综英第五册unit8 the art of smart guessing.doc

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1、一structure:RETELLING:This expository essay discusses a significant topic: how to hazard a guesstimate so as to solve a Fermi problem.First,the writer introduces the background of the essay. He describes the one-question quiz that he has designed with three different approaches to the solution and me

2、ntions the result of the quiz. And then the writer refers to the universal significance of smart guessing and gives an example called Fermi problem. After that , he defines, explains and illustrates it with actual typical examples. At last the writer answers the question put forward in the beginning

3、 and tells us how guesswork helps us arrive at an approximately correct answer.写作技巧分析 1,the title points out the theme of the text.At first ,the writer describe the one-question quiz that he has designed which is very appealing to readers.2,In the body of the text,the author set an example Fermi Pro

4、blems to support his opinion-the significance of the art of smart guessing.3,the conclusion echoes the beginning.4,the writer combined descriptions, anecdotes,opinions and facts into a highly individual expository essay. :结构分析1-5,background :describes the one-question quiz.6-18,body,universal signif

5、icance of smart guessing Fermi Problem examples to define,explain ,and illustrate.19-20,conclusion ,answer the question put forward in the beginning.二:同三:Language points*Wild guess(第四段)A guess is a rough estimation, an attempt to answer a question or make a judgment about something without having al

6、l the necessary facts, so that youre not sure whether youre correct.In other words, a conjecture.Hence a wild guess sounds even more out of control, crazy, suggesting youre making a guess without careful consideration of the matter at all.*get bogged down(第四段)Did you stick to the complex math proble

7、ms that you were unable to give the exactly right answer.*zero in on 瞄准(116页 ,第一行)Focus on all your attention to *rarely was someone willing to risk an approximation 否定词前置引起句子倒装;*pull out离开;抽出=pick out and collect(第8段 第一行)*Say one out of three 大概三分之一吧。(第10段 第六行)*Ben Franklins solution was elegant. 巧

8、妙ingenious(第14段 第一行)*.who developed (improved) microwave cookware specially designed to position (put sth in a particular place) food in the best spot for cooking.(第15段 第一行)*Your best guess will often be the best you can do.(P6,最后一句)Your most reasonable guess will often be the utmost you can do. *To

9、 answer the question, he recommended breaking it down into smaller, more manageable questions, and then having the courage to make some guesses and assumptions.(P10,第一句):To answer the question, he suggested that his students render it into smaller questions that are easier to deal with, and then the

10、y should be bold enough to estimate and assume approximate answers. *At any point, your assumptions may be too high or too low. But because of the law of averages, your mistakes will frequently balance out.: (P12,第二句)At any point, what you have accepted as true or assumed to be light may actually no

11、t be so. But because of the application of the law of averages, the effect of your mistakes will frequently be minimized.*He discovered a pattern in the ovens hottest rays: they werent in the corners or at the centers but in the shape of a mushroom cloud(P16 最后一句).: He found out that the ovens hotte

12、st rays focused not in the corner or at the center, but in the shape of a mushroom cloud.*He had come up with a resourceful way to approximate the answer rather than using scientifically sophisticated testing equipment(para17).: He had cleverly solved the problem by finding the approximate answer ra

13、ther than by using technologically complicated and refined resting equipment. To approximate the answer: to find or obtain the almost correct exact answer *Fermi would have approved.:(P18) If he had been alive, Fermi would have approved of Stan Masons resourceful way to approximate the answer. *The

14、law of averages is partly responsible.At any point,your assumptions may be too high or to low.But because of the law of averages,your mistakes will frequently balance out.12段*Law of averages:平均数定律*At any point:任何时候*Balance out:相抵、抵消、平衡=be neutralized四:近义词辨析Hazard:冒失猜测1. put forward of a guess, in sp

15、ite of possible refutation2. put at risk3. take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcomeVenture:冒着失去生命或者其他珍贵东西的危险、特指商业活动1. proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers2. put forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation3. put at riskConventional:(日常)习惯的、因袭的、公约的、大会的1. following acce

16、pted customs and proprieties2. conforming with accepted standards3. (weapons) using energy for propulsion or destruction that is not nuclear energy4. unimaginative and conformist5. represented in simplified or symbolic form6. in accord with or being a tradition or practice accepted from the past7. rigidly formal or bo



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