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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、_ story has an unhappy ending. Many people cried after watching it.AABAnCTheD/2、Yang Jiangs essay collection We Three is so po

2、pular that it _ into different languages for readers around the world to read every year.Atranlate Btranslated Cis translated Dwas translated3、It seems that your daughter shows an interest playing the guitar.Exactly. Her teacher says she has a gift musicAfor; of Bof; for Cin; of Din; for4、How kind y

3、ou are! You always do what you can _ others.AhelpBto helpChelpsDhelping5、Knowing something well is not easy. It may take years _ you know everything of something.Asince Bafter Cbefore Duntil6、Do you have any plan to return to Chongqing?Yes. I will be back _ two years.AforBinCbefore7、On World Environ

4、ment Day, we notices to help people form a habit of sorting the waste.Aput outBhand outCbring out8、 do you go to the cinema? Once a week.AHow often BHow soon CHow long9、A smile costs , but gives much, so always keep smiling!AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything10、One of the wonders of the _ world i

5、s the pyramids in Egypt.AcrowdedBnaturalCancientDmodern. 完形填空11、完型填空阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。I get up at half past seven and get dressed for school. My school has a 1 black trousers and shoes, a white shirt and a black and gold tie. The girls wear the same, or they can 2 a black skirt

6、. Not all British schools have a uniform, but its common here.I dont live far from the school, 3 I walk there with my friends, Brian and Gemma. Lots of students 4 the school bus or their parents drive them to school. On Mondays we all start the day 5 a meeting in the school hall at eight fifty. The

7、head teacher talks to us and gives us information about school events.This year Ive got nine subjects. We all study English, maths and science, and then we choose other 6 We have 20 minutes for break in the morning and an hour for 7 Some students bring sandwiches to school for lunch, but my friends

8、and I always eat in the 8 room where you can get a hot meal every day.Lessons 9 at 4 oclock in the afternoon, but on Mondays and Wednesdays I stay at school until five oclock. There are lots of clubs and activities at our school.At the end of the day I always spend two hours on 10 sometimes three ho

9、urs, as we get lots of homework now.1Atradition Buniform Crule Dhabit2Aborrow Bmake Cwear Dtake3Aso Bhowever Cbecause Dbut4Arepair Bwash Cclean Dcatch5Aat Bin Con Dwith6Aclothes Bsubjects Cgames Dclubs7Alunch Bbreakfast Cdinner Dsupper8Asitting Bliving Cwaiting Ddining9Abegin Bend Ccontinue Dlast10A

10、events Bclubs Chomework Dactivities. 语法填空12、根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填入一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。每空一词,含缩略词。Warm weather and sunny days mean its a barbecue( 烧烤 ) season in the US.These days, 1 people say theyre going to a barbecue,they usually 2 that theyre going to cook the food over a grill( 烤架 )out doors.Popular bar

11、becue foods include hamburgers, hot dogs, and vegetables.Barbecue fans say that this is not real barbecue;its just grilling.True barbecue,which is also 3 BBQ,is an American tradition (传统)that is as old as the country itself.Barbecue refers to meat that is cooked for a very long time(sometimes as lon

12、g as 24 hours) over low heat from a wood fire.The smell of the burning wood adds flavor (味道) 4 the meat,which becomes soft as it cooks.Different parts of the US have different 5 of making barbecue. In Texas, people often use beef. In North and South Carolina, pork is the most common. In Kansas City,

13、 pork ribs ( 猪肋排 ) are the favorite. Each region( 地区 ) says that its own barbecue is the 6. There are barbecue competitions every year, and even magazines about the art of making great barbecue.Most Americans dont have the time or patience to dig a hole, fill it with special wood, light a fire and 7

14、 cook meat carefully over it all day and night. So when they want a real barbecue, they go to restaurants that do the hard work for them. For those who want to have 8 own, easy barbecues, theres always grilling. 阅读理解A13、How nice are you? Do you give money to homeless people? Do you offer your seat to someone in need on a bus?Many people believe that confident people think more highly of themselves, while those who have low self-esteem (自尊) think less of their good qualities. However, a new study says it might not be true, reported The Guardian.The study was done by Jonathan Freeman, a psychol



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