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1、教学基本信息课名Unit5 Music是否属于地方课程或校本课程是学科英语学段年级高一授课日期2017.1.10教材书名: 英语必修二 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期: 2009 年5 月教学设计参与人员姓名单位联系方式设计者潘李娜霸州一中实施者潘李娜霸州一中指导者郭燕霸州一中、指导思想与理论依据 以英语新课程标准作为指导思想和理论依据,坚持从学情出发,进行教材分析和课外资源的引入,充分利用网络和多媒体教学资源,使教学更直观形象化,多元立体化,最大限度地激发了学生的学习兴趣,充分发挥了学生的创造性和积极性。本课在侧重提高学生的阅读技能的同时培养学生的听,说,写的基本技能。强化体验式情景教学,

2、有效提高教学质量。教学背景分析教学内容:1在本单元的Warming up中,首先呈现了八种不同的音乐类型的图片,其次,从三个问题来了解学生对音乐的感觉,认识和喜好,从而为阅读课奠定了一定的基础。Pre-reading部分设计四个问题了解学生对乐队的熟悉程度。通过一个个问题把学生的思路引到Reading部分,为进入阅读做铺垫。2.Reading部分主要介绍了门基乐队的成长过程。另一方面,课文中出现了两个 介词which/whom 的定语从句,引出了即将要学的语言知识。所以说,这节阅读课在整个单元模块中起着承上启下的作用。学生情况:学生对于音乐这个话题感兴趣,在Warming up与Pre-rea

3、ding中对音乐有一定的了解与认识。他们也具备了一定的阅读技能,如查找细节信息,获取主要信息,抓住要点等。但农村学校的学生受到教育条件的限制,同时学生的英语基础不够扎实,在阅读课文中,不能在较短的时间内把握文章的脉络,概括出文章大意。另外,这篇课文中出现了较多的新词汇,有一部分词汇对于学生而言有难度。所以,要求学生提前对词汇及课文进行预习。教学方式:体验式教学方式; 任务型教学方式;研究型学习方式教学手段:多媒体辅助;歌曲欣赏;问题引导技术准备:多媒体 教学目标(内容框架)1. 通过听歌曲及对不同风格歌曲的简介,提高学生对不同乐队的了解,加深对外国文化的熟悉。2. 学会fast reading

4、 and careful reading阅读方法在文章中找寻答案,理解课文内容,知道如何捕捉细节。3. 通过language points,使学生掌握本课知识点。4. 鼓励学生学习不同的文化和音乐,同时使学生学会分享和合作。教学流程示意(可选项)Lead in fast reading careful reading language points homework教学过程(文字描述)本课以不同的音乐风格的单词为开始,引发学生的兴趣,并通过对代表性的乐风的解释说明来加深学生对本课的理解,通过歌曲欣赏使学生加深印象,并引出本课的主题;Fast reading使学生通过快速阅读,掌握本文的主体大意

5、;Careful reading通过让学生仔细阅读,总结段落大意和判断正误,学生就能对本篇文章掌握很好,并且了解了“The Monkees”这个乐队的主要发展过程及经历;Language points 展出了本课中的重点单词及短语,通过讲解举例的方法,并让学生模仿造句,使学生很好地掌握了本课的重要内容;Homework中的相关练习和小短文的写作能进一步加深学生对本课的理解和体会,从而使学生从知识上得到提高,并深刻了解了外国的音乐文化。教学过程(表格描述)教学阶段教师活动学生活动设置意图技术应用时间安排Step one1Show some music styles and explain the

6、m by pictures,and listen to six songs .2. Show pictures of six kinds of bands to the students, and give some questions :(1). What kind of music do you like? Why (2). Which singer do you like best and why? (3). How does music make you feel?1. Review some words related to music styles.2. Listen to the

7、 music and figure out the style3. Answer the questions with the words givenLead in and motivate the students interestPPT6Step two1. Lead in “The Monkees” and give more information about the band2. Give a song sung by “The Monkees”Listen to the song and figure out which music style it belongs to Make

8、 the students learn about this textPPT3Step threeFast readingList four questions:1. How many bands are mentioned in the passage? What are their names?2. Which band is “The Band That Wasnt”? 3. When did “The Monkees” break up and when did it reunite?4. When did The Monkees celebrate their time as a r

9、eal band?1. Do the fast reading2. Answer the four questionsHave a general idea of this textPPT6Step fourCareful reading1. Read the passage and try to find the main idea of each Para. 1.Para.2Para.3Para.42. True or false(1).The writer believes that most of us have dreamed of being a famous musician o

10、r singer.(2).Bands in American are all formed by high school students.(3).It was The Beatles that started in a different way.(4).It was hard for the TV organizers to look for good rock musicians.(5).At first, The Monkees didnt play their own songs.(6).They can earn some extra money if they form a ba

11、nd to play in the street.(7). “The Monkees” broke up in about 1790 and it reunited in the mid-1980s.(8).“The Monkees” was successfulbecause they were serious about their work.(9). “ The Monkees” played one or two songs a year written by themselves.(10).They produced a new record in 1996 3. Fill in t

12、he blanks and make the comparison1 . Read the text carefully and find the main idea of each paragraph.2.Do the “True or false”, and figure out the mistakes3. Fill in the blanks and make the comparisonLet the students get the details of this passagePPT10Step fiveGive the summery and let the students

13、fill in the blanks Fill in the blanks and recite the summeryDo a summery and let the students recite itPPT5Step sixLanguage Points1. dream of / about (doing) sth 梦见, 梦想2. . with everyone clapping and enjoying your singing?a.“with + n. /pron. + doing”的结 构。 用作状语,说明与谓语的动作同时 发生的情况。b. with + sb + to do s

14、th 说明在谓语动作之后发生,主动表被动 c. with + sth. + done 说明在谓语动作之前发生或与sth为被动关系。 3. play jokes/a joke on 开玩笑, 戏弄某人eg.No one like to be played jokes on by others. make fun of laugh at play tricks/ a trick on4. break up 破裂, 拆散, 打碎 Their friendship has been broken up. 驱散 The police breaks up the crowd by violence. 停止

15、, 结束放学了。 The thief broke in/into the palace last night. The electricity was broken off by the flood. The car breaks down suddenly. The war broke out in 1943. Modern music has broken away from the 18th century rules. 5. be honest with sb be honest about sthbe honest in ( doing ) sth 6. attach vt. & vi. 系上;缚上;附加;连接attach. . . to认为有(重要性、



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