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1、考点剖析与典题精讲 三点剖析单词典句考点fall v. 落下;倒下【经典例句】 The boy fell off his bike yesterday.昨天那个小男孩从自行车上摔下来了。【考点聚焦】 常见搭配:fall off 从摔下来;fall down 跌倒;fall over 向前跌倒;fall into 掉进里;fall in love with.爱上;fall asleep 睡着across prep.越过【经典例句】 Go across the bridge, and youll see the village.过了那座桥,你就能看见那个村庄了。【考点聚焦】1)派生词:cross

2、v.穿过,越过;crossing n. 交叉口;2)同义词辨析:across和through均有 “越过”之意,across强调从事物的表面越过,而through强调从事物的内部穿过。如:swim across the river/walk across the road; go through the window/gate/forest(森林)【活学活用】 2.选择You cant the road. Its dangerous.A. crossB. acrossC. through D. crossing答案:A短语典句考点run past.跑过【经典例句】 Linda ran past

3、 me, but she didnt see me.琳达从我身边跑过,但她没看见我。【考点聚焦】1)短语中的past是介词,“经过,超过”之意,如:half past nine 九点半;类似短语还有 walk past./go past.走过;2)past也可用作副词,如:He walked past.他走过去了。用作名词,“过去”之意,如:Lets forget the past.让我们忘掉过去吧!用作形容词,“过去的”,如:In the past two years, Ive learned twenty English songs.在过去的两年里,我学了20首英文歌曲。3)pass v.

4、通过,其过去式passed和past是同音词。【活学活用】 6.选词填空Li Lei (passed, past) the finishing line first.答案:passedfall down 跌倒,倒下【经典例句】 A car hit him and he fell down.一辆车撞了他,接着他就倒下了。【考点聚焦】 要记住以fall为中心的一些短语:fall off 从上掉下fall over 向前跌倒fall behind 落后,掉队fall asleep 睡着【活学活用】7.用上面fall短语的适当形式填空Wang Li when he passed the stick t

5、o Bill.Study hard, or you will others.He was so tired that he quickly.He his bike and hurt himself.答案:fell down; fall behind; fell asleep; fell off句子剖析拓展 Once or twice she looked into her sisters book.【剖析】1)once or twice表示“一两次”;no相当于not any。【拓展】类似用法还有one or two days/one day or two; no用在句中修饰名词时,相当于no

6、t a(an)或not any。There is no student in the classroom.教室里没有学生。Suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes ran by.【剖析】 1)with pink eyes作rabbit的定语;by用作介词,意为“经过”。She saw it go down a large rabbit hole in the ground.【剖析】这是一个简单句,其中包含see sb./sth. do sth.这一结构,后面省略to的不定式作宾语补足语,表示“看见经常做或做过”。【拓展】 1)see 后除接不定式作宾补外,还

7、可接doing作宾补,表示“看见正在做”;He saw his mother doing housework when he got up earlier.他早起时发现母亲在做家务。2)see, hear, watch, feel有相同的用法。I heard her singing when I passed by the classroom.我路过教室时听见她在唱歌。语法剖析过去进行时的含义和用法归纳意义标志构成举例表示在过去某一时刻或一段时间正在进行的动作。at this time yesterday/at 9:00 last night/from 7:00 to 10:00 yester

8、day morning等肯定式was/were + v.-ingMy father was reading a newspaper this time yesterday.否定式was/were + not + v.-ingMy father wasnt reading a newspaper this time yesterday.一般疑问式was/were提前Was your father reading a newspaper this time yesterday?典题精讲经典题型 例1(2010武汉中考)He is ill in hospital, he cant come here

9、.A. soB. ifC. because思路解析:此题题意是“他生病住院了,因此不能来了”。前后两个句子是因果关系,因此答案为A。绿色通道:解对此类题应注意三个选项与含义和用法,so表结果,“因此,所以”;if表条件,“如果”;because表原因,“因为”。例2(2010湖北黄石中考) went surfing at the beach because of the terrible weather.A. SomeoneB. EveryoneC. NothingD. No one思路解析:此题题意是“因为天气糟糕,没有人去海滩冲浪”。根据句意及选项的意思可知故答案为D。绿色通道:解对此类题

10、应要注意揣摩句意,理解基础上作出选择,然后重读句子,进行检查。例3(2010厦门中考)Keep quiet, please. They a meeting right now.A. haveB. hadC. are havingD. have had思路解析:此题题意是“请安静,他们正在开会”。根据前面的祈使句,可以判断出后面的动作是正在进行,故用现在进行时。答案:C绿色通道:解对此类题应注意现在进行时的使用。有时看标志词,有时要根据句意作出判断。例4(2010徐州中考)I called you at eight oclock yesterday evening, but there was

11、no answer.Oh, Im sorry. I dinner at my friends home.A. have B. had C. was having D. have had思路解析:此题题意是“昨天晚上八点我给你打电话,但没人接。”“抱歉,当时我正在朋友家吃饭。”昨晚打电话时我正在朋友家,用过去进行时,故答案为C。黑色陷阱:本题的陷阱在于很多同学将对话内容分开来看,这样就会导致你对题目的选择片面符合某句的意思,而不符合对话的整体含义。原创题 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。Will the sky ever fall? The answer is no. But i

12、f it happens theres no need to be afraid!The American film Chicken Little(四眼天鸡) opened on November 4,2010.Its story teaches us: dont worry too much in your life.One day Chicken Little is in the woods when an acorn(橡子) falls on his head! This makes him afraid. He thinks a piece of sky is falling! He

13、cant wait to tell everyone about it. They run for their lives! When everyone learns the truth(真相),no one likes Chicken Little. They laugh at him. He gets a bad name in the town, Oakey Oaks. Its time for him to change others minds.Chicken Little begins to play baseball. He is not bigger than a ball,

14、but he plays very well! He helps his team win. Now they think hes great.Just then, a spaceship really does fall from the sky! The aliens(外星人) abroad have bad plans. Once again he must tell people about it! Will he get help from his friends in the town? Can he show himself a different person? You hav

15、e to watch the film to find it out!1. How did Chicken Little think the sky was falling?A. He was hit on the head by an acorn.B. A baseball hits him.C. A spaceship falls from the sky.D. He met an alien.思路解析:此题题是“四眼天鸡为何认为天塌下来了?”上文第三段前三句话提到有一天他正在树林里走着一个橡果正好砸在他头上,因此令他认为天塌下来了。答案:A2. Why do people give Chicken Little a bad nam


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