阳光的空气就越少,天空看起来就越蓝,所以宇航员在太空中看到的天空应该是深蓝色/蓝黑色的。3选A细节理解题。根据第五段第二句可知,早晨日出时天空看上去应该是红色

11、或橙色的。4选A细节判断题。根据第四段中的“But it would be dark blue if you stood on top of the highest mountain .”可知A项错误。.1.whose windows are all broken2.that he missed3.Judging by/from my experience4.speak to the students5.It seems that6.when John suddenly burst out laughing7.who are learning Chinese8.for us to live in9.what was happening10.was at an end/had ended第 页



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