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1、“先学顺导、实练精教”教学预案教学内容6A Unit 7Protect the Earth Story time共几课时5课型new第几课时1主 备 人陈燕华执 教陈燕华施教日期 年 月 日,星期 三维目标1、能听懂、会说、会读、会写:use, much, oil, drive, glass. We We should/should not.2、 能听懂、会说、会读词汇: protect , Earth, save, useful, waste, reuse, energy, most, come from ,coal, wood, cut down, too many, pl

2、astic, too much.3、 能听懂、会说、会读:Environmental protection and making suggestions 4、能掌握保护环境的英语语言知识,发展听说读写技能,形成用英语与他人交流的能力,从而提高自我综人文素养。重点能掌握三会、四会单词,能听懂、会说、会读、理解课文大意。难点能听懂、会说、会读:Environmental protection and making suggestions,增强环保意识,提高自我人文素养。教学资源1. 学生已有的学习经验:在第六单元学生已经掌握了一些环保的英语语言知识,本单元在这基础上将学更多的环保知识。2. 学生可

3、能遇到的问题:新单词较多,准确朗读较有困难;流利表达Environmental protection and making suggestions较有困难。3. 教学策略:A.通过观看video,创设情境,小组合作等活动帮助学生建构知识。B.学生在自主先学、主动探究、合作学习、踊跃展示的过程中,内化知识,提升能力。4.教学准备:PPT 、 图片课前铺垫1. 熟练谈论城市环境问题。2. 听录音,试读U7课文5遍,找出保护地球的几个观点,并能试着读一读。学 程 预 设学习要点Step 1: Pre-reading(10分钟)1. Learn:Earth2. Enjoy two videos3. T

4、hink over:What did some people do to the Earth?What should we do?Step 2: While-reading(20分钟)1.Watch the cartoon and answer “How to protect the Earth?”2.Learn four opinions:save water,save energy,save trees,Dont use too much plastic3.Learn:Save water(1) 任务驱动Tip:自己轻声朗读第一段Save water,用不同的符号标出(1分钟):Why s

5、hould we save water?How should we save water?(2) 自主先学学生根据任务先学,教师巡视了解情况。(3) 展示导学指名回答:Why should we save water?How should we save water?Lets judge指名判断给出的句子是Save water , waste water , reuse water。4. Learn from passage2 to 4(1) 任务驱动Tips:默读课文第2-4段,用不同的符号划出:Why?How?(2分钟)2人一组内互相问答:Why should we save.?/Why

6、shouldnt we use.How should we do?(3分钟)(2) 自主先学学生根据任务划出Why?How?根据任务小组间互问互答。(3) 展示导学通过自己读一读、划一划,小组互问互答:Why should we save.?/Why shouldnt we use.How should we do(4) 矫正提升Lets judge(P70)We shouldnt use plastic bags because they are not useful.(T/F)Enjoy reading-Listen and imitateStep4. Post-reading(5分钟)1

7、. Try to be guards(1) 任务驱动Tip:4人一小组,争当环保小卫士。要求:选择其中的一段练习,主动、灵活地发表自己的观点,也可以丰富内容。其余学生给出评价或建议。(3分钟)(2) 自主先学(3) 展示导学评价要点:句子是否表达正确,信息是否完整,表情、动作是否灵活、自然。2. Think and writeHow to protect the Earth?We should.We shouldnt.引出课题:Protect the Earth预设:Put the rubbish on the ground./Smoke from cars makes the air dir

8、ty./Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty.Put the rubbish into the bin./We can take the bus and the metro to school./We can plant more trees.Water is useful. We many places,there is not much water.We should not waste water,We should save and reuse it.reuse=use.again Learn:most,com

9、e from,energy,oilcoal,drive, wood, cut down, too many, plastic, too much. Key:We can use plastic bags.But after using,we shouldnt throw on the ground.We can reuse them.Start from us.Start from now. 板书设计 Protect the EarthSave water save energySave trees Dont use too much plastic .is useful. We should. We shouldnt.作业设计 Listen and read Unit 7 5times. Write down 5 problems about the Earth. Give some suggestions to protect the Earth.



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