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1、英汉1500字文章翻译姓名: 李燕灵 学号: 0803012322 班级: 08商务C班 Families Pay the Price家庭付出了代价Bob Herbert 鲍勃赫伯特“Its like watching your son playing in traffic, and theres nothing you can do. “- Janet Bellows, mother of a soldier who has been assigned to a second tour in Iraq. “就像看着自己的孩子在车流中玩耍但却束手无策。” 珍妮特贝洛斯,一个第二次被分配给到伊拉

2、克的士兵的母亲说到。Back in the 1960s, when it seemed as if every other draftee in the Army was being sent to Vietnam, I was sent off to Korea, where I was assigned to the intelligence office of an engineer battalion.早在20世纪60年代,似乎当其他被征召入伍的士兵被派去越南时,我被派去了韩国,在那里我被指派到情报办公室的工程师一大队。Twenty years old and half a world

3、 away from home, I looked forward to mail call the way junkies craved their next fix. My teenage sister, Sandy, got all of her high school girlfriends to write to me, which led some of the guys in my unit to think I was some kind of Don Juan. I considered it impolite to correct any misconceptions th

4、ey might have had.二十岁就和家里相隔半个地球远,我期待着用邮件的方式点名了那些恳求得到一次用量的毒品的吸毒者。我年少妹妹桑迪带着所有她高中学校的女朋友写信给我,这导致我们单位的一些球员认为我是个风流荡子。我认为去纠正他们对我可能有的误解是不礼貌的。You could depend on the mail for an emotional lift - most of the time. But there were times when I would open an envelope and read, in the inky handwriting of my mothe

5、r or father or sister, that a friend of mine, someone I had grown up with or gone to school with, or a new friend I had met in the Army, had been killed in Vietnam. Just like that. Gone. Life over at 18, 19, 20. 大部分时间里你可以依赖的邮件传递得到一种情感的鼓舞。但有好几次当我打开一个信封来读时, 在我母亲或父亲或姐妹漆黑的笔迹里我总是会看到类似的这样的事-和我一起长大或一起上学的朋友

6、,又或者是我在军队里刚认识的新朋友已经丧生在越南。就这样走了,生命停止在18或19或20岁。I can still remember the weird feelings that would come over me in those surreal moments, including the irrational idea that I was somehow responsible for the death. In the twisted logic of grief, I would feel that if I had never opened the envelope, the

7、 person would still be alive. I remember being overwhelmed with the desire to reseal the letter in the envelope and bring my dead friend back to life.我还记得那种奇怪的感觉会在那些不真实的时刻里影响着我,包括我不知道如何为死亡负责的不合理想法。在这种悲痛的扭曲之下,我就会觉得如果我从未打开信封,那些人就还会活着的。还记得我会被某种欲望所淹没而相信当我重新打开那封信后让我那死去的朋友会复活过来。This weeks hideous attack i

8、n Mosul reminded me of those long ago days. Once again American troops sent on a fools errand are coming home in coffins, or without their right arms or left legs, or paralyzed, or so messed up mentally theyll never be the same. Troops are being shoved two or three times into the furnace of Iraq by

9、astonishingly incompetent leaders who have been unable or unwilling to provide them with the proper training, adequate equipment or even a clearly defined mission.本周发生在摩苏尔的骇人听闻的袭击使我想起那些很久以前的日子。被派去战场却执行了徒劳的任务的美国军队再一次回家了,他们有的是呆在棺材里回来的,有的是缺胳膊少腿的回来的,有的是瘫痪着回来的,或者甚至是精神崩溃着回来的,总之他们不再和以前一样了。士兵们三番两次地被那些极其无能的领

10、导人推向了伊拉克这个火炉,这这些领导人已经无法或者不愿意向他们提供适当的培训,充足的设备或者甚至是分配一个明确的任务。It is a mind-boggling tragedy. And the suffering goes far beyond the men and women targeted by the insurgents. Each death in Iraq blows a hole in a family and sets off concentric circles of grief that touch everyone else who knew and cared f

11、or the fallen soldier. If the human stakes were understood well enough by the political leaders of this country, it might make them a little more reluctant to launch foolish, unnecessary and ultimately unwinnable wars.这是一个难以想象的悲剧。而这些遭受这种痛苦的人的人数远远超过了在战争中被击毙之人的人数。每次死在伊拉克的士兵都使他们的家庭不再完整,这使得了解和关心这些失去生命的士

12、兵的人都忍受着同心圆似的悲痛。如果人类的利害关系能够为他们国家的这些政治领导人所很好的理解,这可能会使他们有点更不愿意去发动愚蠢的、不必要的和最终无法取胜的战争。Lisa Hoffman and Annette Rainville of the Scripps Howard News Service have reported, in an extremely moving article, that nearly 900 American children have lost a parent to the war in Iraq. More than 40 fathers died wit

13、hout seeing their babies.斯克里普斯霍华德新闻社的丽莎霍夫曼和安妮特雷恩维尔在一篇非常令人感动的文章里报道说在对伊拉克的战争里将近900名美国儿童失去了一个家长。甚至有40个父亲到死都没见过自己的孩子。The article begins with a description of a deeply sad 4-year-old named Jack Shanaberger, whose father was killed in an ambush in March. Jack told his mother he didnt want to be a father w

14、hen he grew up. I dont want to be a daddy, he said, because daddies die.这篇文章的开端描述一个名叫杰克莎纳伯格的四岁小男孩,他很伤心因为他的父亲在三月份因遭遇埋伏而死了。杰克告诉他的妈妈说当他长大以后他不想成为一个爸爸。他说:“我不想成为一个爸爸,因为当爸爸会死。”Six female soldiers who died in the war left a total of 10 children. This is a new form of wartime heartbreak for the U.S. 在战争中牺牲的6

15、位女士兵遗留下10个孩子。这是一种新形式的战争令美国人心碎。We have completely lost our way with this fiasco in Iraq. The president seems almost perversely out of touch. The idea of democracy taking hold in what was a place of tyranny and hatred and destruction is such a hopeful moment in the history of the world, he said this w

16、eek.在伊拉克的惨败使我们完全迷失了方向。总统似乎是断然地失去了联系。他这个星期说:“民主思想一个暴政的地方占有了一席之地,而憎恨和毁灭却发生在世界历史里这个充满希望的时刻。The truth, of course, is that we cant even secure the road to the Baghdad airport, or protect our own troops lining up for lunch inside a military compound. The coming elections are a slapstick version of democracy. International observers wont even go to Iraq to monito


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