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1、全国小学生英语比赛六年级组决赛模拟试题(六) (2)小学六年级英语比赛题(三)(时间: 60 分钟总分: 100 分)听力部分(共 4 大题,计30 分)I 听辨单词 (Words) (共 5小题,计5 分)听音,从 A 、 B、 C 三个选项中选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词。每个句子读两遍。()1. A. biggestB.longestC.finest()2.A. moodyB.moveC.mouth()3.A. weekendB.presentC.Wednesday()4.A. rightB.lightsC.lucks()5.A. pleaseB.politicsC.police . 句

2、子理解 (Sentences)(共 5 小题,计 5 分)听音,从A 、 B 、C 三个选项中选出与你所听到的句子意思符合的图片。每个句子读两遍。()6 A.B.C()7 A.BC()8 A.BC()9 A.B C()10 A.BC . 对话理解 ( Dialogues) (共 10 小题,计 10 分)A) 听音,判断以下句子与所听对话内容是(Y) 否 (N) 符合。每组对话读两遍。()11. The boy s sister is going to the science museum.()12.Miss Rabbit hurts her leg.()13.The cinema is ne

3、xt to the bookstore.()14.Sandy s grandfather looks sad today.()15.Chen Hao went to Zhejiang by bus.B) 听音,依据你所听到的对话内容选择正确的答案。对话读两遍。()16.They want to go to.A. the People s ParkB.the Peter s BookshopC.the Music Park()17.They can take a bus orthere. / A. takea planeB.walkC.take a train()18.They decide t

4、o go thereA. by busB.by taxiC.on foot()19.They should tum left at.A. the tall office buildingB.the bus stopC.the traffic lights()20.There isnear the park.A.a bus stopB.a tall office buildingC.a small bank . 短文理解 (Passages)(共 10 小题,计 10 分)A) 听音,依据所听短文内容判断以下句子正(T) 误 (F) 。短文读两遍。()21.Zhang Tao works in

5、a restaurant.()22.He works for 8 hours a day.()23.He doesn t clean the windows.()24.After work, he just stays at home.()25.He is very hard-working.B) 听音,依据所听短文内容填写单词,补全以下句子,每空一词。短文读两遍。26.It wasthat day.27.Bill helped his mother do theat home.28.Bill went to John s home in the.29.They played ping-pon

6、g in the.30.At lastwon the game. He was very excited.笔试部分(共 7 大题,计70 分) . 单项选择 (Multiple-choice) (共 10 小题,计 10 分)从 A, B, C,D 四个选项中选择最适合的一项达成句子。()31.I met Jack on_way home yesterday.A myB meChisD. him()32.He is going to buy a sweater. I m goingto buyA.a shoeB.a shoesC.a pair shoesD.a pair of shoes()3

7、3.The twinsnewour class.A. are; inB.is; inC.are; atD.is; at()34.Yang Hongyingis a. Shebooks for children.A. write; writeB. writer; writeC. write; writesD. writer; writes()35.Mr Lin was veryafter a day s work. He wanted to have a rest.A.happyB.healthyC.tiredD.hungry()36.It s ten o clock. Itbedstime.A

8、. forB.inC. atD. to()37. Whatis the girl? Sheinsects.A. did; countedB. doing; is countingC. does; countsD. do; count()38.My throatsore. My nose.A. is; hurtB. are; hurtC. is; hurtsD. are; hurts()39.I don tlike spicy foodsweet food.A. andB. toC. orD. but()40.There are so many people in the shop. You m

9、ustyour things.A. look atB.look afterC. put awayD. put onVI.情形会话( Dialogues)(共 io 小题,i+ io 分 )A) 从 A , B, C, D 四个选项中选出最适合的一项,补全对话。()41. A. He s an engineer.B. He s working in the garden.C. He can make a model plane.D. He works in a museum.()42. A. Have a nice day.B. That s all right.C. Twenty dollar

10、s, please.D. I m sorry to hear that.()43. A. I donsleeptwell at night. What should I do?B. I slept well last night.C. Did you sleep well last night?D. I will sleep very well this night.()44. A. I don t like PE.B. Chinese and history.C. I like computer class.D. We will have music class tomorrow.()45.

11、 A. I got an “ A” in the maths test.B. I would like a cup of milk.C. I like watching TV at home.D. I lost my new bike.B) 从所给的选项中选择适合的句子补全对话(此中有两个剩余选项)Wang Di: Hi, Sun Mei.46Sun Mei: I went to the hospital.Wang Di:47Sun Mei: Yes, I was sick.Wang Di:48。SunMei:50Wang Di: Sure! Let s go together.A. Were you sick?B. Can I go with you?C. How do you feel?D. What was the matter with you?E. Where did you go last weekend?F. Will you play basketball with me?G. Let s play basketball tomorrow, OK?46.4 7484950 . 达成句子 (Complete the s


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