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1、日常办公室用语欢迎新员工1.Come with me, please. 请跟我来A:Hi, Jennifer.B:Hi,Lily,welcome to join us, I will show you around. Come with me,please.A:你好,珍妮佛。B:你好,莉莉,欢迎你加入我们,我带你四处看看,请跟我来。 2. Get on board 加入我们(团队)A: When did you get on board?B: Last Friday.A:你什么时候加入我们的?B:上周五。 3.I will give you an orientation. 我会教你适应环境的。

2、A: Its my first day at work. What am I supposed to do?B: Dont worry, I will give you an orientation.A:今天是我第一天上班,我应该做些什么呢?B:别担心,我会教你适应环境的。4.If you need anything, just.A: If you need anything, just give me a holler.B: Thank you, its very nice of you.A:如果你需要什么,跟我说一声。B:谢谢你,你真好。5.Let me show you around.让

3、我带你四处看看。A: This place is like a maze, Im totally confused.B: Let me show you around.A:这里像个迷宫,我完全糊涂了。B:我带你四处看看日常办公室用语询问(1)1.Badge 门卡,工卡A:Julie, where can I get a badge?B:Go to the Security Office, they will help you.A:朱莉,我到哪能拿到门卡啊?B:到保安办公室,他们能帮你。 2. Company bus 班车A: Are these company buses?B: Yes. It

4、s a service hired by the company.A:这是我们的班车吗?B:是的,这是公司提供的服务。 3.Communication Meeting 交流会A: How often is the communication meeting?B: Every quarter. Therell be a notice before the meeting.A: Whats covered in the meeting?B: Business status, financials, and the outlookof the company.A:交流会多长时间开一次?B:每季度开一

5、次,开会前会有通知。A:会上都说些什么啊?B:业务情况,财务情况和公司发展前景。4.Get paid 发工资A: How often do we get paid?B: Twice a month as a salaried employee. The hourly workers get paid every week. A:我们多久发一次工资?B:薪水工每月两次,小时工每周发一次。5.Get to work 来上班 A: How do I get work?B: There are quite a few buses you can take. Ill get a bus schedule

6、 for you. A:我怎么来上班啊?B:有几趟你可坐的公交车(通勤车),我会给你一份公交车时间表日常办公室用语询问(2)1.Housing 住房 A:How about the housing costs in this town?B:The average house will cost $200,000. If you rent, you are looking at $1,500 a month for a nice apartment. A:这个地方的住房费用怎么样?B:平均的房价是20万美元,如果租的话,好的公寓差不多一个月1500美元。 2. Income tax 所得税A:

7、Does the company withhold income tax?B: Yes. You need to fill a W-4 form, so we know how much we should withhold.A:公司预扣所得税吗?B:是的,你得填一个W-4表,以便我们知道我们需要扣多少。 3.Insurance payment 保险金A: How do we pay our portion of the insurance payment?B: It will be deducted from the salary for each paycheck.A:我们怎样付自己承担的

8、那部分保费?B:从每次发的工资里扣除。4.Lunch 午餐A: Where do you go for lunch?B: Some of us go to the Cafeteria. You can go out for lunch as well.A:你们在哪儿吃午饭啊?B:有的去自助食堂,你也可以出去吃。5.Outside line 外线A: How do I get an outside line?B: Easy! Just dial zero. A:我怎么拨打外线电话啊?B:很简单!只要加拨0就可以了。日常办公室用语询问(3)1.Pension plan 养老金计划A:Do we h

9、ave a pension plan?B:Yes. But you need to work in the company for five years before youre eligible. A:我们有养老金计划吗?B:有,但必须要在本公司工作5年以上才有资格。 2. Pick the medical plan 选择医疗保险A: How do I pick the medical plan?B: There is a comparison chart for various plans. Ill get you the chart.A:我怎样选择医疗保险?B:有一个不同医疗保险的比较表

10、,我把表拿给你。 3.Restroom 洗手间A: Where is the restroom?B: Take a left here, go straight, and youll run into it.A:请问洗手间在哪里?B:左转,直走就到了。4.Salary slip 工资条A: So we get a salary slip even if we sign up for direct deposit?B: Yes. It will state your gross salary, tax withhold, social security, other deducation, an

11、d net income. A:如果工资直接存款的话,也能拿到工资条吗?B:是的,工资条上面会列出你的工资总额,预扣的所得税,社会保险,其他扣款以及净收入额。5.TA 出差审批单 A: Who does our TA?B: Jennifer does. Talk to her, and she will show you how to do it.A:谁负责我们的TA啊?B:珍妮弗负责。问问她,她会告诉你怎么做。注:TA= Travel Authorization致歉:商务口语会刊第2期的Company bus 班车句子翻译出现了问题,不好意思,以后的内容我们会更仔细的检查。翻译应为:A:这些

12、是班车吗?B:是的,是公司租用的服务。日常办公室用语请假(1)1.Annual check-up 年度例行身体检查 A:Hello John, I need to go for my annual check-up, I need to take this morinig off.B:No problem, go ahead. A:你好,约翰,我要去做每年例行身体检查,所以今天上午想请个假。B:没问题,去吧。 2. Family issues 家庭问题A: Hey Wendy, I got some family issues that I need to take off tomorrow.

13、B: Okay, could you fill the request form for taking the day off?A: Sure, I will submit it for your approval.B: Right.A:嗨,温迪,我家里有点事儿,明天想请个假。B:好的,填一张请假申请单好吗?A:当然,我会交给你签字批准。B:好的。3.Funeral 葬礼A: Lisa, I need to attend a funeral this Friday.B: Can you arrange everything on your hands?A: Yes.B: Fill an abs

14、ence form, and I will sign it.A:莉萨,我这个周五要去参加葬礼。B:你能把手头的事情都好好安排一下吗?A:好的。B:填一张请假申请单,我给你签字。4.Go to a wedding 参加婚礼A: Julie, my best friend is getting married this Saturday.B: Good, you must be going to the ceremony.A: Sure, I am supposed to work overtime on Saturday. I will have to work on Sunday instea

15、d.B: No problem.A:朱莉,我最好的朋友这个周六结婚。B:好啊,那你一定要去参加婚礼喽。A:对啊,我本来还想周六加班呢,看来得周日了。B:没问题。5.Go to the hospital 去医院A: Bob, I got to go to the hospital tomorrow.B: Anything serious?A: Not sure. I will be late tomorrow morning.B: Thats okay.A:鲍勃,我明天得去医院?B:严重吗?A:我也不知道,我明天早上得晚来一会儿。B:好的。日常办公室用语请假(2)1.Late for work 迟到 A:June, Im sorry to be late, my kid was sick and I had to take her to the hospital.B:You shouldve called me, we worried about you.A:Sorry about t



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