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1、上海市卢湾区2010学年第一学期初三英语一模试卷.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共10分)7. A) Pandas. B) Wolves. C) Cats. D) Birds.8. A) Mrs. Green. B) Mr. Smith. C) Mr. Black. D) Mr. Brown.9. A) Yes, he is. B) Yes. he has. C) No. he isnt. D) No. he hasnt. 10.

2、 A) A jacket. B) A bike. C) A basketball. D) A schoolbag.11. A) Ten. B) Five. C) Fifteen. D) Fifty.12. A) On loot. B) By bus. C) By bike. D) By underground.13. A) At school. B) At home. C) At the cinema. D) In the hospital.14. A) Husband and wife. B) Father and daughter. C) Teacher and student. D) D

3、octor and patient.15. A) At 3:00 am. B) At 5:00 am. C) At 3:00 pm. D) At 5:00 pm.16. A) Because it was too late. B) Because the ticket was too dear. C) Because she was not free. D) Because the concert was too boring.III.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or fals

4、e(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示):(共7分)17. The Germans prefer to be on time when they go to a meeting.18. The Americans prefer to arrive a little early when they go to a meeting.19. The British like to arrive late and discuss business during the meal.20. The Italians will be late for more than

5、an hour if you hold a meeting.21. The Japanese prefer to get to know each other and drink at lunchtime.22. The French like to eat first and talk afterwards because they have no time.23. The writer only wants to show us the eating habits in some countries.IV.Listen to the passage and fill in the blan

6、ks(听短文,完成下列内容,没空格限填一词):(共7分)A) Im from _(24)_ School and will tell you how to be a good listener.B) A good listener should _(25)_ his own ideas and thoughts before listening.C) The following points are very important for _(26)_ listening.D) Dont look away or at the (27) .Look at the person in the fa

7、ce.E) Try to make your body forward, as this is a (28) of interest.F) Sit or stand with your arms (29) or resting on your knees, not crossed.G) Make (30) feel comfortable and dont play with vour hands.Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分 词汇和语法)V.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案): (共 26 分)31.detectives

8、job is to find the guilty and protect the innocent.A)/B)AC)AnD) The32.Peter and Jack are good friends.always help each other.A) TheyB) ThemC) TheirD) Theirs33. How beautiful the Christmas card is!Yes. its _ my daughter. I received it this morning.A) toB)onC)forD) from34. Would vou like chicken noodl

9、es or meat noodles? . . . Id like tomato noodles.A) EitherB) NeitherC) BothD) None35.As we all know, Hangzhou is one ofplaces in China.A) wonderfulB) more C) most wonderful D) the most wonderful36.We soon becamewith the couple next door.A) politely B) easily C) friendly D) slowly37.Maria didnt catch

10、 the last bus,she had to walk home.A) or B) so C) but D) for38. What is your class teacher like?Oh, he is very kindhe looks very serious.A) when B) if C) because D) though39. you paint?Yes. but Im not a good painter.A) Can B) May C) Must D)Need40. You can enjoy around many small streets when you go

11、to England. A) walk B) to walk C) walking D) walks41. Mrs. Greento the headmaster now. Youd better call her later.A) is talking B)was talking C)talk D)talked42.It has little effect on the study if you make the studentsall the time.A) to write B) write C) writes D) wrote43. I think the studentsat hom

12、e through the Internet in 2020.A) study B) studied C) will study D) have studied44.Our classroom is always clean and bright because it every day.A) cleans B) is cleaned C) cleaned D) will clean45.He wanted his class teacher to believe that hethe homework.A) is doing B) will do C) did D) had done46.

13、do you go for a trip with vour family?About once a year.A) How much B) How long C) How often D) How soon47.Lets go camping after the exam,?Sounds great!A) wont you B) will you C) shant we D) shall we.48. Could you please tell me _ in Guangzhou?In December.B) when did the 16th Asian Games endC) when the 16th Asian Games endedD) when did the loth end Asian GamesE) when the 16th en



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