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1、Paper CPart I. Listening Comprehension (20 points)Section A 1. A. Yes, there was B. Yes, there were.班级 学号 姓名 考试科目 -装-订-线-C. Yes, it was. D. Yes, it has.2. A. Its perfect. B. Youd better have it. C. I would rather you had it. D. Youve had it, of course.3. A. It does matter. B. Not too bad. C. I dont

2、feel well. D. Thats right.4. A. Are you really interested in going? B. I wonder. C. Im afraid I cant do it today. D. Dont you like it?5. A. No, I didnt go there last year. B. No, but I hope to go there sometimes next year. C. Paris is a nice place to visit. D. Yes, I know.Section B6. A. The daylight

3、 hours are long.B. He has had a nice day.C. Hes tired. D. Hes sick.7. A. She wants to lose weight.B. She does not like cakes.C. Shes going to drive.D. Shes afraid to diet.8. A. Registering for classes. B. Buying a computer.C. Getting directions.D. Buying books.9. A. She has to ask for permission. B.

4、 She thinks it will be fine.C. She says it is impossible.D. She does not known yet.10. A. One should write down anything important.B. Its difficult to write correctly. C. Nobody can be perfect.D. Do as well as you can.Section C Hello everyone. This is the captain speaking. 11 to Flight JK900 leaving

5、 for Chicago.Our flight time today is 2 hours and 35 minutes, and we will be flying at an average altitude of 31,000 feet. The 12 in Chicago is a quarter past twelve, and the current weather is cloudy, but there is a chance of 13 later in the day. We will 14 at Gate 7 at the Chicago airport.On behal

6、f of our Airline, I wish you an enjoyable 15 in Chicago. Sit back and enjoy the flight.C卷第一部分听力答案: Section A:1. A 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.BSection B:6.C 7. A 8. A 9. D 10.DSection C:11. welcome 12.local time 13.rain 14.arrive 15.stayPart II Vocabulary (30 points)Section A:16. Because of the bad weather, most

7、have been cancelled today.A. fights B. flights C. sights D. heights17. Traffic police in Shanghai are again warning that overloaded vehicles are dangerous and can cause accidents.A. mysterious B. harmonious C. serious D. humorous18. Please give us the reason the goods were delayed.A. why B. which C.

8、 what D. how19. I feel its a great honor for me to this party.A. to invite B. invite C. having invite D. to be invited20. The general manager has promised to the matter in person.A. get up B. look into C. see off D. put on21. The goal is to raise the cultural and technical of workers to that of tech

9、nicians.A. puzzle B. level C. visual D. title22. If you move, you must inform us the change of your address.A. with B. for C. in D. of23. Hardly at the office when the telephone rang.A. I arrived B. did I arrive C. I had arrived D. had I arrived24. The new rules will help the local workers somehow,

10、but do they part-time workers, too?A. lead to B. come to C. get to D. apply to25. Young people now live a life-style their parents could hardly dream of.A. which B. when C. why D. where26. To work with the machine, you must read the instructions carefully.A. firstly B. efficiently C. naturally D. ge

11、nerally27. Its a fact that human beings are the ultimate cause of the disappearing animal kingdom.A. mass B. additional C. pure D. cruel28. If you have three years work experience, you will be the right for this job.A. person B. tourist C. passenger D. customer29. Sometimes the old man just sits the

12、re all day cards alone.A. coming with B. playing with C. getting with D. making with30. While traveling in France, he some everyday French.A. gave up B. drew up C. picked up D. got up31. We made a(n) to build a new shopping center, but it was rejected.A. solution B. social C. proposal D. fellow32. T

13、he government has to say that there are no easy to the problems in this country.A. pollutions B. solutions C. populations D. operations33. Soft drink sales in this city have by 8% compared with last year.A. picked B. moved C. increased D. pushed34. He had spent several weeks the club making friends with the rest of the group.A. hanging around B. paying off C. looking up D. calling on35. The new model of the car was put into prod


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