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1、密 封 线 学校 班级 姓名 学号 密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题一、 从B栏中选出正确答案填写在A栏BA. Yes, I am.B. No, he isnt.C. No, she doesnt.D. Yes, he does.E. No, Theyre Lisas.F. To the park.G. Yes, I do.A( )1.Does the girl want to be a nurse?( )2. Are you watching TV?( )3.Is your brother playing outside?( )4.Do you want to go home?( )5.Doe

2、s your brother making models?( )6.Are these keys yours?( )7.Where are you going?1.BA. Were watching TVB. She wants to be an office worker.C. Im a taxi driver.D.A police officer.E. Theyre my mothersF. At9:30.G. TO the bank.H. Theyre pajamas.A( )1.What do you do?( )2.Where are they going?( )3.What are

3、 you doing?( )4.What does Lisa want to be?( )5.What do you want to be?( )6.Whose keys are these?( )7.What are these?( )8.What time do you go to bed?2.BA. No, there wont.B. Yes, she is.C .He is going to surf the net.D. Yes, it willE. He met some friends.F. No, Im not.G. Yes, she did.H. There will be

4、a flower.A( )1. What did Tony do last Friday?( )2.What is he going to do next Friday?( )3.What will your flag be like?( )4.Wi11 there be a living room?( )5.Wi11 it be hot tomorrow?( )6.1s your sister going to read books?( )7.Are you going to surf the net?( )8.Did she sing a song last night?3.BA. In

5、a hotel.B. Yes, she isC. No, Shes going to go camping.D. No, she doesnt.E. She pushed a heavy stone.F. Yes, she can.G. By bus.A( )1.How is she going to Shanghai?( )2.Wheres she staying?( )3.ls she healthy?( )4.What did she push?( )5.ls she going to go sightseeing?( )6.Does she feel bad?( )7.Can she

6、go by coach?4BA. Because she was sad.B. Shes crying now.C. Yes. she was.D. She was at the bookstore.E. She hurt her leg.F. She cooked delicious noodlesA( )1. Was she at the bookstore at 7:15?( )2.Where was she last night?( )3.Why was she crying?( )4.What is she doing?( )5.What did she do last night?

7、( )6.What happened?5BA. They were digging slowly.B. Go straight to the traffic light.C. They were practicing the guitar.D. You have to walk slowly.E. They were at homeF. Its good for you.A( )1.What were they doing?( )2.Eat more vegetables!( )3.Where is it?( )4. Why did they take so long?( )5.Dont ru

8、n quickly!( )6.Where were they at 7:00?6AA. It will stop on Friday.B. SureHere you are.C. Yes, I doD. YesIts very big.E. Its a hundred dollarsF. No, I didnt.G. You have to blow it.H. Too much junk food is unhealthy.I. Its next to the bookstoreJ. Its Jupiter.K. Theyre behind the sofa.L. Shes writing.

9、B( )1.Excuse meWheres the bus stop?( )2.What else is bad for us?( )3.How do you play dizi?( )4.Did you send the letter to Jenny?( )5.How much is the hat?( )6.Is an elephant big?( )7.Which is the biggest planet?( )8.Do you have any cups?( )9.Can I have a peach?( )10. Wherere my skirts?( )11. Whats sh

10、e doing?( )12.When will the snow stop?7BA. No,we cant.B. No,they dont.C. Its Lantern Festival.D. We lived in a small house.E. Yes,but they are difficult.A( )1.Whats your favorite festival?( )2. Can we talk in the library?( )3. Where did you live many years ago?( )4. Have you got any chopsticks?( )5.

11、 Do snakes like music?8.BA. Yes, I did.B. No,he doesnt.C. I am bored.D. I wear size 18E. His leg hurts.F. I am 170cm tall.G. I went to the park.H. Its 85cmI. At three clock on Saturday afternoon.J. He likes collecting stamps.9A( )1. How tall are you?( )2. How big are your feet?( )3. How do you feel?

12、( )4. Does your father go to work?( )5. Whats the matter with Tom?( )6. What did you do yesterday?( )7.Did you clean the room yesterday?( )8. Whats your friends hobby?( )9.When are you going to the bookstore?( )10. How long is it?10BA. Im going to play football with my friends.B. Take bus No. 5.C. T

13、hank you.D. Nancy.E. Yes, speaking.F. Theyre Liu Taos.G. Im going to the playground.H. No,he doesnt.A( )1.Who would you like to write to?( )2. Whose stamps are they?( )3. Hello!Is that Miss Li?( )4. Happy Teachers Day!( )5. How can I get to the post office?( )6. What are you going to do this Sunday?( )7. Does Tom swim faster than Jim?( )8. Where are you going?11BA. Im from Canada.B. Mutton.C. Its in front of the schoolD. Its under the chair.E. Yes, Mr. Ma.F. I feel cold.G. Its eighty-five yuan.H. No, he isnt.I. Im ten.J. Its Monday.



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