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1、课程名称中考英语二轮之专题复习-冠词教学设计主备教师 年级九年级学科英语课时2课型新授课 R复习课 练习课 讲评课 实验课 其他_一、课程标准本课以英语课程标准中的英语学习活动观为依据,根据新课标的要求,通过整合归纳让学生在复习中运用所学知识。二、学习内容分析This period is the beginning of Review Round Two, and it is focused on the first grammar part: articles. The main learning content of articles in this period is the usage

2、 of articles. The most difficult points are the relations of a/an and the phonemes of the following words, the using situation of the and the zero article.三、学情分析It seems very easy for the students to master articles, however, the truth is the opposite. Most of the students make mistakes in using a,

3、an, the and zero articles. Hence the students need more targeted exercises.四、素养目标Linguistic Competence:Be able to master the usage of all the articles completely.Thinking Quality:To be aware of ones week points of using articles in ones relearning so as to know what one needs to do more after class.

4、Learning Capacity:Be able to put the usage of all the articles into practical use, for example, taking tests.五、学习重、难点重点:1. 不定冠词a/an的用法2. 定冠词the的使用场景3. 零冠词的使用场景难点:1. a/an与useful umbrella unit,European honest hour等词的搭配2. the的使用场景详解3. 零冠词的使用场景详解六、教、学方法与策略选择教法:直观教学法,小组合作竞争法,复习归纳法。学法:自学,小组共学七、教学资源准备PPT,教

5、材梳理练习册,中考突破话题巩固练习八、教学过程教师教学流程学生学习任务说明评价重点Step 1. Lead-inCheck the answers to the exercises of the assignment first.Then ask if the students have any questions about the preview assignment, if yes, help them to solve the problems.evise ones assignment, take notes if there is any mistakes.Raise questi

6、ons if one has, and try to help solve other students problems if one knows the answers.学生课前是否有认真记忆Step 2.PresentationPresent the teaching and learning points one by one, along with some questions for the students deep thinking and consolidating.。Relearn the key grammar points carefully and take note

7、s when it is necessary. Meanwhile, try to take part in the questioning- answering part.学生课前是否有认真记忆;课堂上是否有主动参与Step 3. PracticeShow the relevant exercise to the students on PPT or onto their parts, and ask them to finish the exercise in five minutes.Then check the answers one by one and ask the studen

8、ts to take notes if it is needed.Do the exercise as carefully as one should be. Show ones result to the teacher for checking in advance within five minutes.Revise ones answers and take notes. If possible, volunteer to share ones answers and explain why.学生是否有进行思考,主动提出问题;学生是否积极回答问题;Step 4 PromotionAt

9、the end of the class, ask several students to recall the usage of a/an, the and the zero article Compete to make a summary for the relearning of this period so as to have a consolidation of articles.学生思考,举手回答问题讲练结合,及时巩固;学生是否有主动探究并对所复习的知识点了然于胸学生是否具有解答问题的分析能力Step 5. Summary教师展示出关于a an the 用法的思维导图。学生根据

10、思维导图及时归纳总结冠词的用法。学生是否能说出今日复习内容Step 6 当堂巩固1.教师展示练习题(针对本次复习的单元重点单词、短语、句子还有语法)请学生解答学生思考,举手回答问题学生是否能分析清楚每道题目九、板书设计1. An apple an applicant an alien an eggplant an egg an engineer An hour an honest boy an honor an unusual event an uneasy an open-minded teacher an interesting story an important thing A hou

11、se a homemade cake a one-day trip a university a uniform a useful book A convenience store a plug 2. at the age of 在岁时;at the beginning of在开始的时候;at the moment 此刻,目前at the same time 同时;all the time 一直;by the way 顺便提一下;in the daytime 白天;in the end 最后 in the middle of 在中间;in the morning/afternoon/eveni

12、ng 在上午/下午/晚上;in the open air在户外on the other side of 在的另一边 3.零冠词的用法.用在表示日期、星期、月份、年份、季节前;June 1st is Childrens Day. 6月1日是儿童节;称呼和表示头衔的名词作表语、同位语、补语等;This is Professor Li. 这是李教授; 三餐、球类、棋及学科have breakfast play basketball play chess 十、目标检测1.There is A old piano in corner of the living room.A. an;the B. an;

13、不填 C. a;the D. a;a2. We should have C breakfast every day to keep healthy.A. a B. an C. / D. the3. Is that B post office?No, its old library.A. the;a B. a;an C. an;a D. an;the4.Hey, Li Ming. Do you have C basketball?Yes, its over there, behind door.A. a;a B. the;the C. a;the D. the;a5. Does your father go to work by C car every day?No, he sometimes takes bus.A. a;the B. the;a C.不填; a D. a;不填十一、教学反思学科网(北京)股份有限公司



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