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2、。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1How did it come about _ a quiet person should appear so wild today?AwhetherBthatCifDwhat2Ted has never been so rude!He _something he shouldnt have, but I guess he didnt mean that.Ahas saidBhad saidCsaidDwas saying3It was in that small house _ was built with stones by his

3、father _ he spent his childhood.Athat; whereBwhich; thatCwhich; whichDthat; which4The Internet is so much a part of our culture that it affects our lives by acting as a _ for face-to-face contacts.Apreference BmotivationCsubstitute Dguideline5Double ovens are a good idea, especially _ you are cookin

4、g several meals at a time.AthoughBifCthatDunless6Whats up? You look worried.Well, I _ on the problem for 5 hours but I havent got a single clue.Ahave workedBworkedCwill workDhave been working7What happened to the young trees we planted last week?The trees _ well, but I didnt water them.Amight growBn

5、eednt have grownCwould have grownDwould grow8 Youve got your flat furnished, havent you? Yes, I _ some used furniture and it was a real bargain.Awill buyBhave boughtChad boughtDbought9语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。1. anything AmanyBmagazineCmanageDmatch2. achievedApract

6、icedBmarkedCoperatedDdamaged3. dealtA. deal BgreatCmeantDleader4. seize Aeither B. receive C. eight D. height5. youth Athus Bbreakthrough Cgather Dalthough10You seem to be fond of classical music._. As a matter of fact, I like jazz music better.A I dont agree B Not reallyC I couldnt agree more D No

7、doubt11I have got a headache.No wonder.You_in front of that computer too long.AworkBare workingChave been workingDworked12In the past few years, weve seen works by Chinese sci-fi writers winning international _.AconclusionBstandardCpotentialDrecognition13You didnt let me drive. If we _ by turns, you

8、 _ so tired.Adrove; didnt getBdrove; wouldnt getCwere driving; wouldnt getDhad driven; wouldnt have got14We have no idea what air we will be breathing in the future if we anything to stop hazy weather.Ahadnt done Bdidnt doChavent done Ddont do15When he goes out, he often wears sunglasses _nobody can

9、 recognize himAso thatBnow thatCin caseDas though16In many ways, the magic of AI is _ its not something you can see or touch.AwhetherBwhatCthatDwhy17_ themselves in the community services, students can gain experience for growth.AInvolvedBTo involveCHaving been involvedDInvolving18-Can you come on M

10、onday of Tuesday?-Im afraid_ day is possible.AeitherBneitherCsomeDany19If you want to improve your figure and health, the most effective thing to do is to show up at the gym every time you _ be there.AcanBwillCmayDshall20A public health campaign _ the number of heart disease deaths by 80 percent ove

11、r the past three decadesAhad reducedBhad been reducedChas reducedDhas been reduced第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)A study of 500,000 songs released(发行)in the UK between 193 and 2015 showed that pop music has decreased in happiness and increased in sadnessIn a report published

12、in the journal Royal Society Open Science,researchers at the University of California examined hundreds of thousands of songs and classified them by their moodHappinessis going down,sadness is going up,and at the same time,the songs are becoming more danceable and more party-like,co-author Natalia L

13、Komarova told The Associated PressThe study found songs in 2014 like Stay With Meby Sam Smith,Whispers by Passenger and Unmissable by Gorgon City to have a low happiness trendHowever,tracks from 193 like Glory Days by Bruce Springsteen,Would I Lie To You? by Eurythmics and Freedomby Wham had a high

14、happiness trendThe public seems to prefer happier songs, even though more and more unhappy songs are being released each year, the researchers wroteApart from the emotional trends,researcheis discovered that dance and pop were the most successful styles of music and that there was a clear downward trend,with the popularity oF rock beginning in the early 2000sSo it looks like,while the overall mood is becoming less happy,people seem to want to forget it all and dance, Komaro


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