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1、 .wd.高二英语完型填空练习No. 49 In Mr. Allens high school class, all the students have to get married. However, the wedding ceremonies are not real ones but imitations. These ceremonies sometimes become so noisy that the loud laughter 1 out the voice of the minister. 2 the two students getting married often b

2、egin to laugh quietly. The teacher, Mr. Allen, believes that marriage is a difficult and 3 business. He wants young people to understand that there must be many 4 after marriage. He believes that the 5 for these psychological adjustments should be understood before people 6 . Mr. Allen doesnt only 7

3、 his students to major problems faced 8 marriage such as illness or unemployment. He also lets them know the 9 problems they will face every day. He wants young people to know about all the difficulties and troubles that can throw marriage to the 10 point. He even familiarizes his students with the

4、problems of divorces and the 11 that dovorced men must pay child 12 money for their children and sometimes pay monthly some money to their 13 . It has been nervous for some of the students to 14 the problems that a married couple often faces. 15 they took the course, they had not felt much 16 about

5、the problems of marriage. 17 , both students and parents feel that Mr. Allena course is 18 and have supported the 19 publicly. Their statements and letters supporting the class have made the school more firmly believe that its necessary to 20 the course again.Keys: BDCAB DCBAC ABCBC DABCDNo.50 To a

6、watching world, Mike and Murray were a perfect couple. They had been high sweethearts, and 1 to have a happy marriage. Mike had a good job, and Mary was able to 2 home with their children. They ownrd their home and had 3 kids, two cars, and a family dog. 4 to Mike, after seven tears of marriage, som

7、ething was terribly wrong. The Murrays had 5 their meaterials goals and Mike 6 , now what? He began to look to his job for fulfillment and often worked for 60 hours 7 . Mary poured herself into the children. It was so 8 for her to turn her focus from Mike to 6-month-old Eric and 2-year-old Brittany.

8、 And now the marriage seemed 9 . Their lives were travelling in two different directions. They no longer really comunicated- yes, they answered 10 questions, but they didnt talk 11 as they had in the early rears of their marriage. Mike felt trapped. I 12 had time to do things that I wanted to, he sa

9、ys. Mike did not share his feelings with Mary. Instead, he followed the slippery path of many others-he became involved with a woman at work, who was 13 her husband. It began as a simple friendship. I was able to listen and she was able to listen, Mike recalls. Mary 14 the battle in Mikes soul, He w

10、asn;t home as much, and we werent talking as much, she says. I was wrapped up in the kids and I just couldnt imagine anything ever 15 . The situation became worse when the Murrays attended a wedding and began to argue, Mary asked Mike if he was seeing 16 and he said, es, its just an emotional thing.

11、 Mike can still remember the 17 of hurt total surprise on Marys face. She was troubled, and he knew that he had turned against his best friend 18 high school. The 19 on her face jarred him into reality, and he began to understand the 20 he was doing to his family.1.A. seemed B. appeared C. looked D.

12、 had 2.A.live in B. study at C. stay at D. be out of3. A. one B. no C. three D. two 4.A. Luckily B. as C. Thanks D. But5.A. arrived B. reached C. got to D. made 6. A.surprised B. understood C. wondered D. asked7. A.a week B. for a week C. on a week D. one week 8. A.difficult B. comfortable C. happy

13、D. easy9. A.empty B. separate C. full of joy D. true to life 10.A.simple B. surface C.science D. social11. A. at all B.anything C. heart to heart D. in pains 12.A. really B. likely C.always D. never13. A. loved by B. separated from C. different from D. cared by14.A. knew B. understood C. admitted D.

14、 had no idea of15. A. to take place B. to happen C. happening D. done16. A. her B.someone else C. the matter D. anything17. A. look B.face C. feeling D.word 18. A. since B. from C. to D. of19. A. look B. expression C. smile D. tears 20. A. good B. wrong C. harm D. mistake Keys: BCDDB CADAB CDBDC BAABCNo. 51 The lecture on smoking was over at last. As we boys were rushing towards the playground, Jim 1


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