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1、密封线班 级考 号 Unit 6 单元检测(考试时间:100分钟,满分:120分)第一部分 听力(30分)温馨提示:请将每小题答案填写表格内。1234567891011121314151617181920.听对话,选择正确图片。每段对话读两遍。(5分)( )1.What kind of painting does the woman like?A.B.C.( )2.Which place are they talking about?A.B.C.( )3.Where has the woman been?A.B.C.( )4.What did the mans family do last n

2、ight?A.B.C.( )5.What are they talking about?A.B.C.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话和问题读一遍。(5分)( )6.A.Li Bais poems.B.Du Fus poems.C.Poems about Du Fu.( )7.A.2000 years ago.B.In the sixth century.C.400 years ago.( )8.A.Music program.B.Dance Music.C.Film.( )9.A.Dragon Well Tea.B.Biluochun Tea.C.Molihua Tea.( )10.A.A

3、t the cinema.B.In the shop.C.In the museum.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(10分)( )11.Mike is a _ .A.teacherB.workerC.student( )12.The game lasted _ hours.A.twoB.threeC.four( )13.When did Jim and John get up?A.At six.B.At half past six.C.At five past six.( )14.Mike didnt take off his glasses because _ .A.he wanted

4、 to see more clearlyB.he was tired and forgot itC.he wanted to read a book in the bed( )15.Mike slept _ in the bedroom.A.with JimB.with Jim and JohnC.alone.听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。(10分)( )16.Jay Chou likes to talk about music with others.( )17.He was good at many school subjects.( )18.He began to learn

5、 piano at the age of three. ( )19.He is shy and handsome.( )20.His fans are excited because of his new songs.第二部分 笔试 (90分)一.单项选择。(每小题1分/共15分) (请将答案填写在下面表格内)123456789101112131415( ) 1.Is that all?Yes. Thats all _ I want to take.A.whichB.thatC.whoD.whose( ) 2.Today there are two new students in our cl

6、ass. I dont know _ of them.A.eitherB.norC.neitherD.both( ) 3.In our school library,there_ a number of books on science,and the number of them_ growing larger and larger.A.is,areB.are,areC.are,isD.is,is( ) 4. Could you tell me_ the computer to the Internet?Sure.Because this is the first step to get o

7、nline.A.how to connetB.why to materC. how to mater D. why to connetD.across( ) 5.Please say something about Zheng He.Oh! He is the Ming dynasty explorer of _ all the Chinese are proud.A.whoB.whomC.whoseD.that( ) 6.Do you know who invented Chinese chess?Sorry. I dont know. Lets _ the Internet _ .A.se

8、arch; find out itB.to search; to find it outC.to search; to find out itD.search; to find it out( ) 7.Have you ever heard of Langlang?Sure. He is one of _ pianists _ I have ever seen.A.good; thatB.much better; whoC.the best; whichD.the best; /( ) 8. I want to be an artist, but it _ a little hard.Work

9、 hard, and _ youll succeed at last.A.maybe; may beB. maybe; maybeC. may be; maybeD.may be; may be( ) 9. Jack, you made a little progress in your writing and reading. But you should pay attention to _ and _ .A.listening; speakingB.listening; speakC.listen; speakingD.listen; speak( ) 10. What about pl

10、aying football this afternoon, Sam?I would rather _ at home than _ football. Its too hot outside.A.stay; playing B.stay; play C.to stay; to playD.to stay; playing( ) 11. .Can I help you?Yes. I want two _ eggs.A.dozenB.dozensC.dozens ofD.dozen of( ) 12.I hear Gao Feng made an English speech at the gr

11、aduation ceremony yesterday._,and _.A. So did he, so I didB. So he was,So I wasC. So he did,so did ID.So was he,So I was( )13. When we look up a word in the dictionary, we must pay attention to the way _ it is used.A./B.whoC.whatD.where( )14. 1.Jane has _ from school for 2 years. When she _ the happ

12、y time, she always misses her teachers and classmates.A.graduated; think back toB.been away; thinks back toC.been away; thinks aboutD.graduated; thinks of( )15.If you have a chance to study abroad, you must catch it and remember “Change always _ about new possibilities.”A.bringsB.takesC.fetchesD.rea

13、ches二、完形填空 (每小题1分/共15分)(请将答案填写在下面表格内)161718192021222324252627282930It was a cold winters night when I stopped for gas(汽油) on my way home from work. I was tired and had a little 16 I worked in a 17 doctors office, and during those days many unexpected thingshappened. It seemed that I was going to be late getting home today. My husband who is apunctual(守时的) person would be ready to 18 .again. Maybe 19 I hurried, I could still arrive home earlier. I was going inside to 20 for my gas when I noticed an older couple at


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