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1、(文末附答案)高中英语虚拟语气高频考点知识梳理2单选题(经典例题高频考点-名师出品必属精品)1、It is necessary that a childs first eye exam _ at the age of six months old.AwasBwereCbeDis2、The snowstorm sweeping across California delayed my flight, otherwise I _ in Hawaii sunbathing on the beach now.Awould beBcould have beenCwill beDmight have be

2、en3、Youd rather I _ her the news, _?Atoldwouldnt youBtoldhadnt youCtellwouldnt youDtellhadnt you4、Im having a headache again.I suggest you_some medicine.AtakingBtakenCtakeDto take5、He cant spare some time for a holiday and sometimes he would rather he such an organization in the city of Shenzhen.Aha

3、snt runBdoesnt runCdidnt runDhadnt run6、It is required that every student_ a foreign language before going abroad.Amust learnBlearnClearnsDwill learn7、Mr Smiths doctor suggested that he _ and exercise regularly.Ashould eatBwill eatCcan eatDwould eat8、We should consider students suggestion _ the scho

4、ol library provide more books on popular science.AthatBwhenCwhetherDwhy9、Its time we _ business.Agot down forBgetting down forCget down toDgot down to10、_ ten years younger, I would study abroad.AIf were IBI wereCWere IDWas I11、Teachers recommend parents _ their children under 12 to ride bicycies to

5、 school for safety.Anot allowBdo not allowCmustnt allowDcouldnt allow12、Frankly, Id rather you _anything about it for the time being.Anot doBdont doCdidnt doDwill not do13、We wish we_ harder when at school.AstudyBhave studyCwill studyDhad studied14、 Have you heard of Li Ziqi, a popular vlogger?Defin

6、itely. How I wish I _ her, showing the world the wonderful culture of ChinaAamBwereCwill beDhad been15、If he had known it earlier, he _ you not to take that foolish action.Awould persuadeBwould be persuadedCwould have persuadedDwould be persuading16、He ordered that the house _.Awas soldBis soldCwoul

7、d be soldDbe sold17、It was proposed that a fund _ to raise money.Abe establishedBestablishedCestablishDwill be established18、The steak in the restaurant was terrible. How I wish I rice!Awould orderBorderedCorderDhad ordered19、The proposal Father made this morning did sound feasible _ every member of

8、 the family _ one-third of his or her income in case of emergencyAwhich, set asideBthat, set asideCwhich, sets asideDthat, sets aside20、These achievements _ without the contribution of Luo Yang,the chief commander of Chinas fighter jet J15(歼15项目负责人).Awould have been achievedBwould not achievedCwould

9、 not have been achievedDwould not be achieved21、Mable is very weak, so the doctor advised that not only _ more flood, but she should also take more exercise.Ashould she haveBshe should haveCshe hasDhas she22、If he my advice,he wouldnt have lost his job.AfollowedBshould followChad followedDwould foll

10、owed23、She is probably better off fainting. She _ the pain if she _ conscious.Acouldnt standwereBcannot standwill beCcouldnt have stoodhad beenDcannot have stoodis24、As the day was fine, I made the suggestion _ for a walk in the park.Awe goBwe will goCwe should goDthat we go25、If the weather had bee

11、n better, we _ a picnic yesterday.Amust have hadBwould haveCcould have hadDwill have26、Ms. Lin suggested that he _the reading competition.Atook part inBis taking part inCtakes part inDtake part in27、Last year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of Peoples Republic of China. On October 1st, hu

12、ndreds of thousands of people from all walks of life and around the country came to Beijing Tiananmen Square to witness this exciting moment. Its a pity for me that I didnt come. If only I _ there with my family.AcomeBcameChad comeDhave come28、It was the drug, not the disease, that killed the boy.He

13、 would be still alive today if he _it.Adoesnt takeBshouldnt have takenCdidnt takeDhadnt taken29、It is recommended that the project_ until all the preparations have been made.Ais not startedBwill not be startedCnot be startedDis not to be started30、This computer is of good quality. If it _ break down

14、 within the first three months, we would repair it at our expense.AwouldBwere toCcouldDmight31、If he had known how to do it, he _ you.Ahas shownBhad shownCwould shownDwould have shown32、Supposing this ship _,do you think there would be enough life jackets for all the passengers?Awas sinkingBhas sunkCwere to sinkDsinks33、She always talks to me _ she were my mother.Aought toBas thoughCin debtDas for34、 I really never enjoyed myself so much at the concert yesterday. How I wish I _ no



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