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1、平川四中七年级英语上Unit6导学案 班级 姓名 科目English课题Lesson 31: Lets Go to the Bookstore!课型New lesson 主备人裴慧萍审核人授课人授课时间学 习 目 标知识与能力:词汇:bookstore, ride, broken, off, lost, lady, straight, traffic, luck句型:1. How can we get to sp.? We can take bus/ride bike. 2.Excuse me. Can you help us? 3. Go down this street. Turn lef

2、t at the traffic lights. Then go straight and you can see.过程与方法:自学 探究 讨论 练习情感态度和价值观:让学生养成讲文明,懂礼貌的习惯。重点:句型:1. How can we get to sp.? We can take bus/ride bike. 2.Excuse me. Can you help us? 3. Go down this street. Turn left at the traffic lights. Then go straight and you can see.难点:灵活运用所学句型,怎样有礼貌客气地向

3、别人介绍出行方式以及问路指路。学法指导:1自主学习对话,培养与他人用英语交流的意愿,2 课堂探究,对自主学习遇到疑难大胆提问,教师点拨,学生掌握基本语言点。能力提示与知识拓展,完成相应的练习。知识链接:英语中的礼貌用语学习流程: 一,知识导航 怎样有礼貌客气地向别人介绍出行方式以及问路指路。 常用句型:How can we get to sp.? We can take bus/ride bike. 2.Excuse me. Can you help us? 3. Go down this street. Turn left at the traffic lights. Then go str

4、aight and you can see.二.预习指导1.根据对话回答问题:(1) Where are Jenny and Danny going?(2) How do they go there?(3)Who do they ask for directions?2.学习建议:再读一遍对话,迅速勾画出新短语,单词和句型,并结合语境猜测其含义。A.单词bookstore_, ride_, broken_, off_, lost_, lady_, straight_, traffic_, luck_B.短语go to the bookstore, get there, ride ones bi

5、ke, get off, get lost, on the way to, go down, turn leftC.句子(1). How can we get to sp.? We can take bus/ride bike. (2).Excuse me. Can you help us? (3). Go down this street. Turn left at the traffic lights. Then go straight and you can see.三单词探究1.excuse v.(1)Excuse me . May I have a book ,Jenny ?抱歉 打

6、扰一下。我可以借一本书吗,詹尼?(2)_Excuse me . May I come in ?wait a moment ,please !.对不起,我可以进来吗?请稍侯(3)-_Excuse me .Can you tell me the way to the park ?对不起,你能告诉我去公园的路吗/2 ride a bike/by bike:ride a bike 为动词短语,可在句中作谓语。by bike表方式在句中作方式状语。ride a bike to sp.=go to sp. by bike即兴练习:用填ride a bike/by bike空:1. She often go

7、es to school _.2. My brother often _ to school.单句改错:3. His father by bike to work every day. ( ) _A B C D同义句转换:Mother usually goes to work by bike.Mother usually _ _ _ to work.四,学以致用,拓展提升:1.我们去书店吧._ _ _ the store.2.我们怎么才能到达那儿?_ _ we _ there?3.我的自行车坏了。My bike _ _.4.他们在去书店的路上迷路了。They _ _ _ the way to

8、the bookstore.5.沿着这条街直走。_ _ this street.五总结反刍1 本课我们学习了How can we get to sp.? We can take bus/ride bike. Excuse me. Can you help us? Go down this street. Turn left at the traffic lights. Then go straight and you can see. 怎样有礼貌客气地向别人介绍出行方式以及问路指路等句型。2.注意对话的背诵及灵活运用重点句式。六基础知识巩固题-把简单的事做好就叫不简单! I选词或短语并用其当形

9、式填空:lady, straight, traffic, luck, excuse me1._. Where is your school?2. Just go _ along the road, and you will see the shop on your left.3. Good _ and have a nice holiday.4. Who are those _? They are women teachers from our school.5. Sorry for being late. But theres a lot of _ in the street.备注(教师复备

10、栏及学生笔记)平川四中七年级英语上Unit6导学案 班级 姓名 科目English课题Lesson 32: At the Supermarket!课型New lesson 主备人裴慧萍审核人授课人授课时间学 习 目 标知识与能力:词汇:fresh, follow, count, forty, fifty, hundred句型:1. May I help you? 2.What can I do for you? 3. Ill show you. 4. Ill take it. 5. I want to buy. 6. Im looking for .过程与方法:自学 探究 讨论 练习情感态度和

11、价值观:让学生养成讲文明,懂礼貌的习惯。重点:句型:1. May I help you? 2.What can I do for you? 3. Ill show you. 4. Ill take it. 5. I want to buy. 6. Im looking for .难点:灵活运用所学句型,怎样有礼貌客气地使用服务用语。学法指导:1自主学习对话,培养与他人用英语交流的意愿,2 课堂探究,对自主学习遇到疑难大胆提问,教师点拨,学生掌握基本语言点。能力提示与知识拓展,完成相应的练习。知识链接:英语中的礼貌用语学习流程: 一,知识导航 怎样有礼貌客气地使用服务用语。 常用句型:1. Ma

12、y I help you? 2.What can I do for you? 3. Ill show you. 4.Ill take it. 5. I want to buy. 6. Im looking for .二.预习指导1.根据对话回答问题:(1) Where are Li Ming and his mum?(2) Where are the potatoes?(3)How much is the red T- shirt?2.学习建议:再读一遍对话,迅速勾画出新短语,单词和句型,并结合语境猜测其含义。A.单词fresh_, follow_, count_, forty_, fifty

13、_, hundred_ B.短语next to, No problem, at the supermarket, look for, follow me, fresh fruit and vegetablesC.句子1. 1. May I help you? 2. What can I do for you? 3. Ill show you. 4.Ill take it. 5. I want to buy.6. Im looking for .三单词探究1.buy v.表示在某店买某物时可接介词at; 表示从某处买某物时可接介词from;表示花多少钱买某物或给某人买某物时,可接介词for.2 look for/ find/ find out 区别:look for:意为寻找,有目的的找,强调找这一行为动作。find: 意为找到,发现,强调找的结果,其宾语往往是某个丢失的人或物。find out:意为查明/发现出,强调找到的结果,其宾语常常是某个情况、事实。即兴练习:用填介词at, for, from 填空:1. She always buys vegetables _ the market.2. I want to buy some food _ the store.3. My mother often buys new



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