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1、必修4 unit4练习一单词拼写1. They reached a c_(十字路口) marked by a signpost(路标). 2.He had to d_ himself against their charges(指控). 3I told him Id meet him here but perhaps he _(误解) and went straight to the pub. 4.Ill try to be a_(成熟的)about the situation. 5.Our vacation is a_(接近),but we still cant decide where t

2、o go. 6.Soon afterwards he make his first public s_(声明) about the affair. 7.The red lines on the map r_(代表)railways. 8.If a boy is c_(好奇的),he is always asking questions. 9.In your new job you will be expected to perform many f_(功能). 10.There is a s_(想象的)image of water in the desert. 11.There was a t

3、_(true) beautiful view from the bedroom. 12.Jane threw her arms around him and h_(hug) him tight(紧紧地)。 13. The students g_(greet ) us with a smile, which made us feel warm.14.They formed an a_(associate) for the poor people.15.He complains that there is a _(understand)and his wife doesnt understand

4、him.16. Lets set up an _ (社团) to help people in trouble.17. After listening to the long boring lecture, he stood up, stretched, _ (打哈欠) and left lazily.18. Tom (伸) his hand out to support the old man.19. The visitors (表达) their satisfaction.20. To be _ (主观) means not to look at problems objectively.

5、二短语和翻译_很有可能 _总的来说 _冷落某人 _丢脸_令自由自在 _保护免受伤害 _ 代表某人 _做的方法 _ 防卫 _确保 _亲吻某脸颊 _与有相似之处Stand close to_ be wrong about sb._ facial expressions_ Look sb. in the eye_三单项选择1. Look! Black clouds are gathering. Yes. Its _ that a heavy rain is coming. A. possibly B. probably C. likely D. really2. It was raining hea

6、vily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood _ to her mother.A. close B. closely C. closed D. closing3.-The last one _ pays the meal. -Agreed! A. arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving4. I quickly walked to the other side of the street to avoid _ him.A.to meet B.meeting C.to meeting D.having met 5

7、. The old couple are now quite _ because their son finished the task _ and has come home safe.A. ease; at ease B. at ease; with ease C. at ease; at ease D. easy; with ease6. As winter _, weather became cold.A. approachs B. approaching C. to approach D. approached7. The boy said that he did such a si

8、lly thing out of _.A. curiosity B. curiously C. curious D. curiousing8. If you are _ about Brazil, you may read this book. A. curious B. upsetC. strange D. interested9. What do you mean by saying that?I think you _ what I said. I meant no harm.A. understood B. misunderstood C. heard D. followed10. _

9、, a learned man makes fewer mistakes in life than a man without knowledge. A. In general B. As general C. On general D. At general11. How _ I was when I heard the _ news!A. disappointing; disappointed B. disappointed; disappointing C. disappointing; disappointing D. disappointed; disappointed12. - W

10、hat do you think of the book?- Oh, excellent. Its worth_ a second time.A. reading B. being read C. to read D. to be read13. You can get his help as he is a person who is willing _ others. A. helps B. helping C. help D. to help14. I dont think _possible to finish so much work within so short a time.

11、A. this B. it C. its D. that15. “Its raining too heavily at this moment,” said the old woman, _ out of the window. A. to look B. looking C. having looked D. looked 16. I dont like this kind of music. _. Its too noisy.A. Nor do IB. Nor I do C.Neither am I D. Neither I am17. Finding her car stolen, _.

12、 A. a policeman was asked to help B. the area was searched thoroughlyC. it was looked for everywhere D. she hurried to a policeman for help18. _ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. A. To wait B. Have waited C. Having waited D. To have waited19. P

13、eople from France do not behave in the same way we Chinese people do.A. what B. which C. at which D. /20. Do you know the tall man _ to Mr. King over there?Sorry, I dont know him. A. to speak B. speaking C. is speaking D. has spoken21. Three students _ Dongshan Middle School took part in the Oral English Competition.A. represent B. are representing C. representingD. represented22. -Can you _c_ yourself to others in English, Mary? -Sorry, I c


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