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1、高考专题训练将来进行时1Dont call me this time tomorrow, for I _ my homework.()Aam doingBwas doingCwill be doingDhave done2In the long term,I hope that 20 years from today,I_as a judge.()Awill have workedBwill workCwill be workingDam working3How can I find your brother at the airport?Dont worry.He_ a board with

2、 your name on it at that time.()Ahas heldBhas been holdingCwill be holdingDwill have held4Its really exciting to imagine my future when I a new life at university()Awould experienceBhave experiencedCwill be experiencingDexperienced5This time next year I _ on a beach.()Ais lyingBhave liedCwill lieDwi

3、ll be lying6Could you meet me at the airport next Saturday?Id like to, but Im afraid I a very important meeting when you return()Aam attendingBwill be attendingCwas attendingDwill have attended7I wont be free this afternoon I _ one friend off()Awill be seeingBwill have seenChave seenDsaw8Im going to

4、 attend your lecture at 9:30 tomorrow morningI regret to tell you that when you arrive it will have ended and I _ questions with my students()Awould discussBwill discussCwill be discussingDam discussing9Dont phone me between 5 and 6 I_dinner then()Awill be havingBwill haveChaveDhave had10What _ you

5、_ at 6 oclock tomorrow evening?()Awill, be doingBare, doingCwill, have doneDare, done11At 4:00 next Friday, I _TV in my room()Awill watchingBwill be watchingCwill have watchedDwill been watching12Will you watch the live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the Expo on December 29th?Its a pity that I

6、 am to miss it. I _ to New York then.()Awould be flyingBhave been flyingCwas flyingDwill be flying13David,your sweeping robot ordered online will arrive this afternoonThats greatI cant wait to see how it _the floor()Ais moppingBhas been moppingCwill be moppingDwill have mopped14Ill come to attend yo

7、ur lecture after I finish my class tomorrowIm afraid by then I will just have finished my lecture and _ my guests in my office()AmeetBhave metCbe meetingDam meeting15 Hi, Colin Why do you look so excited? Well, my brother Toby together with me _ to Morocco at 4:00 tomorrow afternoon()Awill flyBwill

8、be flyingCis flyingDhas been flying16Hopefully, Chinas economic power is likely to increase in the years to comeWell, trust me, more and more foreigners _ employment here()AseekBare seekingCwill have soughtDwill be seeking17Youd better not phone our manager from three to four this afternoon; he _for

9、 a meeting then()Awill be preparingBwill prepareCis preparingDprepares18 Is it convenient to you if I call you up at 9 oclock tomorrow morning? Im afraid notI _ a meeting then()Awill have attendedBwas attendingCwill be attendingDam attending19They _ with us for the time being()Awould stayBwill stayC

10、have been stayingDwill be staying20At this time tomorrow we_ over the Atlantic Ocean()Awill flyBwill be flyingCwill be flyDshall fly21I feel so excited! At this time tomorrow morning I_to Shenzhen()Awill flyBwill be flyingChave been flyingDhave flown22Im sorry but I will be occupied this afternoon A

11、t three oclock I _ some guests from Africa()Awill be receivingBam receivingCreceiveDam to receive23The manager_ an important meeting at 5: 00 this afternoon, so you can call him after 7: 00()AhasBis havingCwill haveDwill be having24 Are you going to Australia for the coming winter holiday? Yes I am

12、making the bookings It is exciting to think about that I a sunbath on the beach soon()Aam enjoyingBwill be enjoyingChave enjoyedDwill have enjoyed25The music is so beautiful that Id like to dance But I dont know the stepsIt doesnt matter No one us in this crowd()Ashall look atBwas looking atClooked

13、atDwill be looking at26 you off Mrs Black this time tomorrow?Of course And we are going to hold a farewell party for her this evening()AWill; be seeingBWill; seeCWere; going to seeDWould; see27How about going sightseeing this Saturday afternoon?Sorry, I _my research report the whole weekend()Awill have writtenBwill be writingChave writtenDhave been writing28Tom has been dreaming of becoming a banker and I believe he _ finance in university at the age of 20()Awill be studyingBhad studiedChas studiedDwould study29Dad is busy with his essay on the SG networksExactly He_ a lecture this time nex


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