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1、第 14 讲 情景交际一、日常交际应答语1. 感谢与应答感谢:Thank you very much. / Thanks a lot. / Many thanks. 应答: Thats all right. / Thanks for helping me. / Youre welcome. / Thats OK. / Not at all. Its my pleasure. / Dont mention it. / Its nothing. / Think nothing of it. / Forget it. 2. 道歉与应答道歉: Im sorry. / Im sorry to troub

2、le you. / Im sorry to have kept you waiting. 应答: It doesnt matter. / Its not important. / Thats/Its nothing. / Not at all. /Never mind. Thats all right. / Forget it. / Thats OK. / No problem. / Not to worry. 3. 劝告、建议与应答劝告和建议:I think you ought to我想你应该If I were you, Id如果我是你,我会It might be a good idea i

3、f you如果你这倒是个好主意。Have you ever thought of? 你是否想过要?I recommend that我建议I strongly advise you to我极力主张你You really ought to你的确应该Personally, I think youd better依我看,你最好Why not do? 为什么不?Why dont you do? 你为什么不?I suggest that我建议What about doing? 怎么样?How about doing? 怎么样?Shall we? 我们去好吗?Lets, shall we? 让我们去好吗?Y

4、ou need (to)你需要肯定的应答: Good idea. / Thats great. / Sounds great. / It sounds great. / Thats fine. /Why not?否定的应答:Id love to,but / Im afraid / Its an idea,but4. 请求与应答请求: May I? / Can I? / Could I? / Do you mind if I肯定的应答: With pleasure. / Certainly(Of course) / Sure,go ahead. / Yes,help yourself. Of c

5、ourse not,go ahead(回答Do you mind if I的请求). 否定的应答:Im afraid not. / Better not. / Id rather you didnt. 5. 应答对方的要求肯定的:All right. / I will. 否定的:No way. / Forget it. Do remember to call me up when you arrive. I will. I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her. No way. It was her fault. 6. 邀请与应答邀

6、请: Would you like to? / Why dont we?肯定的应答: That would be fine. / Thats very kind of you. /All right. /Yes,Id love to. 否定的应答:Id love to,but / Sorry,I cant. / Im afraid I cant. 7. 祝愿、祝贺与应答祝愿、祝贺: Good luck! / Best wishes to you. /Have a nice/good time/journey. /Congratulations!Happy New Year! / Merry C

7、hristmas! / Happy birthday to you. 应答: Thank you! / The same to you. / You,too. / Happy New Year!(Merry Christmas!)8. 鼓励、赞扬与应答鼓励、赞扬: Very good. / Well done. /Wonderful. /Excellent. /Keep trying. /You can do it. 应答: Thank you. / OK. /Ill try it again. 9. 提供帮助与应答主动提供帮助时:Can I help you? /What can I do

8、for you /Would you like me to help you?Do you want me to / Let me需要别人帮助时:Yes,please. / Thank you for your help/ Thanks. 不需要别人帮助时:No,thank you./ Thank you all the same. / Thats very kind of you, but二、情感态度的表达1. 表示惊奇:Really? / How come?(何以会?) / What a surprise! /Good heavens!2. 表示同情: Im sorry to hear t

9、hat. / What a pity! / Thats really unlucky. / Bad luck. 3. 表示安慰: Dont worry. / Dont be afraid. / Take your time. / Take it easy. Make yourself at home. / Its quite all right. / Itll be OK. 4. 表示鼓励: Come on. / Cheer up. / You can do it. / You will make it. 5. 表示同意: I quite agree. / I couldn t agree m

10、ore. / Exactly. /Certainly. /Absolutely. Thats a good idea. / No problem. / I think so. 6. 表示不同意: Not really. / Not Exactly. / I dont quite agree. /I dont think so. / Im afraid not. 7. 表示不在乎: So what? / Who cares? 易错易混点解答情景交际题时要做到“四忌” 一忌上词下用 上词下用指的是答句部分沿用了题干句子的重点词、信息词,按表层意思似乎合情合理,但往往为错误的“虚像”,需经进一步分析

11、后才能确定正确选项。如: 用“I dont”应答“Dont forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow”, 用“Dont be sorry”回答“Im sorry I broke your mirror”,用“Dont be sorry”回答“Im sorry I broke your mirror”, 用“No thanks”回答“Thank you ever so much for the book you sent me.” 避免“上词下用”的误区,一是确认题目涉及的交际功能项目,二是确认句子上下文语境,三是确认正确的话语方式。【例题】 I

12、wonder if I could use your telephone. _. A. I wonder how B. I dont wonder C. Sorry, its out of order D. No wonder, here it is. 【答案及解析】 C 尽管该题中反复出现“wonder”一词,但通过仔细审题可确定其考查的功能项目为征求对方意见,问句相当于“Could I use your telephone?”综合语境和话题的分析,正确的答话方式一般为“Of course you can”(肯定)或“Sorry,you cant”(否定),也只有C项(抱歉,它坏了)符合题意

13、,A、B、D项均属典型的“上词下用”现象,而且D项中的“No wonder”意思为“难怪”,更是和题干内容相差甚远。二忌中文思维 与上词下用比较,这一误区更具迷惑性,因为无论按题目内容或是按思维方式来考虑,都非常符合中国学生的习惯。显然,掌握英汉两种语言和文化之间的相同和相异之处,对于准确解题至关重要。考生解题失误之一是按汉语的表达方式和结构去套英语,去选答案,这属于语言知识的“负迁移”。【例题】 Do you think its going to rain over the weekend? _. A. I dont believe B. I dont believe it C. I bel

14、ieve not so D. I believe not【答案及解析】 D以Do you think?这样的句子来提问,用D项来回答表示否定,显然不符合中文的表达习惯,这也正是许多考生选了A、B、C项的原因。另一个更常见的失误是套用中国文化模式。违背英语国家的思维方式和文化习俗,这属于文化方面的“负迁移”。三忌直接回绝 这主要是指在对方要求得到帮助,提出请求或邀请时,回答过于直接,不够委婉,尽管从语义角度分析是没毛病的,但不符合英语国家的交际习惯。“请求”方面的问话有May I?/Can I?/I wonder if I could/Do you mind if I?等,“邀请”方面的问话有Will you?/Would you like to?/Id like to invite to等。在作否定回答时,为了表示礼貌和委婉,通常要用一些委婉词,如but,Im afraid, Im sorry, thanks, please, had better等。 【例题】 I didnt know this was a oneway street, officer. _ A. Thats all right. B. I dont believe you.



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