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1、摘 要近年来,我国酒店业的发展势头十分迅猛,无论是从酒店行业的规模、质量水平还是从经营理念来看,都得到了较大的发展,从这些方面可以看出,我国的酒店业已经进入了黄金发展期。酒店业的模块不断创新,住宿,餐饮等。为了应广大用户的需求,本系统针对酒店业的住宿部分进行分析设计,通过对酒店的住宿部分进行需求分析,开发设计了一个酒店住宿管理系统。酒店住宿管理系统是一个典型的管理信息系统,所以该系统的开发工作主要是结合酒店住宿管理的需求进行前端程序的设计以及建立相关的数据库,并需要对其进行维护。本系统的实现,主要用到的技术有HTML语言,JavaScript语言,JSP技术和Mysql。它选取现在最流行的网络


3、建结构等进行阐述。第三部分是系统的分析,包括构架概述,系统开发环境和系统可行性的分析。第四部分是系统的设计,具体功能模块的设计。第五部分是系统的实现,其中包括界面的实现和具体的代码。第六部分是系统测试,通过测试用例对系统进行测试分析。最后结论,总结这次毕业设计的意义。Abstract In recent years, the momentum of the development of Chinas hotel industry is very rapid, both from the hotel industry scale, quality level or from the point

4、of view of business philosophy, have been great development, from these aspects can be seen in Chinas hotel industry has entered a golden period of development. Hotel industry module innovation, accommodation, dining and so on. In order to be majority of user demand, the system for hotel accommodati

5、on part analysis and design.Based on the analysis of the needs of the hotel accommodation, a hotel accommodation management system is desined. Hotel management system is a typical management information system, so the development of the system is mainly according to the demand for hotel accommodatio

6、n management front-end program design and the establishment of the database, and the need for their maintenance.Hotel management system main implementation techniques of HTML language, JavaScript language, JSP technology and Mysql. It selects the most popular now network structure model of B/S. The

7、realization of room management, financial management, order management, administrator management functions.The database and development tools used in this system are Mysql and myEclipse. In the system design process, first of all is carries on the demand analysis to the system, and in accordance wit

8、h the relevant requirements of the demand analysis of system prototype design, on the design of the prototype system development. Finally, we need to improve the developed system, and the need for testing and maintenance, eventually get the required system. In the whole system design and development

9、 process, the most important is the most difficult part is the establishment of the systems database, as well as the relationship between the functional modules.This paper consists of six parts, the first part is the main content of the system, the background and significance of topics. The second p

10、art is the key technologies of the system are introduced, including HTML, JSP, JAVASCRIPT, database, building structure are introduced in this paper. The third part is the system analysis, including the framework outlined, system development environment and the system feasibility analysis. The fourt

11、h part are the establishment of system database. The fifth part is the system implementation, including the realization of interface and the specific code. The sixth part is the system testing, the test cases to test system analysis. In conclusion, summing up the graduation design sense.关键词:住宿管理系统,M

12、ysql,JSP Key words: Hotel Management System JSP Mysql目 录摘 要IVABSTRACTIV第1章 绪 论11.1 项目开发背景及意义31.2 国内外研究现状31.3 论文的研究内容主要内容41.4 论文结构安排4第2 章关键技术介绍62.1 JSP技术介绍62.2 JAVASCRIPT介绍72.3 APACHE TOMCAT的介绍72.4 MYSQL介绍72.5 B/S网络结构模式的使用8第3章系统分析93.1 业务需求描述93.2 系统架构功能需求113.3 系统功能需求分析123.3.1酒店管理员功能需求分析123.3.2酒店财务管理功能

13、需求分析133.3.3酒店客户管理功能需求分析133.3.4订单管理功能需求分析143.3.5客房管理功能需求分析153.4 系统的非功能需求分析163.4.1系统的可行性分析163.4.2 系统技术可行性163.4.3系统经济可行性163.4.4 系统的运行环境及开发平台173.5本章小结18第4章系统设计184.1 系统的框架设计184.2系统的功能设计194.2.1管理员功能设计194.2.2客房信息管理功能设计204.2.3财务管理功能设计204.2.4客户管理功能设计214.2.5订单管理模块功能设计224.3系统数据库设计224.3.1概念结构设计234.3 .2表结构设计244.

14、4本章小结28第5章系统实现285.1 系统实现环境285.2 系统功能实现315.2.1 管理员登陆功能的实现315.2.1.1系统主界面315.2.1.2用户登录界面315.2.1.3功能的实现325.2.2财务管理功能的实现335.2.2.1财务管理功能管理界面335.2.2.1功能的实现345.2.3客户管理功能的实现355.2.3.1添加客户信息管理界面355.2.3.2功能的实现375.2.4订单功能的实现415.2.4.1订单的查询、修改和删除界面415.2.4.2功能的实现425.2.5客房管理435.2.5.1客房的新增、修改和删除界面435.2.5.2功能的 实现455.2

15、.6用户管理465.2.6.1功能的实现465.3本章小结47第6章酒店住宿管理系统的测试486.1 酒店住宿管理系统的测试环境486.2 酒店住宿管理系统的测试目标486.2.1功能测试目标486.2.2性能测试的目标496.2.2.1系统的安全性496.2.2.2数据的完整性506.3 酒店住宿管理系统的功能测试506.3.1 功能测试用例设计506.2.2.1登录测试506.2.2.1定房功能测试526.3.2结果分析566.4 酒店住宿管理系统的性能测试576.4.1用户场景设计576.4.4.1用户管理场景576.4.4.2房间管理场景596.4.4.3客户管理场景616.4.4.4财务统计场景636.4.2性能测试分析666.5本章小结66第7章总结与展望667.1 总结667.2展望66参考文献68致 谢69 第1章绪 论随着改革开放的不断深入,经济结构的调整和升级,第三产业在国民经济中的比重越来越大,服务业取得了长足的发展。酒店行业是一个综合的服务性行业,它包含娱乐,餐饮,住宿等集合在一起的服务系统。将先进的计算机技术和服务业管理有机结合起



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