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1、The first seven years :Bernard Malamud (1914-1986), American novelist and short-story writer, most of whose books focus on the Jewish experience in America. Born in Brooklyn, New York, Malamud was educated at the City College of New York and Columbia University. Beginning in 1961 he taught at Bennin

2、gton College. Malamuds first novel, The Natural (1952), reworks the legend of the Holy Grail as an allegorical fantasy about a star baseball player (see Allegory). His second novel, The Assistant (1957), is concerned with Jewish themes and reflects the sad, impoverished Brooklyn scenes of his childh

3、ood. The Fixer (1966), for which Malamud received the 1967 Pulitzer Prize for fiction, is a poignant novel (based on a true story) of the suffering of a Russian Jewish workman sentenced unjustly to prison; it demonstrates how human beings can come through suffering to an affirmative view of life. Th

4、e Tenants (1971), about the relationship between a Jewish man and a black man, deals with inner-city tensions. Malamuds later novels include Dubins Lives (1979), about a writer of biographies, and Gods Grace (1982). Malamuds short stories mix an abiding compassion for Jewish life with subtle touches

5、 of wry humor. They have been collected in The Magic Barrel (1958), Idiots First (1963), Pictures of Fidelman (1969), and Rembrandts Hat (1973); a complete collection, The Stories of Bernard Malamud, was published in 1983.Through the tunnel:多丽丝莱辛(Doris Lessing,1919年10月22日)是当代英国最重要的作家之一,被誉为继伍尔芙之后最伟大的

6、女性作家,并几次获得诺贝尔文学奖提名以及多个世界级文学奖项。 在2007年10月11日,瑞典皇家科学院诺贝尔奖委员会宣布将2007年度诺贝尔文学奖授予这位英国女作家。Doris lessing多丽丝莱辛荣获2007年诺贝尔文学奖,成为该奖项自1901年创立以来最年长的获奖者。诺贝尔委员会颁奖给莱辛的理由是:“她以怀疑主义、激情和想象力审视一个分裂的文明,她登上了这方面女性体验的史诗巅峰。”莱辛笔耕五十多年,是位多产作家。除了长篇小说,还著有诗歌、散文、剧本、短篇小说等。Notes:convent n.女修道院emancipatedadj.被解放的fatalistic adj.宿命论的marty

7、rdom n.殉难;殉道subjugation n.屈服;从属Mr Lovedays little outing: Evelyn Waugh伊夫林沃,(1903)英国作家,全名阿瑟伊夫林圣约翰沃,1903年10月28日生于英国汉普斯特德。其父阿瑟沃系英国著名出版商兼文学批评家,也是一位虔诚的英国圣公会教徒。伊夫林沃从小就受到两方面的环境薰陶:宗教与书本。沃的父母给孩子读故事,并与他们一起讨论作品。沃在7岁时就写过一个题为赛马的诅咒的短箱小说,并被收入一个成人作品集中出版。他和他的哥哥长大后都成为作家,与儿时的家庭影响关系颇大。沃上中学时,被父亲送到圣公会教会学校,每天早晚两次礼拜,周末则要去3


9、地重游搬上银幕一事访问好莱坞,并根据此间搜集的素材创作了受爱戴的(1948),这是他最畅销的长篇小说之一。出身文学世家的Evelyn waugh最初表现出叛逆家庭传统的倾向。20年代早期就读于牛津大学时,他更感兴趣的是装饰艺术而非文学,但因成绩差而被迫离校,转入一家艺术学校,后来又做过小学校长,两年内被三个学校辞退。这一连串的挫折最终将waugh拨归正途,他迟疑地拿起笔,开始了一个漫长的过程。四十年后,这个“英语文学史上最具摧毁力和最有成果的讽刺小说家,以及最伟大的文体家”回首当年,一言以蔽之:“我一开始是显然是个傻瓜。”Waugh在25岁时结束了他的傻瓜生涯,小说衰亡以其讽刺锋芒和叛逆姿态引

10、起文坛关注。继之以邪恶的躯体和黑祸,风格如故,技巧与内涵篇篇推进,奠定了他作为一流讽刺小说家的文学声名。衰亡是一部带有喜剧色彩的讽刺小说。描写天真直率的主人公paul被牛津大学开除后,进入社会开始自立的过程中的离奇遭遇。Paul在一连串混乱而堕落的事件中是一个被动的观测者和承受者:恶在滋生,善被惩罚,根本没有行为标准可以遵循;他生活在一个“离道德观和离童话一样遥远的世界中。”他是waugh喜剧中典型的叙事者形象:居中而立,无所不察,却又退避而求中立,被愤怒和荒唐感所围绕。Possessions:George Ewart Evans (1909, Abercynon, South Wales 1

11、988) was a Welsh-born schoolteacher, writer and folklorist who became a dedicated collector of oral history and oral tradition in the East Anglian countryside from the 1940s to 1970s, and produced eleven books of collections of these materials.After serving in the Royal Air Force with wireless equip

12、ment during the Second World War, he moved briefly to London, and then in 1947 to the remote Suffolk village of Blaxhall, where his wife taught in the school. He then began to write, first stories, poetry and film scripts for the BBC, and then writing a book about the people of the village of Blaxha

13、ll. This work (Ask The Fellows Who Cut The Hay) was, after many rejections, published by Faber and Faber in 1956, and the same house published the ten further books of similar character which Evans wrote over the next three decades.The Evans family lived relatively simply, moving their home in the n

14、eighbourhood to Needham Market and Helmingham to follow the teaching posts, and at his wifes retirement they settled down finally in Brooke, a small Norfolk village, where George continued to write. Evans made extensive collections of oral history on tape relating to East Anglia, its village life, r

15、ural culture and dialect in a painstaking and sympathetic way, gathering anecdotes of the trades, the poverty, the migrant workers, and the pre-modern rural way of life which was then still lingering in that comparatively sequestered corner of England.The legacy:弗吉尼亚伍尔芙(Virginia Woolf1882年1月25日1941年

16、3月28日)。 英国女作家,批判家,意识流小说的代表人物之一。墙上的斑点是她第一篇典型的意识流作品。(被认为是二十世纪现代主义与女性主义的先锋之一。在两次世界大战期间,伍尔芙是伦敦文学界的核心人物,她同时也是布卢姆茨伯里派(Bloomsbury Group)的成员之一。其最知名的小说包括戴洛维夫人(Mrs. Dalloway)、灯塔行(To the Lighthouse)、雅各的房间(Jakobs Room)。最近关于伍尔芙的研究大多关注于三个方向:女权主义、同性恋倾向及抑郁症病史。The bet:Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (Russian: , pronouncednton pavlvt txf; 29 January O.S. 17 January 1860



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