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1、Unit 5 Section A 1a-2c 英语学科八年级上册第5单元第1节总_课时 课堂达标测试 : A卷一.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词(3分)1)Can you come to my home for dinner? S_,Id love to2) Im ill ,so I have to see the d_3)I have t_much homework to do this weekend4)Thanks for h_me with my English二.单向选择。(3分)1)Can you come to my house ? Sure,_?A. Id love to B.I

2、d love C.Id like D.I cant2)We will have a picnic_Sunday morningA on B.in C.at D /3.Im too tired, so I _ sit down and rest every five minutesA.must B.must to C.have D.have to三.用词的适当形式填空。(3分)1)Thank you for_me(help)2)Thanks for your _(invite)3)Zhang Ming_(have) to stay at at home to look after his bro

3、ther because his mother isnt at home.答案:一、1)sorry 2)doctor 3)too 4)helping 二、1)A 2)A 3)D三、1)helping 2)invitation 3)has B卷一. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词(3分)1)Thank you for i_me to visit next week Im sorry but I can not come2)C_ you go to the movies with us on Friday?3)Theres going to be a guitar c_ in our school

4、next week.二.单选 (3分)1)“Can you come to my birthday ?“_”A.Yes, I cant B.sorry, I cant C. No ,I can D.Sorry, I can2)Thanks_ telling me thatA. of B. for C. with D.at3)There is_ ice in the north of china in winter.A.too B.many C.much too D.too much三、完成句子。(2分)1).今天下午我要上钢琴课I_ _to_ a piano lesson this after

5、noon.2)你能来参加我的晚会吗?_you_ _my party ? 答案:一、1)inviting 2) can 3)concert 二、1)B 2)B 3)D三、1)am going have 2)Can come toC卷补全对话 (10分)根据首字母提示补全对话中的单词。A: Hi,Mary. Can you come to my birthday party on Saturday afternoon ?B: Im1.s_I cant. I 2.h_to help my parents.A: Thats too bad. How 3._a_you, Jim?4. c you com

6、e to my party ?C: Id5 l toA; Tony, can you come to my birthday party ?D: 6.W is it ?A: Saturday afternoon.D: Oh, no, I 7.c_.I have to study 8.f a test.A: What about you , Tina ?E: Id love to but I have to go to the doctor 9.w_ my grandmother. She is ill.A: What a pity(真遗憾)! Maybe 10.a time.E:Sure. T

7、hanks for asking.答案:1.sorry 2.have 3.about 4.Can 5.love 6.When 7.cant 8.for 9.with 10.anotherUnit 5 Section A 3a4课堂达标测试题: A卷一、 选择。1. Can you come to my birthday ?A.Yes,I cant. B.Sorry,I cant. C.No,I cant. D.Sorry,I can .2.Well have a picnic Sunday morning. A. on B. in C. at D./3.Thanks telling me th

8、at. A.of B.for C.with D.at 4.Can you come to my house ? Sure, .A.Id love to . B.Id love C.Id like D.I cant.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。5.Thanks for your (invite)to go to the movies next week .6.Zhang Ming (have)to stay at home.7They often invite me (have) dinner on weekends.三、完成句子8.你能来参加我的聚会吗? you my party?9.我星期

9、二晚上要准备数学测试。Im going to the math test on Tuesday evening .10.来加入我们吧。 and us.答案:1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.invitation 6.has 7.to have 8.Can,come to 9.study for 10.Come ,join B卷一、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Id like (have)a cup of tea.2.Li Lei has a stomachache.Hes ill in hospital now.Im sorry (hear) that.3.For (who) you bo

10、ught a bike yesterday.二、完成句子。4.明天你能来我家过中秋节吗? you my home for Mid-Autumn Day tomorrow?5.今天下午我要去上钢琴课。 Im to a piano lesson this afternoon .答案:1.to have 2.to hear 3.whom 4.Can,come over to 5.going ,have C卷一、 补全对话。T: Hello,Bill. 1 .B:This afternoon ?Yes,I am.T: Were going to have a baseball game . 2 .B:

11、 3 .But Im afraid I cant.I have to go to see the doctor.T:Why?Whats the matter?B:I have a sore back .T:Im sorry to hear that. 4 .B:Sure. 5 .二、 选择。6.She cant us because her mother is ill. A.joining B.Joined C.join D.to join 7.All of us must practice English after class .A.saying B.speaking C.say D.sp

12、eak 8.Can you stay here longer? ,I have to be back home tomorrow.A.Yes,I can. B.Im afraid not C.Id love to D.No ,thank you .9.Thanks for me your house .A.invite,for B.inviting,to C.inviting,for D.invitation,for10.Happy birthday you.A. for B.to C.with D.on 答案:1.Are you free this afternoon? 2.Would you like to come ?3.Yes,Id love to .4.Maybe another time .5.Thanks for asking .6.C 7.B 8.B.9B 10.BUnit5 SectionB1a2c 八年级上册 第5单元第3节 达标测试 A卷1 汉译英(1)后天_(2)去看牙医_(3)进行网球训练_(4)在星期六下午_


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