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1、 五年级上册 第八单元第1课时 教案 Teaching contents 教学内容Story timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标知识目标:1. 在整体理解的基础上听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmas day, Christmas tree, present, Father Christmas, pretty thing, stocking, wait for, finally, turkey, pudding, all, have a good time, buy, p

2、ut, early.2. 基于故事听懂、会说、会读表示先后顺序的词:first, next, then, finally及相应活动:First, we buy presents. Next, we put pretty things on the Christmas tree. Then, Christmas Eve comes. Finally, it is Christmas Day.3. 能较流利有感情地朗读故事,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。能力目标:能使用表示先后顺序的词:first, next, then, finally及大量相关词汇描述圣诞活动。情感态度目标:了解西方圣

3、诞节的习俗。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 能听、说、读大量与圣诞相关的动词词汇 2. 能使用表示先后顺序的词:first, next, then, finally描述圣诞活动。教学难点:学生按时间顺序连贯地表达圣诞活动。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Pre-reading1. Enjoy a song: Silent night/We wish you a Merry ChristmasQ: What is this about? (teach Christ

4、mas, silent t)T: Do you like Christmas? What do you know about Christmas? (将相应图片帖在黑板上并简单教读turkey, pudding, present, Father Christmas)【设计意图:营造圣诞氛围,让学生从听觉和视觉多方位感受圣诞,激活学生已有旧知。】2. T: What do you want to know about Christmas?S: Whens Christmas?What do people do at Christmas?How do people spend Christmas?

5、 With whom?Where are people at Christmas?【设计意图:激发学生思维,创设信息沟,为课文的学习作铺垫。】Step 2 While-reading1. Watch and match: What do people do at Christmas? 【设计意图:帮助学生整体感知课文, 初步理清圣诞活动的顺序。】2. Read and find out the key words S: buy presents, put presents., wait for presents, have a big lunch【设计意图:帮助学生了解课文本线和关键词。】3.

6、 Put four key words in order with first, next, then, finally(教读顺序副词并了解含义)Firstbuy presents, Thenput presents, Nextwait for presents, Finallyhave a big lunch4. Look, read and learn1) T: What do Mike and his family do before Christmas? S: They buy presents and put presents.T: Do you like presents? Wha

7、t presents do we buy? ?S: We can buy.(学生自由表达)T: What do Mike and his family buy? (阅读图1并回答)S:They buy presents and a Chritmas tree (teach Christmas treewith real tools)2) T: Next, how can we decorate the Christmas tree with the presents? (阅读图2,划出Mike一家如何装饰圣诞树的句子)S: We can put some pretty things on/un

8、der the Christmas tree. (teach pretty things)T:Children,what can we put on/under the Christmas tree? (拿出圣诞树,边说边布置礼物)S: I can put_ on/under the tree. I also can put_ on/under the tree.【设计意图:注重学生文本阅读策略和技能的指导, 并从学生情感出发,在阅读的基础上学会替换操练与实际运用。】 3) Read P1&2 after the tape. 4) Describe the activities accordi

9、ng to the pictures.5) Try to retell :From the story time we know how western people spend Christmas. First, they /they buyfor our. They also buy a They sometimes go to Next, they put.on. They also put.under. It looks.5. Watch a video and sayT: Then, what do children do on Christmas Eve? (watch a vid

10、eo and try to say)S: Then, Christmas comes. They put a _ on our beds and _ _ presents. (teach:stocking, wait for)T: What presents do you wait for?S: We put a stocking on our beds and wait for_. T: We also can make a wish. (pray动作)Read P3 after the tape and try to retell.【设计意图:通过原版卡通输入圣诞文化,拓展学生视野,丰富语

11、言知识, 同时也是孩子抒发情感的一个感人环节。】T: But who actually gives us presents? Father Christmas? No, our parents! They give us presents we want when we are asleep. 【设计意图:文化拓展,感恩教育。】6. Read and number.T: So, we should thank our parents. Shall we have lunch with them and say thank you?( )We eat a turkey and Christmas

12、 pudding.( 1)Finally, it is Christmas Day. ( )We all have a good time.( )We wake up early and open our presents. ( )We have a big lunch.7. Read and find out the verbs in P4. wake up open have eat ( learn the phrases wake up early, have a big lunch, eat a turkey, Christmas pudding. ) T: Do we have a

13、good time? (teach: We all have a good time. = We all have a lot of fun.) Read P4 after the tape and try to retell.【设计意图:通过设计不同形式的活动衔接圣诞前后人们的活动,引导学生关注文本细节,学会把握关键信息。】Step3 Post-reading1. Read the whole story after the tape.【设计意图:引导学生模仿录音,有感情的朗读文本,学习朗读过程中的语音语调抑扬顿挫,重读、弱读等朗读技巧的处理。】2. Read the story toget

14、her.3. Choose one picture and talk.【设计意图:复习和巩固课文内容】4. Task: Talk about what you want to do on the coming Christmas Day.T: What do you do at Christmas? Do you have any plans?Hello, Im_. I like Christmas.go shopping buy presents buy new clothesbuy a Christmas treeput a star/bell/colourful ball on the

15、treeput a stocking on the treehave a big lunch/dinner have delicious foodeat a turkey eat Christmas puddingFirst, we Next, we Then, we Finally, we I always have a good time! 【设计意图:设计个性化的活动,提供丰富的语料,在复习课文的基础上培养学生综合语用能力。】Homework 家庭作业1. Say something about Christmas Day for your family.2. Search more about Christmas on the Internet.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:糖果、圣诞树、小礼物、多媒体板书设计: U8 At Christmaswake up.open.have.eat.


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