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1、英语趣味任务连连做(二十五)(任务一)英语知识趣谈-英语趣味问答1 . What is the next number? 65536, 256, 16,?答案是4,数列中的规律是前一个数是后一个数的平方,下一个数应该是16的平方根,所以是4。2 Suppose half the people on a bus exit at each stop and no additional passengers board the bus. If on the third stop the next to last person exits the bus, then how many people w

2、ere on the bus ? 20 - 16 - 8 - 4 答案是8,这是一道简单的算术题,我们用2x2x2就能得到答案,最先车上有8位乘客。3 In the winter _ do not fly south. ducks - geese - sparrows - swallows答案是sparrows(麻雀),duck(野鸭)、geese(鹅)和swallow(燕子)都是候鸟,只有sparrows(麻雀)能够扛得住冬天的寒冷,不用飞到南方去。4 . What is the next number in the following sequence:1 2 3 5 8 13 ? 17

3、- 18 - 19 - 21 答案是21,该序列中的每一个数字都是前两个数字的和,最后两个数字是8和13,因此下一个数字就应该是8+13,选21。(任务二)英语趣味知识-英语知识竞答思维训练. 1Why did the banker keep looking up at the sky银行家为什么老是抬头看天?2When do dogs refuse to follow their owners?什么时候狗不愿跟随主人?3Do astronauts ever get hungry once they are inouter space?宇航员在太空里会觉得饿吗?答案1To see if the

4、res any change in the sky.看看天上有没有变化。2When their owners go to the flea market.当他们的主人去跳蚤市场时。3Never,for they had a big launch.不会,因为他们经历了火箭发射。(任务三)英语趣味句子1、keep trying no matter how hard it seems. it will get easier.坚持不懈,难也变易。2、never lie, cheat or steal. always smile a fair deal.决不撒谎,欺骗,偷窃,公平交易。3、read, s

5、tudy and learn about everything imporant in your life.点点滴滴皆重要,处处学习是诀窍。4、enrich your life today,. yesterday is history.tomorrow is mystery.充实今朝,昨日已成过去,明天充满神奇。5、family and friends are hidden treasures. seek them and enjoy the riches.家人和朋友是看不见宝藏,努力发掘,共享财富。(任务四)英语精美故事连连读Chaos at the Feast of Peaches西游记英

6、文版:闹蟠桃会One day, the Jade Emperor invited Monkey Sun, the GREat Sage Equalling Heaven, to Heaven, and asked him to administer the Peach Orchard. The Great Sage was overjoyed because anyone who ate the ripened peaches became eternal, living as long as Heaven and Earth. Everyday he picked the best peac

7、hes to enjoy, and after he had his fill, he shrunk himself to only two inches long and slept on the branch of a tree. One day the Queen Mother arranged a banquet of peaches by the Jade Pool. When the fairies sent by her were picking peaches in the Peach Orchard, the Great Sage awoke and was annoyed

8、to discover he was not invited to the feast. He spoke a magic spell which immobilized fairies, then he went straight to the Jade Pool where he saw rare fruits and fine delicacies and smelt the fragrance of jade liquor. He performed a spell by bulling several hairs from his body and chewing them up,

9、the hairs turned into sleep-inducing insects which then bit all the busy serants, causing them to fall asleep. Then the Great Sage ate rare delicacies and drank precious wines until he was completely full. He put the leftovers in a big bag for the small monkeys on the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit.

10、After this, he went to the place where Lord Lao Zi kept the elixir. The Great Sage ate up all the golden pills of elixir in the precious gourd, then he rushed out of the Gate of Heaven and went straight down to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit.闹蟠桃会玉皇大帝邀造反的孙猴子上天,给了他一个“齐天大圣”的官衔,指派看管桃园。孙大圣早就听说吃了这里的仙桃,


12、语歌曲连连唱深夜陌生人 Strangers In The Night歌词If you miss the train Im on,You will know that I am gone,You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.A hundred miles, a hundred miles,A hundred miles, A hundred miles,You can hear the whistle blow A hundred miles.Lord, Im one, Lord, Im two, Lord,Im three, Lord,

13、Im four, Lord,Im five hundred miles a way from home.Away from home, away from home,away from home, away from home,Lord, Im five hundred miles away from homeNot a shirt on my back,Not a penny to my name.Lord, I cant go on home this-a way.This-a way, this-a way,This-a way, this-a way,Lord, I cant go b

14、ack home this-a way.If you miss the train Im on,You will know that I am gone,You can hear the whistle blow A hundred miles.A hundred miles.A hundred miles.A hundred miles.A hundred miles.You can hear the whistle blow a hundred milesYou can hear the whistle blow a hundred milesYou can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles如果你错过我坐的火车,你会知道我已离开, 你可以听见汽笛在一百里以外响, 一百里,一百里,一百里,一百里 你可以听见汽笛在一百里以外响。 天啊,一百里,二百里, 天啊,三百里,四百里, 天啊,我已离家五百里。 离开了家,离开了家, 离开了家,离开了家 天啊,我已离家五百里 身上也无分文, 天啊,我不能这个样回家园。 这个样,这个样, 这个样,这个样, 天啊,我不能这样回家园。 如果你错过我坐的火车, 你会知道我已离开, 你可以听见汽笛在响, 一百里以外。



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