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1、义 务 教 育 课 程 标 准 实 验 教 科 书英 语(新目标)Go for it!Students book八年级 下册Unit 6 Section 2 (page50)教学设计2012年4月22日八年级英语下册Unit 6 Section 2 教学设计1. Teaching goals(教学目的).Improve students reading ability and reading skills( 提高学生的阅读能力及阅读技巧).review the present perfect progressive tense(复习巩固现在完成进行时)2. Teaching key and d

2、ifficult points(教学重点难点).The improvement of reading ability(阅读能力的提高).Master and memory basic knowledge points in the reading.(掌握及记忆文中的基础知识考点)3. Teaching steps(教学步骤)Step one(第一步) . Reading assignment problem阅读任务题:Read and translate the five statements that the teacher designed ahead of time.Look at th

3、e following statements:(阅读并翻译老师事先设计的五个陈述.看看下列的陈述)( )(1).Leo is working in Australia,and he will teach in China for two years.( )(2).Its very interesting for Leos parents to learn a lot of Jews came to live in Harbin many years ago.( )(3).When Leo lived in Australia,he usually studied Australian or w

4、estern history.( )(4).Leos friends in Australia thought it hard to understand Chinese history.( )(5).Leo lives quite far from Beijing , so he will not be there for the Olympic Games in 2008.Step two(第二步).Divide the students into a few groups ,Let them to write their names on a piece of paper .And as

5、k them to discuss the five statements in groups.Write T or F for each statements on the paper.Then each group chooses one to represent his group to tell the consequences of their discussion.(把学生分成几组,让他们把名字写在一张纸上,并要求他们在小组内讨论以上五个陈述。讨论结束后,正确的写T,错误的写F,并派个代表说出他们的讨论结果。Step three(第三步) .Read the article onc

6、e.At the same time ,check the consequences.(老师读文章一遍,同时指出答案所在来批阅各组讨论结果。) Step six(第四步). Click on the senior high school entrance examination :Circle the key words that are usually tested in the regular examinations.And write them down in the notebooks. Then teach to read the words.Then show ten quest

7、ions about the key points on the screen.Ask ask the groups to discuss the ten questions.Look at the following questions:(点击中考:圈出考试常考的重点单词,并将其记在笔记本中,然后带读这些单词。然后在屏幕上呈现出相关知识的十道题,要求那几组学生再一次讨论。试题如下:)(1) .China is a country that has a long and _ history.(color)(2) .I have an _ pen pal,Hes really friendly.

8、(Australia)(3) .Its necessary for us _ English well.(learn)(4) My uncle understands a lot about_ culture.(west)(5) Many _ travel to Kunming every year.(foreign)(6) When did you start _ Chinese history?(study)(7) Junk food is bad for health,but most students enjoy _ it.(eat)(8) My hometown has change

9、d a lot.There are a lot of _ in it now.(build)(9) Do you know that the United Kingdom and France are both _ countries?(Europe)(10) I am _ that such a young boy can play the piano so well.(surprise)4. Homework(作业)Finish the questions in Section1 on page 50.They can search the Internet if possible.(完成50页Section1中的三个问题.如果有可能,可以上网查询)


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