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1、八年级上册考点总结一、非谓语动词:1.只能接不定式做宾语或者宾补的动词有:(1)tell/ask/force/teach/want/wouldlike/plan/learn/choose/agree/decide/prepare/enough/need/advise/send/try ones best=do ones best(2) be adj+ to do sth (be afraid/surprised/sure to do sth)/(3) used to do sth/use to do sth(4) it 句型: Its +adj+for/of sb+to do sth Its

2、time (for sb) to do sthIts ones turn to do sth. Its ones duty to do sth.It takes/took sb+time+to do sth.(5) 特殊疑问词+to do sth (How to keep healthy)(5) 不定式表目的(What should we do to prevent the flu?)2.只能接ing作宾语的动词有:(1)enjoy/finish/practice/keep/suggest/have fun/would you mind/ preferto/spend/feel like/ g

3、ive up/be busy(2)所有介词之后:be good at/do well/badly in/be interested in/be fond of/protectfrom/how about=what about/before/ after /by/with/without(3)词组: Ving+ n : listening skills/ rowing team(5) be + doing : 表示进行时(be动词的朋友)(6)动名词作主语,视为单数:(eg: Doing sports makes us healthy.)3. 接动词原形的动词有: (1) 使让动词:let/ma

4、ke ; (2)情态动词:can/could/may/might/should /must will /shall/would/need (3)半情态动词:have to/be able to (4) had better/why dont you= why not/ tooto.4.以下动词既可以ing也 可以接to do:(1) “老好人”(区别不大): like/love/hate/prefer/begin/start (2)区别很大:forget/remember/+to do(表未做)/+doing(表已做)stop + to do sth(开始做某事)/stop doing sth

5、(停止做某事)try to do sth尽力做某事/try doing sth尝试做某事5. 以下单词既可以接动原也可以接ing. see/watch/hear/notice+do sth(表示经常做或者已做) +doing(表示正在做)。二、重点句型:1、请求允许May I ? Sure , go ahead.Would you mind teaching me? Not at all. /Of course not./certainly not.(不介意)Would you mind not putting your bike here? Sorry. I wont. Ill put it

6、 somewhere else.Would/ Do you mind if l open the window? Youd better not. /Im sorry, its not allowed.Could you please give me a hand/do me a favor?(帮我一个忙) With pleasure/Sure/Certainly. Whats it?Can/Could l use your telephone? Of course , you can.2. 道歉-Sorry. /Im sorry/ I am sorry for what I said.Its

7、 nothing./Never mind./Oh, it doesnt matter/Thats all right/Thats OK.(没关系)3. 感谢-Thanks(alot).-Yourewelcome./Notatall./Thatsallright./ThatsOK./Its )My/apleasure.不用谢/不客气。4. 约会When shall we meet? Lets make it half past six.Where shall we meet? At the school gate.Will you be free this Sunday? Yeah, I thi

8、nk I will.Lets make it 4: 30. All right/OK/. See you then.5. 观点&看法-Whatdoyouthinkof.?/Howdoyoulike.?(1)-Great./Wonderful/just so-so. 2)Ilovethem(verymuch)./Idontmindthem./Icantstandthem.注意: -I think./I dont think. -I agree/ I disagree.6. 建议(1)What/Howabout+doing sth.?怎么样?(2)Whynot./Whydontyou+do sth

9、.?为什么不?(3)Shallwe+do sth.?我们好吗? (4)Lets+do sth.让我们5)Youdbetter(not)+do sth.你最好(不要)(6)Youshould/shouldnt+do sth.你(不)应当同意: Soundsgreat/good./Goodidea./Thats/Itsagoodidea./Allright./OK. 7)-Would you like to do sth? -Yes, I d love to.三、各个单元注意的考点:Unit 1 1.四参加区别(take part in=join in=be in/ ; join(join the

10、 army/Party)2.三到达(arrive in(at)/get to/ reach) 当地点为:here/there/home时介词不出现3.四花费(take/cost/pay/spend)spendon sth/ spend in +doing sth5. 两例如(for example(用逗号隔开)/such as)6. (v+ing/v+ed区别) : exciting/excited; interesting/interested; relaxing/relaxed; surprising/surprised; tired/tiring(ing跟物有关ed和人有关)。7. 区别

11、:a number of(许多)/ the number of(.的数量) 8.there be 结构的将来时(there be 不与have/has连用)9.make/keep的用法区别:(make/keep+sb/sth+adj; make sb do sth; keep sb+doing sth)10. prefer的用法: (prefer+ to do sth/doing sth; prefer A to B; prefer doing A to doing B)11. 一般将来时(be going to do sth; will/shall do sth; be doing sth)

12、12. 6. how long/soon/often/many/much/old 提问回答方式 -How soon? -in +一段时间 -How often? -频率(seldom,often.always.never.以及次数) -How long? -(for/about)+ +一段时间13. 双宾语:(当物为代词时,要先接物再接人,pass it to me)show/teach/give/pass/bring/take/kick/throw sb sth=show/teach/give/pass/bring/take/kick/throw sth to sbmake/buy/cook

13、 sb sth=make/buy/cook sth for sb provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb(提供某物给某人) Unit 2 1. 两个建议:suggest (v)_(n) advise(v)_(n):不可数 一条建议_ 一些建议_ 建议某人做某事_2. enough的用法(名前形副后)3. 区别: too many/ too much/ much too 4.两个借(borrow借进来/lend借出去):borrow sth from sb; lend sth to sb5.good /well 用法区别:(good(adj):表示品质好;

14、well(adv):技能好)6.不修(something/anything/nothing/everything区别)7. 情态动词的用法(must提问的回答方式)肯定用must; 否定用dont have to/neednt.8. 反身代词(by oneself; lose oneself in, teach oneself; help oneself to)9.not only(.but )also.: 不仅而且10. 区别:as soon as:一.就.。 as soon as possible/sb can 尽快11. 动名词做主语视为单数。谓语动词用三单12. 不定式表目的13. except: 除了之外(不包含在内); besides: 还有.(包含在内)14notuntil直到才.15. 疾病的表达: ill(adj)



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