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1、Unit8 Chinese New Year第二课时 二次备课教学内容:Grammar time &Fun time教学目标:1.能正确、熟练地运用一般将来时,表达自己将要做的事情。2.能正确说出在新年里需要做或者将要做的事情。3.能发现节日的特点,并正确使用英语表达。教学重点: 能正确表达一般将来时教学难点: 正确表达每个节日的特点课时训练点:一般将来时的正确表达,on/at的运用教学准备: 1教具准备:PPT , 录音机 2教学准备:练习纸 3板书准备:一般将来时的问答句型结构。教学过程: Step 1 Warming-up and review.1. Free talk:What day

2、 is it today?What are you going to do today?What holiday is going to be next week?2. Review story time1)Annas family are going to celebrate Chinese New Year. What are they going to do? ( 播放课文动画)2)Fill in the blanksNext week is Chinese New Year. Annas family is going to celebrate it in Hong Kong. The

3、y _ going to buy _ _ _ and food tomorrow. In the evening, they are going to _ some _ and _.On Chinese New Years Eve, theyre going to _ _ with their relatives. After that, theyre going to buy some _.On Chinese New Years Day, Annas parents will give her _ _ and _ _ _ with her.On the second day, they a

4、re going to watch _ in the evening.Anna is very excited .Step 2 Presentation1.T: We use Simple future tense to talk about Annas plan for Chinese New year. Please work in pairs ask and answerDistinguish on/at Ask ss to list more future time.2. T: At Chinese New Year, we can see (展示图片)watch fireworks

5、看烟花set off firecrackers 放鞭炮watch a lion dance 观看舞狮表演give/get red packets 给/收红包T: These are the symbols of Chinese New Year. Can you say something more?S1: dumplingsS2: spring coupletsS3: a dish of fish 3. T: Chinese New Year is the most important holiday in China. Therere also many important holiday

6、s in the world.Lets look at the pictures and say.T: These holidays are from different countries. Lets put them in correct shapes. Lets read them together.4. T: OK. You all do the good job. We are going to have a rest. Lets play a game. “pick and say “T: Now I have four cards here about holidays. I p

7、ick one card and you ask me some questions to guess what holiday it is. Ss: What are you going to do buy make?T: Im going to buy some clothes for myself, Im going to make a cake. Im going to have a party and get lots of gift.Ss: Is it birthday?T: Yes , it is.5. Ss pick and guess in groups.Rules:a. F

8、our in a group;b. Each one picks only one card;c. Dont tell others about your holidays.d. Others ask and guess what holiday it is6. Write and say:_ is coming. Im going to _My _ are going to_Were _. _Step 3 Consolidation1.T: Nowadays, Some Western holidays become more and more popular(流行的).Lots of Ch

9、inese prefer(更喜欢) Western holidays to Chinese holidays.I hope every Chinese person can pay more attention to(更重视) Chinese traditional(传统的) holidays.Lets try to introduce Chinese holidays.1.Four in a group and open the envelope;2.Take out the piece of paper and finish it;3.Take out the stickers to de

10、corate(装饰) it;4.Read it in groups.5.Show time.2.Teacher add more Chinese traditional festivals.【当堂训练】1. 选用疑问词填空 (what ; when ; why ; what food ; what place ; who )1._ are you going to do? Im going to read books.2._are you going to visit? Im going to visit my uncle.3._are going to eat? Im going to ea

11、t tangyuan.4._are they going to make? Theyre going to make dumplings.5._is she going to visit? Shes going to visit Nanjing.6._is Chinese New day? Its in January or Febuary.7._are you going to Shanghai? Next week.8._are you so happy? Because I have a red packets. 2. 完成课堂作业,抄写单词和句型Step4 Homework1. Finish workbook period 22. Use Simple future tense to make a dialogue, talk about your plan for this weekend.3. Read books or surf the Internet, try to know more about Chinese traditional festivals.Blackboard design板书设计: Unit 8 Chinese New Year What are you going to . aton ? Im going to 教后反思:


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